ROTFL the inside joke goes viral!! But it is true, they are almost Doppelgangers. They are even more similar in the old MLP series from the 1980's. only Starlight Glimmer is 100 times more powerful then Twilight sparkle.. she can do spells that TS will not even attempt because of there difficulty.. you know that Sunset Shimmer is almost on Celestria's level right? Remember None of the other Ponies can Scry without potions or spells but Sunset shimmer CAN!
ROTFL the inside joke goes viral!! But it is true, they are almost Doppelgangers. They are even more
ROTFL the inside joke goes viral!! But it is true, they are almost Doppelgangers. They are even more similar in the old MLP series from the 1980's. only Starlight Glimmer is 100 times more powerful then Twilight sparkle.. she can do spells that TS will not even attempt because of there difficulty.. another example is Sunset Shimmer is almost on Celestria's level right? Remember None of the other Ponies can Scry without potions or spells but Sunset shimmer CAN! Starlight glimmer used a spell on PLuna and PCelestria that switched there cutie marks. (You cannot effect Magic Users that are a higher level then you. I know that MLP-FIM plays fast and loose with the spell failure rules, but it is in the DM guide its also a rule that has been around forever) even if the spell functioned it would not have lasted the whole day... this shows Starlight Glimmers "Power" and "skill" level... (sorry ran out of editing time...)
ROTFL the inside joke goes viral!! But it is true, they are almost Doppelgangers. They are even more