((TLDR - Smash Bros. sucks at representing Zelda. Give me Deku, Goron and Zora Link that work like Pokemon Trainer.))
You know what I want? Better representation of Nintendo's IPs. I mean, beyond blatant favoritism to Fire Emblem and making sure any character that's ever appeared once in a Mario Bros. game, that is! Of course I understand that in the case of some series there really isn't much else you can do, it's amazing they even managed to work out a single rep at all-(I'm looking at 'you', F-Zero)-so we should really just be happy that we got anything at all when it comes to those lesser known titles... granted, this situation goes full circle as there could be more done with these lesser known titles if Nintendo would ever actually do anything with them, instead of just focusing on Mario, Zelda and Pokemon but that's a story for another day.
No, my main issue falls with one of Nintendo's biggest franchises that, in my opinion, has gotten the worst representation when you consider it's place as one of Nintendo's "big three." How is it that in over 20 years, we have only gotten three clones of the same character, a wardrobe change passed off as a different character and Captain Falcon cosplaying Ganondorf? (Don't argue this with me. Making him slow and giving him a sword does not make him distinct, not when there's an entire history of this character they could actually pull from. You know I'm right) To be fair, my issues mainly lie with Ganondorf but I won't get into that. At least Zelda and Sheik are completely unique, but you mean to tell me that we've had three incarnations of Link, all representing specific games, all with different styles of gameplay and weaponry and all they can do is "Bow. Boomerang. Bomb. Spin Attack" some of which don't even have all of those items in their games!
We can sit and bicker about mild differences; how they've given him the Claw Shot in the past, or how Link has the remote bombs now but in the end, they all do virtually the same thing and it's simply yet another display of raw laziness and unwillingness to try something new. Each incarnation of Link could function entirely different from one another if they focused on the actual game they're from. I understand that the bow, boomerang, bomb and spin attack combo are the most iconic things Link has and if we only had one version of him to pull from, I wouldn't change it, but when we have three, there's just no excuse to me. (Could argue this could also be a reason to bring back and make much better use of custom moves but...)
Now this could just be a lot of bickering from a long time Zelda fanboy, but I just feel this series has really gotten the shaft in Smash Bros and I'd like to see something more unique done. True, my idea IS just making use of yet another incarnation of Link, but on that I don't really fault them. Link IS the character you can do the most with in his games, they just don't do much with him. As such, while it may be taking from another character's gimmick, my top choice for a new fighter would be a three-way combo of Link's Deku, Goron and Zora forms; drawn in the style of Breath of the Wild, because let's face it. BotW was the best thing to ever happen to the Zora! They would function like the Pokemon Trainer, able to swap out with a button command. They feature a similar, well rounded set up of fast and light, slow and heavy and in between. The Fierce Deity would be the Final Smash (obviously) Each one offers unique attacks that could easily be expounded upon, you give homage to the other iconic races of Hyrule while also showing the overall versatility of Link which is something they've sorely overlooked.
Maybe it's cheap, maybe I'm being petty or hypocritical, maybe it's ripping off too much to actually be original, maybe I'm just making an excuse to see more of my favorite Zelda game included but dammit, I want this and I'm sticking with it! Look... if anything, I'll just take Sidon okay?
legend of zelda
majoras mask
deku link
goron link
zora link
4 years, 11 months ago
31 Mar 2020 22:09 CEST
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