the second one finally done. and this is for the Special occasion.
me: this is just show you all not just a one trick artist. I can draw the many art i can draw. make you all happy that... I can draw them.
so here goes. these are the "other " 6fanart request that miss out but under special location. the first one is just to Follow the "all artist " rules. while this one..... is just steep close to the NSFW terriory. but also an advertisment to you all what i am capable. :)
the Hardest one i did is April Oneil. if you see her face. yea... I cant capture her 80s design. and my original looks too... anime.
No nsfw. Not even close. You seemed to be sayinglitterally (with proof) the complete opposite about this one. Which explains why my 2 requests were once more ignored, but still... this is beyond disappointing.
No nsfw. Not even close. You seemed to be sayinglitterally (with proof) the complete opposite about