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Badgermum Liza

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Character Sheet for Jallop Pastinaca
The Butcheress, Empress of Pain
European Hare(Lepus europaeus)
Character Description
Jallop was Redwall Abbey's healer/doctor/surgeon under Abbots Josiah, Serney, and Abbess Gwendolyn. She is the abbey's third healer, a fairly new position in its long history as a place of safety. She came to assist at Redwall Abbey in November of 5630 when the Flea Plague of Marl resurfaced at the abbey. She was a Long Patrol Hare in her early 30s at that time and had more medical expertise than anyone in Mossflower. The flea plague had been brought to Redwall Abbey by the brothers and sisters who recently returned from Marl. One of those was a mouse named Brother Serney Blanders.

Serney was very curious about Jallop, such a strong female with a deep darkness about her. She didn't quite fit the Long Patrol, yet she was right at home getting in harm's way. Jallop explained the epiphany she felt in Marl. The sick Marlfoxes saw her as The Angle of Death instead of their rescuer. Obviously her and the rest of the Long Patrol proved otherwise to their past adversaries. But it was the first time Jallop felt hurt. She didn't want to be seen as a nightmare figure.

"Why in Creation would you think that of yourself?" Serney asked.

Jallop explained how her lack of feelings enabled her to do things that of special interest to the Long Patrol. She was the one that could make vermin talk, and fellow Long Patrol Hares if need be. Her understanding of anthro anatomy came from dismembering vermin corpses in her teens and 20s, sometimes under the approval Sergeant Rubus Improcane. Yes, she was the most skilled healer the Long Patrol had ever had. But her fellow hares were scared to death of her. She was known as the Butcheress and the Empress of Pain throughout Mt. Salamandastron. Sergeant Cornelius Longstride had recently approached her to help him create an elite fighting force where she could, "live to her true potential." She was concerned about who she was becoming as a warrior and wanted to be a healer full time. She returned to Salamandastron and quickly packed.

The Long Patrol high command were sorry see Jallop leave. There was some quiet scoffing, but they wished her luck. She journeyed three weeks in the snow and arrived back at Redwall Abbey January 5, 5631. The next day, she became Sister Jallop Pastinaca, Healer of Redwall Abbey. She took over the quarters of her predecessor, Sister Iris Prink, who passed away a few years back.

The good creatures of Redwall welcomed their new healer. Sister Jallop's calling was heeded well. Creatures from all over Mossflower Country sought the help of Redwall's new healer, and Jallop delivered. Her calm darkness, monotone voice, deadpan stare, and general lack of emotion made creatures afraid of her at first. But it also made folks take her seriously and realize she wasn't a one of the many charlatans around. In fact, even the charlatans came to her and were immediately humbled.

Over the years, Jallop found her emotions because she found true friendship among her fellow abbey dwellers. Especially Brother Serney, who believed everyone had something positive to bring to the world. It was Serney who 'healed' Jallop by helping her focus her dark interests and skills toward a virtuous pursuit. Jallop increased her knowledge of medicine and took on a shy but skilled assistant, a young mousemaid named Papavera. The two have been inseparable since. The small quiet nonthreatening mouse is the perfect compliment to the imposing haremaid.

Her past came back to her with the 5637 eruption of Mt. Salamandastron. The Long Patrol were suddenly all around Redwall Abbey and once again she was seeing and treating some of the same hares she used to. The names Butcheress and Empress of Pain were jokingly thrown around again. The abbeyfolk laughed, but some of the young hares shared stories. It was embarrassing and hurtful to Jallop. She confronted General Thunderfoot, "I am Sister Jallop of Redwall Abbey. Tell your soldiers." He put the disrespect to an end immediately.
Jallop suffers (or benefits) from a psychopathic disorder causing lack of empathy, lack of emotion, and little ability to discern right from wrong. She KNOWS right from wrong as far as what is accepted in Mossflorian society, but lacks any emotional regard toward it. Unsure how to react appropriately to others' emotions without some guidance.

She thinks very logically and holds deep curiosity of the natural world. She is very intelligent, meticulous, and focused when it comes to tasks. She is patient, which makes her a good listener. She may show little emotion, but she'll remember every conversation she has.

Jallop found true meaning in Redwall Abbey, and that lead her to discover her emotions. In middle age, she finally learned how to have friends and be accepted. She can still switch everything off when the situation calls for it.
More than anything, Jallop is fascinated with how the anthropomorphic anatomy works. She likes to get inside, dissecting, reconnecting, cracking, healing, disemboweling, alive or dead. She loves her new Redwall friends and their acceptance. She'll take a medical challenge head on, whether it's surgical or medicinal. Enjoys a few good pints of October Ale.

A confusing love/hate relationship with the Long Patrol. After all, they encouraged her to explore her darkest desires and curiosities leading to her present medical expertise. But she knows it was for their benefit, not her's. She doesn't like being feared, although she'll use it to her advantage when needed.
Jallop Nina Pastinaca was born on August 13, 5597 in the village of Salamandastron along the River Moss, just north of Mt. Salamandastron. She is the only child of Drentor and Feleen Pastinaca, a hare couple that migrated from the Kingdom of Bresco to escape civil unrest due to drought. Salamandastron, of course, was known as the home of the Long Patrol Hares. Jallop's parents raised her as a Mossflorian so she would blend in. Jallop was a quiet, obediant, well behaved leveret. But it wasn't long before her parents noticed strange things about her.

She rarely cried, laughed, smiled, or frowned. She didn't play, just examined and collected objects. Plants and insects mostly. Then reptiles and amphibians, living or dead. She'd kill them, dissect them, reduce them to bones and try to put them back together. Other cubs were frightened of her, called her psycho. When she was 8 years old, she eavesdropped on a conversation among some Long Patrol hares about how to break someone's arm. Two days later, she tried it on local bully. The 10-year-old otter boy's screams were heard across the village. The skinny haremaid cracked the boys arm at the elbow and had him pinned on the ground wetting himself. She moved his broken arm around and was about to cut it open with her knife when she was pulled off. The incident left her a pariah in the village, but of interest to the Long Patrol.

Jallop's parents abandoned her when she was 12, returning to Bresco. Left to fend for herself in Salamandastron, she provided for herself by making tools and trinkets out of bones. Jallop was quite attractive, and sexual favors went a long way. She enjoyed the physical pleasures of sex, but could care less about romance. She liked experimenting with the psychology of using pleasure and pain to manipulate others.

Jallop joined the Long Patrol Cadet Corps when she was 16. She was an obedient recruit, and an average soldier. But she had the stomach for the darker stuff. Using her body as a weapon and methods of killing fascinated her. This was a time of rapid expansion for the Long Patrol under Corporal Thunderfoot. Jallop was in Thunderfoot's unit that often pursued a regional warlord and his horde of bandits. At one encounter, she offered herself as bait.

Jallop's unit hid while she pretended to be a traveler. As soon as a large rat got within reach, she pulled her knife and split his stomach open. As the rest of the gang moved in, the hares pounced and subdued them. "Make them watch." Jallop said quietly. She calmly disemboweled, skinned, and deboned the rat that had approached her. She placed his bloody skinned skull on the ground facing the secured vermin. The act was horrific to both the vermin and Long Patrol. Jallop had never felt so alive.

"This one's your's." Thunderfoot said as he transfered Jallop to the sadistic Sergeant Rubus. Rubus asked Jallop, "What would you like to do?"

"Bring me the dead ones, or....when you need information." she said with her deadpan eyes.

So Jallop became the Butcheress, dismembering corpses, learning as she went. She rarely had to torture vermin because she knew how to use the fear and illusion of pain to extract information. Her reputation was known. Her knowledge of anatomy allowed her to set broken joints, fractures, and safely stitch wounds. Thus rose Jallop the healer.

Jallop found healing more satisfying because it was mutually positive and still fulfilled her interest in anatomy. She continued her position as butcheress and healer of the Long Patrol for the next 7 years, until the 5630 Flea Plague of Marl as described above.

15 years later, Queen Guivderin arrived at Redwall Abbey. To Jallop, Guivderin was a shining example of what a powerful female should be. The two hit it off immediately. Jallop was disgusted by the Long Patrol's distrust of her and fully supported a unified Mossflower. She took private satisfaction in seeing the arrogant Long Patrol return defeated by the Siberians.
Jallop has no close surviving family members. She is aware of some first cousins living in the Bresco Kingdom on the Italian Peninsula. They were the ones who informed her of her parents' passing of old age.
Set on planet Earth approximately 50,000 years in the future. All of my Redwall OCs are depicted as they were in the year 5645(Year Zero was when time measurements switched from seasons to years.), the year of the Rendezvous of the Six Armies. Most of Chucky's world is stone aged to medieval at this time, with some increasing industrialization. The most modern cities have technology equivalent to that of Ancient Rome. Worldwide ocean travel exists with celestial navigation, although it is a risky undertaking.

Jallop Pastinaca is from Salamandastron. The ancestral home to badgerlords and hares is a frequent setting in most of the Redwall books. It is described as an extinct volcano on the shore of the Western Sea, and just south of the mouth of the River Moss.
In Jallop's time, the industrial city of Salamandastron straddles the mouth of the River Moss. Water power is used in various methods of manufacturing and forging. A large bridge joins the north and south halves of the city. As the River Moss was a frequent method of invasion to Mossflower Country, this bridge acts as a barrier and can be lowered to block any ship from entering or leaving.

Jallop was 40 and living in Redwall Abbey when the assumed extinct Mt. Salamandastron erupted, destroying the millennia-old home of the Long Patrol. The city of Salamandastron remained intact and continues to flourish under Badgerlord Paulvo the Savvy. Most badgers and the Long Patrol relocated to the forest surrounding Redwall Abbey. This was the start of what would become Mossflower City. Most Redwall stories take place in Mossflower Country. For the purpose of crossover with Chucky's world, Mossflower is what most of Western Europe is known as. Mossflower Proper, covers the Iberian Peninsula. Redwall Abbey sits near what we know as Valladolid, Spain.(yes, I know there are some holes in my geography, but just go with it.) And although this area experiences a semiarid Mediterranean Climate in our time, in Jallop's time, the climate has cooled and Mossflower experiences a climate similar to the rest of Western Europe.

Mossflower Country has no centralized government, just a common language of Mossflorian. It is a collections of kingdoms, species based tribal communities, communal settlements like Redwall Abbey and Mt. Salamandastron, and a few true cities like Southsward and Marl. Its history is that of survival and tribal warfare. Small kingdoms under a feudal system run by a lord or chieftain would trade or fight with each other for better land and resources. Larger communities grew in places where farming was done on a large scale. Redwall Abbey was built between early 4109 and 4129. It became known throughout the regions as a place of sanctuary, and a place of riches. The Redwall book series does a good job of explaining life in Mossflower over the next thousand years or so.

Mossflower began seeing changes in past centuries. Free markets began forming allowing creatures to make a living with their own skills. The quickest change was the sudden lack of 'vermin hordes'. Rats, weasels, stoats, foxes, and other 'vermin' no longer needed to join hordes for survival. The rat city of Blaggot, fox city of Marl, and northern coast trade port of Coltswart where such places. Relations between creatures and kingdoms softened. Internal trade and travel grew, and Mossflower felt smaller.

Most agree that the 5637 eruption of Mt. Salamandastron ended the era of 'Old Mossflower' for good. The displaced Long Patrol became the new horde for a short time. Then a new enemy approached from the east, not set on riches, but on empire building. 'Goodbeast' and 'vermin' alike cowered as the Long Patrol's first attack was efficiently cut down. Was this new invader unstoppable? Can Mossflower put their past permanently behind them and become a nation that fights together? Jallop believes Queen Guivderin is the key to this unity.
Standard fur colors and pattern for a European Hare. Healthy thick female figure, abbey life has made her a little pudgy. Nice butt. Quite attractive other than her 'dead stare' that has always made folks uneasy. She also stands at an imposing 6 feet tall, not including ears, making her the second tallest female in the abbey behind Badgermum Liza.

Many scars on her body from self mutilation, usually hidden by clothing. On hot nights, she wears a light nightgown that reveals some scars. "I was confused when I was young, I cut myself so that I could feel." she would tell young abbeyfolk.
Healer's outfit as pictured above. Her dress's dark red color partially camouflages any blood splatters to put a patient at ease. A charcoal grey wimple over her head as standard abbey attire. Single piece nightgown to bed.
Various medieval 'medical' instruments that she's improved on throughout the years. She designs most of her surgical tools based on various trades tools, applied to anthro anatomy. She then entrusts forging to Paulvo Hammerfist, the badgerlord's younger brother.

She retains her Long Patrol lance, safely hooked underneath her bed-frame for quick access. She hasn't forgotten how to use it.
by Chucky
Confident Skipper of Otters
Badgermum Liza
Sister Jallop is Redwall Abbey's lead healer. She is almost always accompanied by her assistant, Sister Papavera. Jallop has been with Redwall Abbey for 15 years. She is the closest thing to a doctor you'll find in Mossflower for now, or for the next few centuries. She knows how to heal you and make you feel safe, but she also knows how to make you feel helpless and make you talk.

Even though everyone likes her, Jallop has a bit of a creep factor, a mysterious darkness. Everyone trusts her and you can count on her to make your ailment go away or how to fix yourself. One thing is for sure, if you go to her, you'll be in HER domain and SHE is in charge. Jallop carries a calm dominance about her. She is also happy to teach and happy to learn.

Redwall and all associated names and places are (c) Brian Jacques

female 1,085,719, mouse 54,238, hare 11,750, medical 1,722, redwall 294
Type: Character Sheet
Published: 4 years, 6 months ago
Rating: General

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4 years, 6 months ago
Sister Jallop is a really fascinating character! and I very much aprove of seeing a character with her psychological disorder not being made into some kind of villain or antagonist. Especially loving how Serney befriended her and helped her grow even further! I was kinda hoping to know how his death affected her as I read her backstory.
4 years, 6 months ago
Thanks! Serney is responsible for bringing on an eclectic band of misfits to Redwall Abbey. I'll be uploading more character sheets in the future. Notice the little mousemaid has an earring. No one prior to Abbot Serney would have been okay with that.

Jallop was completely crushed when Serney was assassinated. Everyone was. I'll show it on the next page of the White Witch comic because Gwendolyn was at his funeral as a cub. Abbess Gwendolyn(the other Gwendolyn) took charge immediately and made sure the abbey didn't become a bloodbath of vengeance. Jallop would have gladly skinned the assassins alive right there.
4 years, 6 months ago
I really look forward to the next page then for sure^^ And I'm sure I may have said this before elsewhere at some point, but I am really invested in your interpretation of Redwall lore and history. It's really fascinating and interesting!
4 years, 6 months ago
Serney Blanders?

You maniac! :-)
4 years, 6 months ago
I couldn't resist.
4 years, 6 months ago
Wonderful description dear.

4 years, 6 months ago
niiiice also VERY cute bunny lady ;3 woudl not mind getting healed by her ~)^ long as she keeps those wicked looking forceps away XD
4 years, 6 months ago
She has her ways of distracting you or simply giving you some opium if she needs to use them.
4 years, 6 months ago
poor little kev on Opium XD Nope cant see it! Distraction and a lolipop after ;3
4 years, 6 months ago
Awesome work Chucky!!
4 years, 6 months ago
It's a really nice one  <3  <3
4 years, 6 months ago
I see this... And she demands some kinky fanart.
4 years, 6 months ago
Please do!!
4 years, 6 months ago
Those are some interesting foreplay implements, you have my attention.
4 years, 6 months ago
Such a fascinating backstory and character. I like this sister.
4 years ago
Really interesting backstory for a such tragic but saved sister with such a harsh disorder but it's good that she has good people to help through her problems, I hope you can have another pinup for her soon, especially in her private time.
4 years ago
Thanks man. She was one of my favorites to develop. I plan on doing more with these characters at some point.
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