So, my own personal list of 6 may be over but my partner had a list of their own. One that was both very similar and different from my own so I figured I'd draw up their dream list for them as well. First on their list being Rayman, one that was actually in my own top list but when they mentioned that they wanted him too, I gave it to them but it's still a character I'd love to see added. I feel at this point he's earned a spot in video game history and given Nintendo and Ubisoft's relationship I do find it odd that he hasn't shown up yet.
I had initially thought he wouldn't have too much to offer in terms of a move set but after remembering all his power ups from Rayman 3 (I do my best to forget that game ever happened) I realized that along with those and his animations from Rayman Origins and Legends he has a pretty solid line up of attacks. If he can somehow retain that whimsical, yet manic feel from those games I would love to see the limbless hero added in!
4 years, 10 months ago
02 Apr 2020 18:22 CEST
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