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Galactic Republic of Ess'Jaggonian Planets

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Galactic Republic of Ess'Jaggonian Planets
Jhabbanid Confederacy
This is a new Galactic map for my Stellaris Story idea.
I can't believe it took as long as it did. Apologies for the lack of uploads, being lazy. Hope to upload actual art rather than this lore thingy-ma-bob oo-ga-ma-flip. I spent way too much time on this, but I found it a fun exercise in establishing LORE! Because I am smart like that.

The Galactic Republic:
Colour on Map: Green
Form of State: Galactic Council.
Capitals: Governmental Capital: Pyongyang Cosmetropolis, United Soveirgn Nation of Earth (USNE), Orion-Cygnus Central Authority (OCCA), International Coalition of Colonisation (ICC).
Judicial Capital: Republic Spire, Myrria, Interstellar Ztrakpor Republic (IZR).
Legislative Capital: New League City Spire, Fen Habbanis III, Fen Habbanis Planetary Republic, Tiyal Multistellar Alliance (TMA).
Founded: 2210TS (Terran Standard)
Origin: Military Alliance:-The Galactic Republic was founded as Military Alliance.
Founding Species: Human, Tiyal, Mitron
Ethics: Fanatic Xenophile, Egalitarian.
Government: President of Republic (Head of State/Government), Council of Nations (Executive Branch), Senate of Representatives (Legislative Branch), the Court of Galactic Law (Judicial Branch).
Military: Reoublic Guard (Guard of Galactic Republic Officials, Representatives and facilities), The Republican Navy (5 Fleets, North, South, East, West, and Centre), and the Independent Armies and Navies of Member States.
Description: The Galactic Republic is the largest united force in the Galaxy. Originally founded by the International Coalition of Colonisation, Tiyal Multistellar Alliance, and the Council of Sutharia, to help protect each other from the increasingly hostile Nation of the Jhabbanid Confederacy and the Galactic Republic of Ess'Jaggonian Planets. Eventually after many wars, and many attempts to use diplomacy to ease tension, once Hostile Nations soon joined the Republic, especially as other more Hostile forces like, the Hegemony of Krongaar, the Collem Khanate, the Thelmar Swarm, and the Sekk-Lokkaran Democratic Republic, began to threaten the stability and prosperity of the Galaxy.

International Coalition of Colonisation:
Colour on Map: Green with Blue Stripes.
Form of State: A Democratic Confederation of Independent States.
Capital: Jerusalem, the Republic of Israel, USNE, OCCA.
Largest City: Greater Tokyo, Japan, USNE, OCCA.
Founded: 2035TS
Origin: World War 3:- The ICC was founded after the end of a 3rd World War on Earth.
Founding Species: Human
Ethics: Xenophile, Miltaristic, Egalitarian, Libertarian, Individualist.
Government: Commissioner-General (Head of State), First Councilor (Head of Government), Coalition Council (Executive Branch), Assembly of the Coalition (Legislative Branch).
Military: Coalition Marines, Coalition Navy, Military Authority Army (ICC Owned Forces), Colonial Armies (Colonial Owned forces).
Authroities: Orion-Cygnus Central Authority (Green with Blue stripes), Inner Orion Military Directorate (Green with Blue and Red Stripes), Sagitarius Colonial Republics (Green with Blue and Orange Stripes), Outer Orion-Cygnus Military Authority (Green with Blue and Green stripes), New Orion-Cygnus Colonial Republics (Green with Blue and Pink Stripes), Outer Perseus Military Authority (Green with Blue and Burgandy stripes), Inner Perseus Colonial Republic (Green with Blue and Yellow stripes).
Description: Founded after the devastating 3rd World War, the ICC was founded as a replacement for the heavily corrupt United Nations. In association with new Colonisation Initiatives, the ICC was bult to be a unifying and peacekeeping force for Humanity. As Humanity expanded along the Orion-Cygnus Arm, they came across other Space Faring Civilisations like the Friendly, Tiyal, Mitron, and the Hostile Ess'Jaggonians and Jhabbanids. The ICC were one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic, and play a key role in the defense of it and it's member states.

Tiyal Multistellar Alliance:
Colour on Map: Green with Green Stripes
Form of State: Consortium of Merchant Republics.
Capital: Theialdak, Theialdak Greater Republic, Miidak.
Largest:New League City Spire, Fen Habbanis III, Fen Habbanis Planetary Republic.
Founded: 2190TS
Origin: Coalition against the Malandorks:- The TMA were founded to Free the Tiyal from Malandork Rule.
Founding Species: Tiyal
Ethics: Xenophile, Egalitarian, Indiviualist, Industrialist.
Government: Alliance Executive (Head of State), Council of Executives (Head of Government, Legislative/Executive Branch)
Military: Executive Guard, Tiyal Merchant Navy, Tiyal Mercanry Army/Navy.
Description: The Multistellar Alliance maybe a new Nation with in the Galactic Stage, but the Tiyal themselves have been a spacefaring species since 1420. In 1665 the Malandork Dynasty on Miidak, managed to accumilate massive amounts of power within the Tiyal Core worlds, creating a massive Empire. Over the Centuries the Malandork Empire had established a very profitable slave Empire, by invading Pre-FTL worlds. Eventually after a few disasterous campaigns against Pre-FTL worlds, and newly emerging Civilisation like the GREJP and the Jhabbanid Confederacy, the Malandorks were eventually overthrown by a force of Merchant Republics. This Multistellar Alliance had managed to push the Remenants of the Empire to the very edges of Tiyal Space but were not able to pacify the enemies that the Empire had made. The TMA are one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic, and play a key role in Commerce and trade with in it.

Council of Sutharia:
Colour on Map: Green with Teal Stripes
Form of State:Technocratic Oligarchy
Capital: Valenx Metropolis, Suthaira.
Founded: 1954TS
Origin: Irradiated Evolution:- The Council of Sutharia was founded on the Irradiated world of Sutharia.
Founding Species: Mitron
Ethics: Fanatic Materialist, Collectivist, Xenophile.
Government: Technocrarch (Head of State), Council of Technocrats (Head of Government, Legislative/Executive Branch)
Military: Sutharian Void Fleet, Sutharian Army.
Description: The Mitron species originate in the Galactic Centre. Uninhabitable to most species within the galaxy due to the close proximity to other stars, the Mitron somehow manage to prosper in the completely uncontested region.
Highily intelligent, the Mitron unified under a technocratic government.
Eventualy the Mitron ventured out of the Galactic centre in order to understand the galaxy around them. They quickly created a friendly relationship with the newly established Tiyal Multistellar alliance, which unfortunately brought them in conflict with the Jhabbanid Confederacy and the GREJP. The Council of Sutharia are one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic and play a key role in Science and technology with in it.

Interstellar Ztrakpor Republic:

Colour on Map: Green with Yellow Stripes.
Form of State: A Democratic Republic.
Capital: Republic Spire, Myrria.
Founded: -542TS
Origin: Old and the New: the Ztrakpor, an Ancient Species, and the Haddam, a Young Species, cooperate in restoring the IZR to its former glory.
Founding Species: Ztrakpor and Haddam
Ethics: Fanatic Individualist, Industrialist, Egalitarian, Xenophile
Government: Grand President of the Republic (Head of State), Chancellor of the Assembly (Head of Governement), Grand Ztrakpor Assembly (Leggislative Branch)
Military: Republic Army(Mostly made up of Haddam Soldiers, and Ztrakpor Officers), Republic Navy.
Description: the Republic is one of the oldest Civilisations in the Galaxy. They did have a large Empire that stretched across the Galaxy, but after a catastrophic war with a long forgotten foe, both empires shrunk enormously. The Ztrakpor almost went extinct but eventually managed to recover on their home world. A new species appeared began to evolve on Myrria, and soon became a partner in the Venerable Ztrakpor's resurrgence.
They have become a mortal enemy with the Galactic Canthari Empire and the Thelmar Swarm who continue to harass the boundaries of the Territory. They became a member of the Galactic Republic in 2268 when Both they and the ICC, along with the Galactic Republic Western Fleet, managed to push back a massive Horde of Thelmar Ships attempting to devour both Human and Ztrakpor worlds.
As the Oldest Species in the Galactic Republic, they play an important role in diplomacy within it.

Jhabbanid Confederacy:

Colour on Map: Green with Orange Stripes.
Form of State: Stratocratic Oligarchical Confederacy.
Capital:Ba'Na Mortaria, Republic of Greater Mortaria, Zithoria.
Founded: 2135TS
Origin: Subterranian Origins:- The Jhabbanids originated in Subterranian Communes.
Founding Species: Jhabbanids.
Ethics: Fanatic Militarist, Authoritarian, Individualist, Egalitarian.
Government: Consul of the Council (Head of State), Council of the Confederacy (Head of Government, Legislative/Executive Branch)
Military: Confederate Army, Jhabbanid Navy.
Description: Originating in Peaceful Subterranian Communes, the Jhabbanids eventually began to settle on the Surface creating massive City States. These City States warred with each other over the sparse water and arrable land.
Eventually a Superstate formed called the Xa'Li Gazalion Empire tried to unify the planet under their rule. This however was met with heavy resistance and a faction, lead by the Metropolis of Ba'Na Mortaria, formed known as the Jhabbanid Confederacy. The Confederacy and the Empire fought in a massive war to claim the World. In the end the Confederacy won, and soon after began to set it sights on expanding their species across the stars. In 2167 Jhabbanid space was invaded by the Malandork Empire. The Jhabbanids were victorious but vowed to avenge the fallen and enslaved. The Jhabbanids were one of the 2 nations that the Galactic Republic was formed against. After a serious defeat to the Galactic Republic in 2275, they became a Sister Republic to the ICC. in 2290 they were given back their independence and were invited to join the Galactic Republic. They now serve alongside the ICC and the GREJP as the core of the Galactic Republic Military.

Galactic Republic of Ess'Jaggonian Planets:
Colour on Map: Green with Red Stripes.
Form of State: Democratic Citizens Republic
Capital:Skaalorm, Jaggo, Sejanis Commisarate.
Founded: 1928TS
Origin: Alien Invasion:- the GREJP were founded after the successful repulsion of an Alien Invasion.
Founding Species: Ess'Jaggonian
Ethics: Egalitarian, Xenophobe, Militarist, Individualist
Government: First Speaker (Head of State), State Commisar (Head of Government), The Commisariate (Executive Branch), Parliament of the Republic (Legislative branch)
Military: Republican Voidfleet (Navy), Republican Army (Regulars), Republican National Guard (Militia).
Description: The Ess'Jaggonian species was a relatively prosperous species. In 1920 the Ess'Jaggonians managed to launch their first manned spacecraft. But unfortunately drew the attention of the Malandork Empire, who began an invasion on Jaggo in 1925 to obtain slaves and establish a Slave Colony. The first few years of the war were disasterous to the Ess'Jaggonians, who were barely able to defend against the technologically advanced invaders. But quickly gained an upper hand and eventually drove off the invaders.
The Military Coalition that defended the planet from the invaders, soon formed a Government that was originally run by the Commisariate, but eventually turned into a Democratic Citizens Republic in 1950 when the planet had mostly recovered.
The GREJP managed to expand, very quickly across the Sejanis (Sagitarius) and Pesparnis (Perseus) arms. The Ess'Jaggonians continued to war with the Tiyal (Both Malandork and TMA), as well as the Galactic Republic. In 2294 The Collem Khanate had began to expand and threaten the Stability of the Galaxy. The GREJP and the Galactic Republic were able to fight off the Collem killing the Great Khan and causing mass disarray within the Khanate. Soon after this victory the GREJP was invited to join the Galactic Republic, and along with the Jhabbanid Confederacy and ICC, serve as the core of the Galactic Republic Military.

Swords of Dethak:
Colour on Map: Green with Purple Stripes
Form of State: Imperial Remenant
Capital: Marlaan'Ver, Espan'Cosious IV (De Facto), Lansha'Ven, Dethak (Former)
Founded: 2268TS
Origin: Remenant:- The Swords of Dethak are torn from their homeworld.
Founding Species: Dethakkans
Ethics: Fanatic Militarist, Elitist, Spirtualist.
Government: Great Arbiter (Head of State), High Legate (Head of Government).
Military: Dethaki Royal Army, Dethaki Royal Navy.
Description: The Dethakkans were a warrior based society. With many City States warring with one another for control. Eventually the State of Lakaan'Ert, under their Ruler Lakaan Sha'Vi, managed to successfully conquer the planet. Under his dynasty the Swords of Dethak spread across their region of space, but quickly came into conflict with the superior, Hegemony of Krongaar.
During the war, the Dethakkans lost all of their core territory, causing them to retreat to their frontier territories to defend. They managed to successfully hold back against the Hegemony, but were unable to recover their core territory, which was vassalised into the Dethakkan Dominion. Due to their hostilities with the Hegemony, the Swords of Dethak were invited to the Galactic republic.

Tan-Gre Republic:
Colour on Map: Green with Pink Stripes.
Form of State: Free Democratic Republic
Capital: Daxush, Zichash.
Founded: 2315TS
Origin: Free State:- A free state from the Hegemony of Krongaar.
Founding Species: Tan-Gre.
Ethics: Egalitarian, Libertarian, Collectivist.
Government: Liberator (Head of State), Chancellor (Head of Government), The Grand Rock Assembly (Legalislative Branch).
Military: Liberator Guard, Liberator Army, Liberator Navy.
Description: During the Second War of the Hegemony's aggression, the Galactic Republic managed to capture a secotor from the Hegemony. This Sector as established as a Free state from the Hegemony, and put under the protection of the Galactic Republic.

Viverokkan Free State:
Colour on Map: Green with Yellow and Purple stripes.
Form of state: A Protectorate.
Capital: Al-Varshalam, Intabolah.
Founded: 2083TS
Origin: Freed from oppressors:-The Viverokkan were freed from the clutches of the Canthari.
Founding Species: Viverokkan.
Ethics: Authoritarian, Collectivist, Pacifist, Spiritualist.
Government: The Caliph (Head of State/Government).
Military: The Caliph Guard, Viverokkan Protectors, Viverokkan Naval Watchers.
Description: The Galactic Canthari Empire took advantage of the Medieval World of Kortomaton. The Viverokkan's that inhabbited the world accepted their fate as a servant to the Empire. However the IZR who came into conflict with the Canthari, due to their increasing number of Missionaries and Zealots. During the war, the IZR saw how the Canthari were taking advantage of the Viverokkan's and set them free creating a free state under their protection. The Leader of the Free state was the Nephew of the then current Caliph of the Royal Viverokkan Suns. The Current dynasty of Caliphs still claim the throne of the RVS, and pledge to free their people once and for all.

Galactic Empire:
Colour on Map: Purple
Form of State: Feudal Hegemony
Imperial Capital: Holy City of Gluuk, Zuhn, Galactic Canthari Empire.
Founded: 2052TS
Origin: Hegemony:-The Galactic Empire was founded as an Hegemony.
Founding Species: Canthari, Viverokkan.
Ethics: Authoritarian, Spiritualist, Pacifist.
Government: Immortal Emperor Gluuk (Head of State), Imperial Warden (Head of Government).
Military: Gluuk Zealots, Canthari Missionary Guard, Imperial Navy, Imperial Viverokkan Auxillaries.
Description: When the Galactic Canthari Empire came across the Medieval world of Kortomaton, they decided to vassalise them and make them their main armed force, due to the Canthari's inability to prosper in the outer core region of the galaxy.

Galactic Canthari Empire:
Colour on Map: Purple
Form of State: Feudal Empire.
Capital: Holy City of Gluuk, Zuhn.
Founded: -76TS
Origin: Chosen One:- General Gluuk became the chosen one and unified the Canthari.
Founding Species: Canthari.
Ethics: Fanatic Spiritualist, Pacifist, Authoritarian.
Government: Immortal Emperor Gluuk (Head of State), Imperial Warden (Head of Government).
Military: Gluuk Zealots, Canthari Missionary Guard, Imperial Navy.
Description: The Canthari were a very divided species, and constantly warred over which Hive Queen would control the planet. During one of these wars, a General called Gluuk, found that he had been bistowed enormous power, and began a campaign of pacification of the Canthari and freeing them from the Hive Queen's control.
Gluuk ending the endless war, began to lead his people into a new age of prosperity. Realising his immortality, he set course to create a Utopia of Peace under his protection, across the galaxy.

Royal Viverokkan Suns:
Colour on Map: Purple with Yellow stripes.
Form of State: Vassal Empire
Capital: Ikabanalum, Kortomaton.
Founded: 2052TS
Origin: Forced Advancement:- The Viverokkan were forced to Assend the Technological ladder.
Founding Species: Viverokkan.
Ethics: Fanatic Spiritualist, Pacifist, Authoritarian.
Government: Caliph (Head of State/Government).
Military: Imperial Viverokkan Guard, Viverokkan Royal Navy.
Description: the Planet of Kortomaton was a Medieval world, with various warring nomadic Tribes and Petty Kingdoms scatter across the desert landscape. Suddenly the Galactic Canthari Empire invaded, and forcefully vassilised the planet. Putting the King of the Largest Kingdom in charge of the Realm. The Viverokkan being forced to advance technologically, made them ineffective for a Century under the Galactic Canthari Empire's Rule. But they did eventually spread into the desired regions that the Canthari wanted them to colonise.

Wild Space:
Colour on Map: Various.
Form of State: N/A
Capital: N/A
Founded: N/A
Origin: Free for All:-A realm of anarchy.
Founding Species: None.
Ethics: N/A
Government: N/A
Military: N/A
Description: A region of space that is filled with Despotic Khanates, Pirate Kingdoms, Criminal Syndicates, and Breakaway States.
It is truly a free for all.

Klaggian Matriarchy:
Colour on Map: Dark Green.
Form of State: Matriarchal Pirate/Merchant oligarchy.
Capital: Gandara, Werheni
Founded: 782TS
Origin: Pirate Clans:- the Matriarchy was founded by Matriarchal Pirate Clans.
Founding Species: Klaggians
Ethics: Elitist, Xenophobic, Militarist, Industrialist.
Government: High Matriarch (Head of State), Council of Matriarchs (Head of Government/Executive/Legislative Branch)
Military: Pirate Clan Navies, Pirate Clan Marines, High Matriarch's Fleet, High Matriarch's Army, Merchant Kingdom Fleets, Merchant Kingdom Army.
Description: On the planet of Werheni, the planet was ruled by a variety of Merchant Kingdoms. However, Pirate Clans began to form, and conflict with the core Merchant Kingdoms.
Eventually a Matriarch pf a very powerful Merchant Kingdom, managed to diplomatically unify the planet by creating a grand council of Matriarchs half populated by Merchant Queens, and the other half by Pirate Matriarchs.
Under this unification, technology was able to advance to the point of space travel. The Council expanded as more Merchant Kingdoms and Pirate Clans were made. Though both groups continued to conflict with one another, a symbiotic relationship still existed, all ensured by the High Matriarch, who could enforce peace between clans and kingdoms if she so wished.
The Matriarchy did find other Xenos species and have managed to found Pirate coves across the Galaxy. The Klaggians are currently the most spread out species, and can be found in most Empires (except the Thelmar Swarm for obvious reasons).

Alkanos Corporation:
Colour on Map: Yellow
Form of State: Criminal Family Syndicate
Capital: Alkanos City, Alkanos's Roost.
Founded: 2335TS
Origin: Coup d'etat:- The Alkanos Corporation as a state was founded after a hostile takeover of their planet.
Founding Species: Ess'Jaggonians
Ethics: Fanatic Xenophile, Individualist, Industrialist.
Government: The Patriarch/Matriarch (Head of State/Government), The Family (Executive/Legislative Branch)
Military: Family Enforcers, Family Mercenary Fleet, Corporate Fleet.
Description: The Alkanos Family and their Corporation had existed since the 20th Century on Jaggo. They had a very Criminalistic background due to their dealings with the Malandork Empire, as they helped establish a few Slave Posts. Unfortunately the war proved to fall on the side of GREJP, and the crimes of the Corporation were found out. They went underground being supported by both the Malandork Empire, and their successor the Tiyal Multistellar Alliance. The Alkanos Corporation did come out of their underground, and did help establish a colonial mission in Minatinaus (Centaurus) Arm. This was successful, and the Corporation managed to establish itself heavily with in the Minatinaus Commisarate's government.
After the war with the Collem Khanate, and the GREJP's membership in the Galactic Republic, the Alkanos Corporation had a hostile takeover of rhe territory. Because of the laws of the Republic, the GREJP was unable to get the right to reclaim the territory. The Alkanos Corporation, and their Xenophilic persuasion have ensured their easy access into the Galactic Republic, without being a member. This has been a sticking point in the GREJP's relationship with the Galactic Republic.

New Collem Khanate:
Colour on Map: Red with Yellow Stripes
Form of State: Successor State of the Collem Khanate.
Capital: Nahur Fall City, Vi Pellor.
Founded: 2294TS
Origin: Successor State:- After the Collem Khanates defeat due to the Khan's death, the Eldest Son of the Khan declared himself the new Khan.
Founding Species: Collem
Ethics: Fanatic Militarist, Fanatic Xenophobe.
Government: The New Khan (Head of State), The Council of Chieftains (Head of Government/Legislative/Executive Branch).
Military: The New Khan's Fleet, The New Khan's Army, Chieftain's Fleet, Chieftain's Army.
Description: The Collem Khanate had managed to Establish itself in Wild Space. As it grew larger with more and more Satrapy states being established, the Khanate was a very powerful contender in the Galaxy. During the Collem Khanates invasion of the Galactic Republic, the Great Khan himself was killed, and his main fleet eviserated. The Eldest Son established himself as the New Khan, which was supported by the Majority of Chieftains in the Khanate. However his Brother (Who claims to be the Favoured son of the Great Khan) and his Supporters broke free from the New Khanate, starting a Massive Civil War.

True Collem Khanate:
Colour on Map: Red with Blue Stripes
Form of State: Successor State of the Collem Khanate.
Capital: Khan Kesigpurev City, Roknim Mog.
Founded: 2294TS
Origin: Successor State:- After the Collem Khanates defeat due to the Khan's death, the Eldest Son of the Khan declared himself the new Khan.
Founding Species: Collem
Ethics: Fanatic Militarist, Fanatic Xenophobe.
Government: The True Khan (Head of State/Government), The Council of Chieftains (Legislative/Executive Branch).
Military: The True Khan's Navy, The True Khan's Army, Malandork Naval Auxillaries, Malandork Ground Auxillaries.
Description:The Collem Khanate had managed to Establish itself in Wild Space. As it grew larger with more and more Satropy states being established, the Khanate was a very powerful contender in the Galaxy. During the Collem Khanates invasion of the Galactic Republic, the Great Khan himself was killed, and his main fleet eviserated. The Eldest son of the Khan, declared himself the New Khan. This angered one of his other Son's who declared himself the True Khan, with the Support of many Chieftains and even the Malandork Satrapy. This started a massive Civil war.

Malandork Remenant:
Colour on Map: light Green
Form of State: Imperial Remenant
Capital: the Great Hold, Malandork Perch.
Founded: 2190TS
Origin: Imperial Remenant:-This is what remains of the Malandork Empire.
Founding Species: Tiyal
Ethics: Fanatic Authoritarian, Xenophilic.
Government: Supreme Protector (Head of State), Grand Advisor (Head of Government), Imperial Senate (Legislative Branch).
Military: Malandork Navy, Malandork Imperial Army.
Description: In 1665TS the Malandork Dynasty managed to takeover the Core worlds of the Tiyal Speices. Establishing massive Empire across the many colonies of the Tiyal, the Malandork founded a very lucrative Slave Trade of Xenos.
However as the Empire Grew more powerful, Decadance began to take hold of the core of the Malandork Leadership. This eventually caused major defeats against what seemed to be inferior Empires. These Defeats lead to many of the Vassilised Merchant Republics to rebel, and overthrow the Empire. They were pushed out of the Core of Tiyal Space into the Frontier. The Majority of the Dynasty were killed leaving Succession to the Most Loyal of the Dynasty. During the Collem Khanates Expansion, the Remenant became a Satrapy of theirs. But after the Great Khan's Defeat the Supreme Protector Opalplume Aruk managed to break some of his Territory free from the Now Shattering Khanate.

Yadenine Commonwealth:
Colour on Map: Orange
Form of State: Breakaway State.
Capital: Ghaggorakh, Yith-Dhogtha.
Founded: 2294TS
Origin: Breakaway State:- Broke free from the Khanate
Founding Species: Yadenine
Ethics: Materialist, Collectivist, Authoritarian.
Government: Primarch (Head of State/Government), Council of the Commonwealth (Legislative Branch)
Military: Commonwealth Guard, Commonwealth Navy.
Description: Originally a newly established Empire known as the Yith-Dhogtha Imperium, they were quickly defeated by the Collem Khanate, being their first Satrapy. Their Imperial Family were masacred and put under the Control of a Collem Satrap. After the Great Khan had been Killed, and the Khanate began to Fracture, the Yadenine had a revolution and overthrew the Satrap of their territory. They then broke free from the Khanate entirely and began to recover from their enslavement under the Khanate.

Collem Free Clans:
Colour on Map:Light Blue
Form of State: Oligarchy of Clans.
Capital: Vimas Tribe, Ilast Mog.
Founded: 2295TS
Origin: Breakaway State:- Broke Free from the Khanate.
Founding Species: Collem
Ethics: Xenophobe, Egalitarian, Pacifist.
Government: High Chief (head of State), Coucnil of Chiefs (Head of Government/Legislative/Executive Branch)
Military: Tribal Armies, Tribal Fleets.
Description: Due to the Collem Civil war, a number of Collem Chieftains growing tired of the division that the death of the Khan had brought them decided to break free and try to recover from the bloodshed from the Wars that the Khan had lead them into.

Malandork Satrapy:
Colour on Map: Red with Blue and Red Stripes
Form of State: Saltropy
Capital: Khan's Hold, Ikaro VII
Founded: 2290TS
Origin: Satrapy:- The Territory became a Satrapy of the Collem Khanate
Founding Species: Tiyal, Collem.
Ethics: Xenophobe, Militarist, Elitist, Authoritarian.
Government: Satrap (Head of State), Governor-General (Head of Government).
Military: Malandork Army, Malandork Navy.
Description: In 2290 the Collem Khanate invaded the Malandork Remanants Territory and Established it as a Satrapy. With a Collem Satrap Leading them, they helped the Khanate invade the Galactic Republic. When the Great Khan was Killed, the Khanate and their Satrapies retreated. The Eldest Son of the Great Khan declared himself the New Khan, but this was refuted by one of the Other sons, who claimed to be the True Khan. This True had the Support of the Malandork Satrapy. Unfortunately some of the Malandork Satrapy's territory broke free, losing the core element of the Satrapy's force.

Thelmar Swarm:
Colour on Map: Dark Red
Form of State: Ravenous Hive
Capital: Great Mother's Nest, Xel Mirus.
Origin: Ravenous Swarm:-This Swarm hungers.
Founding Species: Thelmar
Ethics: Gestalt Consciousness.
Government: Great Mother (the Hive Mind).
Military: Thelmar Living Fleets, Thelmar Swarms.
Description: On Xel Mirus, many Hives of Thelmar scoured the planet for food. Starvation was mounting. The Great Mother however started to canablise the other Hive Queens on the planet, using the technology from Ancient Space Craft that litter the planet.
Eventually her Hive took over the planet, but with no other forms of food left, the Great Mother managed to repair the many space craft by forming it with Thelmari eggs creating living ships. Using these Living Ships, the Thelmar began to established more hives, feasting on the life on the planets. Growing ever larger, and ever more hungry.

Galactic Commune:
Colour on Map: Blue
Form of State: Federation
Capital: Ixlar City, Fexla, Sekk-Lokkaran Democratic Republic (SLDR).
Founded: 2250TS
Origin: Federation:-A Federation of Communist Nations.
Founding Species: Sekk-Lokkarans, Lekurians
Ethics: Collectivist, Materialist, Authoritarian, Egalitarian.
Government: Commune Chairman (Head of Federation).
Military:Sekk-Lokkaran Revolutionary Army, Sekk-Lokkaran Revolutionary Navy, Commune Revolutionary Army, Commune Revolutionary Navy, Lekurian Self-Defence Army, Lekurian Self-Defence Navy.
Description: in 2250, the SLDR discovered the planet of Malandor, which was governed by a Capitalist Tyrant. The SLDR liberated the planet and freed the Lekurian people of Malandor. They then established the Galactic Commune, wanting to create a Galactic Communist Utopia.

Sekk-Lokkaran Democratic Republic:
Colour on Map: Blue
Form of State: Communist Dictatoriship
Capital: Ixlar City, Fexla.
Founded: 1846TS.
Origin: Revolution:- Capitalism ravaged the planet of Fexla, until the First Chairman began the great revolution freeing the people of Fexla.
Founding Species: Sekk-Lokkaran
Ethics: Collectivist, Materialist, Authoritarian, Egalitarian.
Government: Chairman (Head of State), Ixnamila Party (Head of Government)
Military: Sekk-Lokkaran Army
Description: Fexla was ruled by many industrialist and Capitalist Republics. Eventually the situation for the Prolitariate, the working people, got so bad that they joined together and rose up against the Bougusie. The Planetary Revolution unified the Sekk-Lokkaran who wanted to fully establish a Communist Utopia.

Custodial Lekurian Administration:
Colour on Map:Blue with Red Stripes.
Form of State: Communist Puppet State.
Capital: Mitchar Commune, Malandor.
Origin: Revolution:- The Planet of Malandor was ravaged by capitalism, and so the Workers with the help of SLDR overthrew the planetary rulers.
Founding Species: Lekurians
Ethics: Collectivist, Materialist, Egalitarian, Pacifist.
Government: Chairman (De Jure Head of State), the Custodial System (De Facto Head of State), Calaminmar Party (Head of Government)
Military: Lekurian Self-Defence Army, Lekurian Self-Defence Navy.
Description: Malandor was ruled by many Capitalist Republics, all puppeted by an AI system. Eventually a SLDR invaded the planet to liberate it from the Capitalist Puppets. Finding the AI core, the SLDR established a new Communist State ruled by the AI Core under their control. They have been a buffer state against the Galactic Republic and the Collem Khanate.

The Hegemony:
Colour on Map: Pink
Form of State: A Hegemony
Capital: Mount Nangaar, Krongaar, Hegemony of Krongaar.
Founded: 2280TS
Origin: Hegemony:- A hegemony under the Hegemony of Krongaar.
Founding Species: Tan-Gre, Dethakkan.
Ethics: Fanatic Authoritarian. Xenophobe, Militarist.
Government: Grand Hegemon (The Hegemony ruler).
Military: Hegemony Army, Hegemony Navy, Dethakkan Army Auxillaries, Dethakkan Naval Auxillaries.
Description: The Hegemony of Krongaar, after successfully defeating the Swords of Dethak, claimed to the galaxy that it is theres.

Hegemony of Krongaar:
Colour on Map: Pink
Form of State: Martial Empire
Capital: Mount Nangaar, Krongaar.
Founded: -5825TS
Origin: Biological Perfection:- The Tan-Gre are Biologically perfect.
Founding Species: Tan-Gre
Ethics: Fanatic Xenophobe, Authoritarian, Militarist.
Government: Grand Hegemon (Head of State/Government).
Military:Hegemony Army, Hegemony Navy
Description: The Tan-Gre were a science experiment that went right. Too Right. So right in fact that their creator feared them, as their creation not only rose up against their creator, but became a major threat to the Galaxy at large.
The First Alliance, went to war with the Hegemony and pushed them back to their home world. Shielding them, ensuring that they may never threaten the galaxy again. In 2086, the Shield holding the Tan-Gre deactivated, freeing them from their cage.
The Tan-Gre furious of their imprisonment declared to the Galaxy that they will take their birth right, once and for all.

Dethakkan Dominion:
Colour on Map: Pink with purple stripes.
Form of State: Suzerainty.
Capital: Vikkcalorm Keep, Dethak.
Founded: 2280TS
Origin: Vassal State:- The Dominion was established after the Hegemony victory of over the Sword of Dethak.
Founding Species: Dethak
Ethics: Fanatic Militarist, Xenophobe, Authoritarian.
Government: Suzerain (Head of State), Governor-General (Head of Government).
Military: Dethakkan Navy, Dethakkan Army.
Description: The Dethakkans were a warrior based society. With many City States warring with one another for control. Eventually the State of Lakaan'Ert, under their Ruler Lakaan Sha'Vi, managed to successfully conquer the planet. The Swords of Dethak managed to spread out under this dynasty but were quickly under siege by the Hegemony of Krongaar. One of the Rivals of Lakaan Sha'Vi, Onlan Ixil'Mar, helped the Krongaar in capturing the planet Dethak, seeing the Tan-Gre as gods. After Dethak was under Krongaar control, Onlan submitted himself to the Grand Hegemon. Seeing the pitiful creature as a nausance, slaughtered him and established a General of his as the Suzerain of the Dominion.

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galaxy 1,382, lore 668, map 587, stellaris 46, galactic map 2
Type: Sketch
Published: 4 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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