Character Sheet for Penelope Laurent
Character Description
Penelope is a massive nerd, someone very intelligent about all sorts of things from anime, manga, to movies, she's an encylcopedia of knowledge. She's fiercely loyal to her friends, even though she prefers to fight with words instead of fists. She is close friends with Sora and Victoria,
smart, witty, knowledgeable, quiet
likes: reading, learning
dislikes: people who hate knowledge
Penelope was born in Dawnstone, and raised there. she was always learning in school, absorbing knowledge like a sponge with water, This made her seem weird to a lot of the kids, because she wouldn't really socialize, it wasn't until she met Sora she was comfortable, they were super close, then Victoria shown up, and she, also being an outcast, joined up with them and the trio have been inseparable since.
Shve lies in Dawnstone, Solara, Arcturus V, where she attends Dawnstone pimrary school.
Penny's tiny, even by her standards, she's not expected to get taller than maybe 4'5" as an adult. She has white fur with a lot of black splotches, including basically having a mask on her eyes in black. She has black feet, and her left arm is black. Her hair is bright copper, and down past her shoulder blades. her eyes are teal.
She typically wears leggings and shorts, occasionally get in a skirt but it's not often. she prefers dresses if she's dressing that way. at night she sleeps in either short shorts and a tank top, or pajama pants if it's cold.
her braces. she also sometimes carries her bag, one that Sora made for her, Sora and Victoria having matching ones. it's a small messenger style bag with her initials on it in script.