This takes place long after Taomon's issues with her corruption.
She had digivolved into an unusual Mega form, something that as powerful enough to let her reshape her reality, and used it to repair her broken code. This however wasn't entirely stable for her, and her tamer, in an effort to help her control her power, fused with her, becoming purely data and sharing conciousness with her, which allowed them to control the power.
She didn't undo everything, as she knew what she wanted would involve keeping her unusual forms, but she was happy to keep them. Her tamer was also changed, since it was agreed upon while they were fused, and when he separated from her, his body was also changed. He had become partially digital, and sported a pair of yellow fox ears and two yellow fox tails, a symbol of his devotion to her. He had been given some Renamon abilities too, so he could fight along side her.
Now, after the few years of them working to repair her code and trying to undo everything, they've come instead to the best ending they could want, and finally have the magical wedding they wanted. The rain was an interesting addition, as it was unplanned and lasted only for a few seconds, and more so there was no cloud in the sky.