Commission from IVAN-JHANG of my favorite aggron, Sir Perceus~
Not too much to say here, just a really nice picture of Sir Perceus looking extra thin cool and smug. Knowing he's better than you are and showing that off in as good a fashion as possible! With Raviwr Kov nonchalantly slung over his shoulder an a cocky grin across his steel laden maw, The corrupt knight, Sir Perceus prepares to take on anyone who dares to believe they stand a chance. And to anyone foolish enough to face him within the ring, the suffering you'll endure has only just begun. For not only has your chance of victory vanished under his dominating presence, but your inevitable defeat at the hands of the dark knight will be both long and painful, as any hope you may have held in your heart is trampled underfoot. Let us both hope you enjoy pain...
Haha! I've asked actually. As far as adopting him goes, he's basically on a "wait and see" basis. Since Poxxxen itself isn't actually done yet, chel doesn't want to do anything like that yet. On the other side of it though, I'm allowed to get pretty much anything I want with the character. So...yeah~ Just have to wait and see for now.
Haha! I've asked actually. As far as adopting him goes, he's basically on a "wait and see" basis. S