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Winnie The Pooh In Simba's Pride And The Lion Guard

Pooh And Friends With The Iron Giant
Keywords male 1197248, female 1087826, rabbit 139500, oc 79357, tiger 38964, disney 23615, crossover 8392, owl 6787, the lion king 6396, lion king 5203, simba 3407, mammals 2798, meerkat 2644, the lion guard 2189, oc's 1871, teddy bear 1494, kion 1333, lion guard 1323, kiara 1194, lions 1163, genie 1033, kovu 934, winnie the pooh 630, warthog 555, timon 549, madagascar 513, pooh 392, zira 356, lionesses 343, aladdin 265, pumbaa 249, tigger 247, pinocchio 246, crossovers 224, king julien 176, maurice 157, cricket 154, lemurs 81, eeyore 75, jiminy 4
The sun rises and shines above the wonderful Hundred Acre Hood. A cute bear wakes up drowsily and opens the cupboard to look for his precious honey when someone knocks on the door. It's Zazu, an old friend from the Pride Lands, who arrives with a message from an old friend. "Your royal highness invites your excellencies to attend the ceremony to present the future heir to the throne," Pooh tells the news to his friends, who leaves immediately for the Pride Lands.

It is an honor to be friends with a king. But it's an even greater honor when you help a king to save his kingdom. That's true. Pooh and his friends helped Simba save the Pride Lands from his uncle Scar's tyranny. They also made good friends, like The Vultures (Buzzie, Flaps, Dizzy, and Ziggy), Jiminy Cricket, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Timon, Pumbaa, and the lionesses Kitako, Mkundu, and Duba.

The journey was long, but they finally reach the Pride Lands. All animals are heading to the Pride Rock. "It looks like we're late." Pooh and his friends get discouraged. Then their old friends, The Vultures (Buzzie, Flaps, Dizzy, and Ziggy), Jiminy Cricket, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Kitako, Mkundu, and Duba appear. Everyone is happy with the reunion, but the lionesses are quick to guide their friends towards Pride Rock.

As when Simba was born, the animals bow by the heir to the throne, apparently a girl, with a beautiful and musical ceremony. This time, to the sound of "He Lives In You". Pooh and his friends also bow, Rabbit pushing Tigger's head. They decide to stay in the Pride Lands for some time. After all, it's a beautiful land and they have many friends there.

In the following days, and a few weeks later, Simba becomes very overprotective of an older Kiara, assigning Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Timon and Pumbaa to be her babysitters, the three lionesses, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, and Pooh, and his friends to be her guardians. Simba seems to be afraid that something bad happens to his daughter, which is normal, after all, he has been through. It doesn't take long for Kiara to escape from them. She's a very smart lioness. There she meets a young cub named Kovu.

For a while, Timon, Pumbaa, Kitako, Mkundu, and Duba discuss who emits the loudest gases. Pooh and his friends are more concerned with looking for the princess. After seeing her crossing the border, Pooh and his friends rush to warn the king, along with the three lionesses, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, Timon and Pumbaa.

After escaping a river filled with crocodiles, the two become friendly but Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Kitako, Mkundu, Duba, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, and Kovu's mother, Zira, and two vultures named Arthur & Cecil, quickly end their playing. Kitako, Mkundu, and Duba were puzzled to see Simba, Nala, & Zira know each other. Zira reminds Simba that he exiled the Outlanders, and notes that if he wants to punish them, Kovu is Scar's hand-chosen successor. Unwilling to harm the cub, Simba orders them to leave. After Zira takes her son Kovu home, Simba orders Duba and Jiminy Cricket to follow Zira, Kovu, Arthur & Cecil to the Outlands, and the rest return to the Pride Lands. Once there, Simba asks everyone to leave, so he can teach Kiara that "We Are One".

In the Outlands, Zira's eldest son, Nuka, complains to his younger sister Vitani about Kovu's status as "the Chosen One"-the cub chosen by Scar to lead the pride after he was gone. At that moment, Zira returns and scolds both of her sons, but then decides that she can use Kovu's new friendship with Kiara to get her revenge against Simba. Nuka, Vitani, Zira, Kovu, Arthur & Cecil didn't know that Duba and Jiminy Cricket were eavesdropping and rush to warn the king along with Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Timon and Pumbaa.
The days pass and Kiara grows, as does her friendship with Kiatako, Mkundu, and Dabu. The four lionesses enjoy training hunt together and their encounters are always fun. Already with Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, Pooh and friends, the princess likes to play hide and seek.

The series centers around Kion, the son of King Simba and Queen Nala, adoptive nephew of Tigger, the younger brother of Kiara and the prince of the Pride Lands, who, as second-born to the Lion King, becomes the leader of the Lion Guard, a team of animals who protect the Pride Lands and defend the Circle of Life alongside Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, The Three Lionesses, The Vultures, Jiminy Cricket, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, and Mort. Kion along with his friends Bunga the honey badger, Beshte the hippopotamus, Fuli the cheetah, Ono the egret, Anga the martial eagle and Makini the mandrill set out to the Tree of Life and find the healing Kion needs not noticing Makucha, Chuluun and Ora are following.

Time passes and one night, Kitako, Mkundu, Duba, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore,  Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, and Jiminy Cricket visit Rafiki in his tree. He draws her picture next to that of Kovu's, Scar's heir, who was banished to the Outlands with Scar's other subjects. The baboon then talks with Mufasa's ghost and shows his concern about the comparative maturity of these two lions. Mufasa's spirit implies that he has a plan and makes wind bring down a piece of fruit, breaking it.

Rafiki raises the halves in front of the pictures of Kovu and Kiara, and, re-assembling them, realizes that Mufasa plans to make Kovu and Kiara fall in love. Rafiki does not agree with the plan and considers it impracticable, but Mufasa is persistent and recreates the wind. Rafiki decides to believe in the old king and resolves to help him execute the plan. As the spirit ascends back into the sky, Rafiki yells, "I just hope you know what you are doing!". But Kitako, Mkundu, Duba, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, and Jiminy Cricket were worried. They knew that Simba is not going to like this.

The next morning, Duba and Jiminy Cricket sneak into the "Outlands", only this time, they eavesdrop on the different spots to hear where Kovu grows into a young adult. He is molded by Zira into the perfect assassin, with only one goal in mind: kill Simba. Duba and Jiminy Cricket were gasped in horror and stays listening to Zira's plans.

Finally comes the day of the first official hunt of Kiara. Once again, Simba asks to watch over Kiara and the huge group of friends follows the king's orders after promising not to. Kiara is hunting. Trying to be quiet, she steps on a branch, which cracks and sends a herd of antelope running. Kiara runs frustratedly after them.

The scene switches to a burst of steam; we are back in the Elephant Graveyard. Nuka and Vitani are standing on a ledge while Duba and Jiminy Cricket were hiding to eavesdropping. They jump down next to one of the spouts; Vitani drops the kindling against the edge. Vitani and Nuka watch the near spout bursts, lighting the sticks ablaze. They grab a burning stick and head towards Kiara's first hunt. Duba and Jiminy Cricket watched in horror and rush to the Pride Lands to warn the king along with Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa.

Meanwhile, Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa are following after Kiara. They sticking up above the grass and ducks back down. They cross a clearing military-fashion, sniffing the air, and they dart from tree to tree with SWAT-team-style "Hup! Hup! Hup!" noises. Timon leaps into a hollow log and gestures as though with a two-way radio. He scans the horizon, framing Kiara in his fingers.

Kiara is stalking the antelope again. She carefully steps over some stones with her front feet, but knocks them over with her hind feet, alerting the antelope into running yet again. She jumps up and gives chase as the herd turns and dashes away from her, directly toward  Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa, who shriek in fright. Luckily, Kitako knows what to do, she turns around and farts, which causes the antelope to part ways. The antelope pass; but Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa, shriek again when they turn and see Kiara standing there, coughing. Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa recovers and chuckles guiltily as Kiara recovers her breath, coughing. Furious to find out her father has lied, Kiara goes further from home to hunt, though she is still unsuccessful in her efforts. Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa run after her-- but she's far ahead already. Pooh sees Duba and Jiminy Cricket directly toward Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa, and crash into each other.

Meanwhile, Kiara has run, toward the edge of the Pride Lands. Nuka and Vitani are standing above, with their flaming sticks. The antelope are grazing in the valley, along with various birds. The antelope spook at something near Kiara, and they turn and begin to gallop off. Kiara gives chase. Soon, though, she notices the fire burning on the horizon, and the antelope turn and run back in her direction. She panics, turns, and begins to run back the way she came; antelope and birds follow her. Scene changes to a high knoll above the flames, where Zira and Kovu sit watching. Kovu runs down the slope, toward Pride Rock. While Duba and Jiminy Cricket warn Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa about Zira's plan, Pooh sees smoke in the distance and the three lionesses run back to the Pride Rock, with their friends on their backs, to alert King Simba.

Meanwhile, in Pride Rock, Simba is pacing with Zazu several steps away. Simba sees the three lionesses run back to the Pride Rock, with their friends on their backs just as he looks up and gasps as he sees the smoke rising.

Meanwhile, Kiara is following a pair of zebras away from the flames but finds herself trapped and hemmed in on all sides, choking on the thick smoke. She sees a high stone overhang above the flames; she leaps up and tries to climb up the side, but she falls unconscious upon reaching the top. Kovu appears from the smoke and looms over her; she wakes for a moment and sees him baring his teeth down at her, then loses consciousness again. Kovu grabs the nape of her neck and throws her body on top of his, and begins to carry her away from the fire. He leaps across chasms with flames roaring and then tumbles with Kiara down a slope into a pool of water, where Kiara begins to sink. Kovu dives for her and drags her to shore. Zazu, flying overhead, watches the event. Zazu flies back to Pride Rock. Kovu drags Kiara to shore, and she wakes up, gasping for breath. Though angry at first that he has interfered, Kiara soon recognizes her old friend. However, Simba, drawn by the sight of smoke, appears, along with Nala. Rafiki has arrived along with Timon, Pumbaa, Kitako, Mkundu, Duba, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, and Jiminy Cricket are standing on the hillside behind Simba comically yells to Kovu, "How dare you save the king's daughter?" Hearing Rafiki's words, Simba realizes that he is now indebted to Kovu, and begrudgingly receives the young lion into his pride, though Simba forces him to sleep outside. That same night, Kitako, Mkundu, Duba, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, and Jiminy Cricket had to rebuild their home near Pride Rock. The one that had been ruined by the animals singing "I Just Can't Wait to be King." event.

Meanwhile, Simba has a nightmare about his father's death, only in the dream Scar morphs into Kovu and Simba takes his father's place falling off the cliff.

The next morning, Simba goes outside to a watering hole where Kovu contemplates attacking him, but Kiara interrupts and they go off together so Kovu can help her learn to hunt. Kovu teaches Kiara how to hunt. During the lesson, they run into Timon, Pumbaa, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, the three lionesses, and Pooh and his friends struggling with some birds because Timon indicates the field of bugs, with the flock of birds eating contentedly away, so the two lions help them chase the birds off. Timon and Pumbaa end up being discovered and they both join Kovu and Kiara to have fun. They end scaring a herd of rhinos that begins to chase them.

That night, as Kovu and Kiara stargaze, he questions whether Scar is considered one of the "Great Kings of the Past", and Kiara is visibly startled. He confesses that although Scar wasn't his real father, he was still a part of who he is, but Kiara tells him that part may be the darkness that made Scar evil. As Kiara and Kovu embrace, they are spied by the lionesses, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, and their friends of the Hundred Acre Hood. Kitako, Mkundu, and Dabu argue. The three think Kovu is hot and are jealous of each other. Nearby, Simba seeks guidance from the "Great Kings" and Nala advises him to give Kovu a chance because he is not his father. Kovu decides to leave after trying to confess his real intentions, but Rafiki appears and guides Kovu and Kiara to a musical number: Upendi. During the song, the three lionesses are chased by baboons, while Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, Pooh and his friends end up being pushed by all kinds of animals. In the end, everyone ends up trapped in trees, unable to continue to spy on the princess, who leaves with her new friend. Lucky, Genie uses his magic to set themselves free. After Kovu and Kiara return home that night, Simba proves himself by inviting Kovu to sleep inside with the rest of the pride. Vitani watches Kovu give up a prime opportunity to murder Simba and reports back to Zira. As the lionesses, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Jiminy Cricket, and their friends of the Hundred Acre Hood return to their home near Pride Rock. Duba and Jiminy Cricket sees Vitani rush back to the Outlands, they follow her. Angered, Zira states that Kovu cannot betray them and moves onto another plan. Duba and Jiminy Cricket listien to her another plan, very carefuly.

The next day, Kovu resolves to confess his true intentions to Kiara; however, he is unsure if she will believe him, but has to try anyway. Before he can do so, King Simba shows up and tells Kiara he doesn't want her talking with Kovu because he wants to talk with him, which makes Kiara brighten up. Winking at his daughter, Simba orders Kitako and her sister, Mkundu to be his bodyguard so that no one can harm him. And they agree. Simba, Kitako, and her sister, Mkundu takes Kovu aside for a private conversation, with Kiara happily watching from a distance along with Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, and the vultures.

Later, Simba, Kitako, Mkundu and Kovu walk into the area that had been burned in the earlier bushfire, and Simba tells Kitako, Mkundu, and Kovu the true story of Scar. Kovu finally realizes that he has been lied to, but Simba reassures him that, like the green grass springing through the ash, what is "left behind can grow better than the generation before – if given the chance." Suddenly, Zira decides to take matters into her own paws and she and her pride surround Simba, Kitako, Mkundu, and Kovu and she teasingly asks Simba what he is doing out in the area "along with you lionesses". Then Zira congratulates Kovu for bringing Simba with him, "just like they've always planned." Believing Zira's words,  Kitako and Mkundu declare that they "knew it". Simba angrily turns on Kovu as he thinks Kovu tricked him and was behind the plan; in response, a scared Kovu truthfully denies this, but Simba won't listen to him. Zira orders her pride to attack Simba, Kitako, and Mkundu, and Kovu immediately butts in to try and rescue Simba, Kitako and Mkundu, only for Vitani to kick him out of the way into a rock, knocking him out. Zira then organizes an ambush against Simba,  Kitako and Mkundu, in a desperate attempt to finish him. The Outsiders chase King Simba and two lionesses into a gorge, where they begins to scale a wall of logs to escape. Having woken up, Kovu rushes to Simba,  Kitako, and Mkundu's aide and tries to help him, ignoring Zira's orders to get Simba,  Kitako and Mkundu. After Kovu runs off, Nuka, in an attempt to prove himself, impress his mother, and humiliate and degrade his brother, tries to follow and finish Simba off for Zira. He manages to grab hold of Simba's left heel, causing him pain. Nuka is overjoyed as this is now his "moment of glory"; however,  Kitako and Mkundu kicks the logs and causing Nuka to lose his grip on Simba's ankle and begin to fall. Simba, Kitako and Mkundu reach the top, but the pile of logs rolls down the slope with Nuka among them; they all land in a heap at the bottom of the ravine. Nuka lies trapped under a large log. He looks up to the top of the slope to see one final log rapidly falling in his direction. He grimaces, terrified, as the log hits him. Kovu, who had watched the scene from above, tries to dig him out but is shoved roughly aside by his mother. Zira lifts up a log to see her eldest son barely alive. He apologizes for failing her before dying. Vitani appears next to Zira on the edge of the logs.

Meanwhile, Simba, Kitako, and Mkundu escaped, but the king is badly injured. Luckily, Kiara, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon, and Pumbaa see them from a distance off. Simba is walking with great pain, Kitako, and Mkundu helps him. Kiara, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon, and Pumbaa reach him. Simba coughs, wheezing, having a hard time speaking, he collapses on his side, groaning in pain. Luckily, Kitako and Mkundu told Kiara, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon, and Pumbaa all about what happened.

Meanwhile, Duba and Jiminy Cricket rush to warn the king along with Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Timon and Pumbaa. But then sees Zira and her pride at the bottom of the gorge. Zira blames Kovu for Nuka's death and slashes him across the face, scarring Kovu in an identical manner to Scar. Kovu defies his mother for the first time and runs back to the Pride Lands. Zira tells the other Outsiders that Simba has turned Kovu against them and declares war, laughing evilly. Duba and Jiminy Cricket watched in horror and rush to the Pride Lands to warn the king along with Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, Timon and Pumbaa.

Meanwhile, back at Pride Rock. Kiara refuses to believe that Kovu could be behind the attack, but she is the only one. Kovu returns and begs forgiveness. Simba refuses and exiles him, and the other animals drive him out. imba forbids Kiara to leave Pride Rock without an escorted and says that he knows that Kovu is following in Scar's paw prints and that he must follow in his own father's. Kiara tells her father that he will never be Mufasa. Simba is stunned and horrified at this comment, and Kiara runs into the cave, weeping whilst watched on in shock by Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, and the other lionesses. The king asks his friends Timon and Pumbaa to watch over her, with the help of Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures. While crying, Kiara sees a hole at the back of the cave and escapes Pride Rock without her father, Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, and the vultures seeing. However, Pooh sees the princess has fled, realizing that Kiara has gone searching for Kovu, He warns his friends and the group leaves in search of the lioness.

Meanwhile, Kiara begins searching for Kovu but cannot find him anywhere. She starts to sing "Love Will Find a Way," during which Kovu finds her, and they reunite. They laugh together and lie down next to a pool.  In the distance, they are observed by Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, the vultures (Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Timon and Pumba were to help the king). Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, the vultures are happy to see Kiara and Kovu in love. One day, they will also find their true love. Kovu looks at their reflection, which has merged through the ripples, and says to her, "Look, we are one."

He smiles at her, and she smiles back, then realizes what Kovu has just said and looks shocked. Kovu leaps away from the pool and announces that they should run away together and start a pride of their own. Kiara smiles affectionately and reminds him that they have to go back. Kovu thinks she's kidding and reminds her that they are finally together. She tells him that their place is with their pride and that if they left, their families would be divided forever. Kovu tells Kiara the truth. Just then, Duba and Jiminy Cricket shows up and warns the couple, Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, the vultures: “Sorry to interrupt this beautiful moment, but the kingdom is in danger. Zazu has warned us that Zira is going to attack with her lionesses. We need to hide.” Despite past discussions, Kovu and Kiara decide to return to stop the battle.

Too late. The fight has already started. After several attacks from both sides, Zira and Simba are finally facing to face. It is at that moment that Kiara and Kovu stand in front of their parents, preventing them from attacking. Kiara makes a beautiful discourse and explains that no one should fight because they are all the same. "We are one." Zira's lionesses join Simba, including Vitani, Zira's daughter. Zira doesn't accept her defeat and tries to attack Simba, but Kiara intervenes and they both got trapped in a cliff. Kiara tries to save Zira, but she refuses and ends up falling into the dangerous waters, but just then, the vultures grabbed back, and put her on the trunk, locked inside, and sent Zira to Timbuktu.

Simba and Duba then reach her and holds out a paw. Kiara sadly tells them that she'd tried, but Duba convinces her to forget it as she believes that Zira isn't worth it

Simba and Duba then help Kiara back up the cliff, where she is greeted enthusiastically by her worried mother and the two pride of lions.

Kitako, Mkundu, Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Genie, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, the vultures, and Jiminy Cricket are happy that it's all over. Even Tigger makes Rabbit leap for joy. Kovu and Kiara embrace, relieved to have fulfilled their mission. As Simba watches his daughter embrace the Outsider, he softly apologizes to Kovu that he had been wrong, for Kovu does belong with the pride. The two pride of lions join together and go back to Pride Rock as one. Finally, all lionesses, including the ex-enemies, come together to welcome Kovu as a prince and future king of the Pride Lands.

Meanwhile, The Lion Guard returns to the Pride Lands, only to find out that the conflict has already been settled. Zira's daughter and Kovu's older sister, Vitani, forms her own Lion Guard in their absence, causing an argument between them and Kion's Lion Guard. However, after seeing Vitani's confidence in becoming a leader even without the Roar, Kion allows Vitani's Lion Guard to succeed his Guard as defenders of Pride Lands. Kion and his friends return to the Tree of Life where Kion marries Rani and is crowned King of the Tree of Life with his close family and friends attending. Makini closes their wedding by holding their newborn cub.

The next morning, Pooh and his friends say goodbye to the royal family. It's time to go home. Kitako, Mkundu and Dabu guide their friends out of the Pride Lands, thanking all the adventures they had together.

Finally, after a long journey, Pooh and his friends arrive home, the magnificent Hundred Acre Hood, where they are received with joy by Kanga, Roo, Owl and Christopher Robin, who sits on the grass, listening to the incredible adventures of Winnie The Pooh in Simba's Pride.
First in pool
Pooh And Friends With The Iron Giant
I usually don't post this kind of stories here, but this was a special request.

This story was commissioned by
, who edit some parts with his vision of his mega crossover with his oc's.

This was an interesting experience. I wrote something very out of my usual. But I think I did well.

male 1,197,248, female 1,087,826, rabbit 139,500, oc 79,357, tiger 38,964, disney 23,615, crossover 8,392, owl 6,787, the lion king 6,396, lion king 5,203, simba 3,407, mammals 2,798, meerkat 2,644, the lion guard 2,189, oc's 1,871, teddy bear 1,494, kion 1,333, lion guard 1,323, kiara 1,194, lions 1,163, genie 1,033, kovu 934, winnie the pooh 630, warthog 555, timon 549, madagascar 513, pooh 392, zira 356, lionesses 343, aladdin 265, pumbaa 249, tigger 247, pinocchio 246, crossovers 224, king julien 176, maurice 157, cricket 154, lemurs 81, eeyore 75, jiminy 4
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 4 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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4 years, 9 months ago
Thanks pal!
4 years, 9 months ago
You're welcome. :)
4 years, 9 months ago
And here's what my lionesses look like,
4 years, 9 months ago
They're so adorable. <3
4 years, 9 months ago
4 years, 1 month ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Why am I not surprised that Pooh's Adventures are here on IB?! 🤦🏻‍♂️
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