This is a little event I come up for all my patron to have some fun. It's a story of young hybrid pony-changeling who try to find her father.
This is "Your Decide Picture series". Or I call it "Comment Driven Story". All of patrons will decide what happens in this story.
If you don't know what is "Comment Driven Story" See this "Moonstuck" as the example
This series is free to read for all of you in every time it reach 2 pages. But if you want the chance to comment and decide the action of young queen. You can join by being my patron. "All" of patrons can join this event. Even you give just 1$ per month you still can join this and get early access on this series!!
Have fun to watch my young queen journey. Everyone! XD
You know...If objects like "cute key-chains" are able to store and give LOVE to changelings, I question the setting why aren't they used majorly as an alternative LOVE source then stealing LOVE from ponies...? That's a world-breaking-item right there! Maybe it's not mass produced, or super hard/cost-y to make even one...cost-y to make not cost-y to buy from a vending machine...
...maybe I do too much thinking. She has LOVE again! Yay! ☺
You know...If objects like "cute key-chains" are able to store and give LOVE to changelings, I quest
The love still has to come from somewhere originally just like with her love gem. Come to think of it do she ever recharge her love gem? I thought she might have with Pinkie but that was quite a few pages ago.
The love still has to come from somewhere originally just like with her love gem. Come to think of i
Don't be lazy! You brought it up, go back and do your research and link the facts! ☺
You might be right with the "love must come from somewhere"-part. Hmmm...Care-A-Lot has a ton of it, so them magic-belly-tattoo'd c-bears could import some, not hog it all to themselves! XD
Don't be lazy! You brought it up, go back and do your research and link the facts! ☺ You might be r
Well it does not specifically say that your time with Pinkie recharge the love gem but it does change from the log where you're talking to spike about it and he says there's the same type of gem as the crystal heart is made of and the log where your love monitor is maxed out because pinky gives you 10 love per log but she saps twice the energy per action.
Well it does not specifically say that your time with Pinkie recharge the love gem but it does chang