This is a mainly a gift for Chalo of DA in honour of Lady Ambar's new baby in January 2017*, as I give you the penultimate entry for Mayternity 2017 as the High Prime of Las Lindas becomes the next spokesgirl.
Seems Lady Ambar's enjoying being pregnant all over again, and with a larger load this time - and still she feels isolated that she can't share this experience with this anybody at the moment. But I wonder who she has in mind, perhaps Mora (over whom Ambar watches over) or even her own (somewhat boring) daughter, Naerie (who did deliver her own sibling)...? (I wonder if she's thinking she can trick either of them to take the pills, then she can share the experience with them whether they like it or not)
(* = Too bad none of my questions for Ask the High Prime weren't chosen to be answered at the time (to much indignation from other viewers as I tried all sorts of means to contact Chalo on all means @ DA, FA, and Las Lindas itself)...)
NOTE: This was the trickiest of all subjects as not only it wasn't easy to find the correct head (one that wasn't either winking or close-eyed), but also the hair, the eyes the tail and especially the feet - still after a lot of searching and mash ups, I was able to come up with this (even if Ambar's feet look that that of a simian, so I'm sorry about that not looking 100% accurate)