After a few hours of sleeping, Leonidas and Cynder woke-up and stretched out they’re anatomy. “How did you sleep little sister?” Leonidas asked. “Slept like a lump on a log” Cynder said. “Good to know.” Leonidas said. “How did you sleep big bro?” Cynder asked. “Slept like a hatchling.” Leonidas said. “Good to know.” Cynder said. A savage then Skabb came along and said, “Cynder, your time to shine by yourself is now.” “No, I don’t go anywhere without my brother.” Cynder said. Leonidas put Cynder on his back and looked at Skabb with his blood-red eyes. “Fine, your brother can watch in the shadows while you fight.” Skabb said. Leonidas placed Cynder down next to him and faded into her shadow. “Alright, as long as he’s with me, I’ll be alright in this fight.” Cynder said.
In the Arena, “Before you leave we have a special bonus match.” Skabb said. “Cool a bonus match.” Sparx said excited. “It’s going to be Spyro the Dragon against, the former queen of terror herself, CYNDER!!!!!!!” Skabb said with enthusiasm. That’s when Spyro and Cynder met for the second time. “You see I told you she was evil, look my eye is twitching again.” Sparx said erratically. Spyro and Cynder started circling each other and Spyro didn’t even notice that Leonidas was in Cynder’s shadow. “Just like old times, huh Spyro?” Cynder said. “Cynder, I don’t want to fight you.” Spyro said. “Don’t worry Spyro; I’m just putting on a show for the crowd so we can figure out what to do.” Cynder said. “Don’t trust her she wants to eat me.” Sparx said. Then out of nowhere Gaul’s forces came in and took Cynder away. “Let me go, help Spyro!!!” Cynder yelled. “CYNDER!!!!!!” Spyro yelled back. “Spyro, there’s an opening.” Sparx said. While Cynder was in the hand of the ape then Leonidas appeared out of nowhere and killed all the apes, and made sure that Cynder was perfectly fine. “Come on Cynder, let’s get out of here.” Leonidas said putting Cynder on his back and took off towards the Well of Souls. Cynder held onto Leonidas and never let go of him.
After a long time of flying with the Night of Eternal Darkness arriving Leonidas and Cynder arrived at the Well of Souls. “Here we are, the Well of Souls.” Leonidas said to Cynder. “Do you think we should go inside?” Cynder hypothetically asked. “We’ve got no choice but to go inside, there’s nowhere else to go.” Leonidas said. “I guess you’re right.” Cynder said. Leonidas then started flying towards the entrance and covered Cynder with his wings and kept his guard up. Cynder then hid in the shadow of Leonidas’ wings.
Reaching the top of the Mountain, “Well, well, the long lost former purple Dragon has returned.” Gaul said. Leonidas then went wide eyed and asked, “What did you say?” Gaul then immediately covered his mouth trying to silence himself. “I’m not a black Dragon, I’ve been a purple Dragon all along?!” Leonidas asked a bit angry. “I’m sorry Leonidas, but the reason Malefor wanted me to hide you is so you wouldn’t attract attention to yourself.” Gaul said. “Change me into my purple form, NOW.” Leonidas demanded. “I would but I don’t have the power.” Gaul said. “Then who does?!” Leonidas asked really pissed. “Only Malefor has the power to change you back.” Gaul then noticed that he was covering someone on his back. “What are you looking at?” Leonidas asked very aggressively. “Who is that on your back?” Gaul asked very curiously. “That’s none of your business the only thing you should be focused on is changing me back to my normal form!” Leonidas yelled very angry. Gaul then started to get a bit worried about this. Leonidas’ eyes then turned pure white and his markings went from white to blood RED and said very angry, “Your glad I don’t kill you right here and know.” Gaul then gulped and said, “Just take some time to relax also, take a load off.” Leonidas then turned back into his normal self and then turned around and layed flat on his stomach. Cynder made it so that she couldn’t be noticed. Gaul then motioned for the other apes to unfold Leonidas’ wing to see who was underneath them. As the apes went grab Leonidas’ wings he then slammed both apes into the walls. Gaul then walked around Leonidas examining him and then said, “I see you’ve gotten more powerful than last time we met.” Gaul said. “More powerful than you could ever imagine.” Leonidas said proud of his new powers. Gaul chuckled and said, “I’m surprised you came alone.” “Actually, no I didn’t.” Leonidas said. “Then who did you bring with you?” Gaul asked. Leonidas unfolded his wings and Cynder immediately flew over to Gaul trying to attack him, but got cut off by Gaul’s hand. “So, the traitor returns.” Gaul said. “You can’t get away with this Gaul.” Cynder said. “Oh, but I already have, and your part of the plan anyways.” Gaul said taking Cynder into a secret room leaving Leonidas on his own and then he faded away into the shadows.
When Spyro arrived at the Throne room in the Well of Souls, Leonidas was nowhere in sight and the room was quiet. Spyro landed and asked, “Where are we?” “A better question is what’s that smell?” Sparx asked. Spyro and Sparx both looked in front of them and saw the Well of Souls and slowly inched closer to it, then the room started to light up and Gaul’s laughter could be heard until the light shined upon him and then Gaul said, “Purple welpling, it’s fitting that you should be here tonight, as we bare witness the new dark new age, and the failure of your pathetic race of Dragons.” Gaul said. “I wouldn’t miss it Gaul.” Spyro said reluctantly. “Then please have a seat.” Gaul said using his staff to drain Spyro’s energy then laughed evilly and said, “Foolish Dragon, you are no match.” Gaul said. “I’ve made it this far haven’t I?” Spyro asked. “Yes, you’ve been quite elusive, though if it wasn’t for your miserable amity for Cynder.” Gaul said. “Psst, what’s amity?” Sparx asked one of the apes. “How tragic really, that she should be the one to destroy you.” Gaul said as Cynder attacked Spyro. “Ah, the nightmare never ends.” Sparx said covering his eyes. “You don’t need to do this Cynder.” Spyro said getting up though he didn’t have any energy to blow any fire. “Just like old times huh Spyro, same as last time line me up with his staff.” Cynder whispered to Spyro. Spyro and Cynder then circled each other in battle stance and then Cynder took her chance and Spyro got out of the way and Cynder went straight for Gaul, but Gaul snatched her up in his hand and said, “This isn’t over.” Gaul said and threw Cynder against the wall causing her to fall to the ground unconscious. Then an ape started walking towards Spyro but got cut off by Gaul who said, “Don’t touch him, the welpling is mine.” And the battle began.
After the battle with Gaul, “SPYRO STOP!!!” Cynder yelled to Spyro. “Whoa, calm down man it’s me.” Sparx said. “Uh, uh, I can’t.” Spyro said as Cynder then charged at Spyro knocking him out of the Well of Souls and then Leonidas appeared in the background. Sparx flew over to Spyro and said, “Spyro?” Cynder landed and Spyro said, “What have I done?” “It’s okay Spyro, you’re with friends.” Cynder said. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop.” Spyro said as the Well of Souls started to collapse and Sparx yelled out, “Wa-oh, that’s our only way out.” Cynder then took her steps forward and said, “Come on, now’s our chance.” Spyro looked up and said, “Just go.” “Get up Spyro; I’m not leaving without you.” Cynder said. “Usually I’d say ignore her, but she’s making sense this time.” Sparx said. As Spyro got up Leonidas was right behind them in shadow form and noticed there was no way out and said, “Oh no, we’re trapped.” Spyro then looked to Sparx and then over to Cynder and heard the Chronicler’s words go through his head saying, “Ride out this storm, and live to fight another day.” Spyro then said, “Get close to me, NOW.” Sparx Cynder and of course, Leonidas got very close to Spyro and then Spyro wrapped his wing around Sparx and Cynder and then a gold glow came from Spyro and then Spyro trapped all four of them in a crystal as the Well of Souls then continued to collapse and then Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, and Leonidas fell into a very deep sleep.
To Be Continued………..