The night sky opens us to us. This darkness, this pale light of the astral and its heavens. Some feel small beneath the stars. Others fear the silence and the dark. There are even those who are said to howl without end at the moon.
We are often told there is a weakness in rest. Warned that idleness makes born an illness in the heart. But looking upon the night sky...can one truly not see Sanctuary?
I think we're told so much some days that all we are, are problems. That all we do is take...and so we hear this until one day that is all we do.
But the moon promises something else. A much smoother, gentler truth that we have not been told enough. That we're nurturers...and that we too deserve to be nurtured. That a night's sky isn't a cemetery for our place in this universe, but a nursery for our stars and dreams.