Stealing a moment alone with my beautiful vixen. It has been a while since we had a picture of just the two of us, so I felt it was time. She keeps me going.
Art belongs to the always amazing kristein Her post: Pending
Aw, and thanks. We're just lucky that way I suppose. I hope you can afford to get some art like this done sometime, too. Everyone should have a cutie to squeeze now and then!
Twin tails huh? Is that what you call 'em? Aw, and thanks. We're just lucky that way I suppose. I h
-squeakykitty noises!- Definitely need lots more pictures with just you two. The world needs more motherly love, especially the love between the best moms a kitty could ever ask for~
-squeakykitty noises!- Definitely need lots more pictures with just you two. The world needs more mo