What do you want to do with this odd alien artifact, Rael ?
Log book extract : Landed on the planet Priapus, our team was responsible for exploring the ruins left by a lost civilization : the Priapics... We discovered several old machines obviously designed by a very advanced science. Things started to go wrong when the Yeoman Rael found a gadget that still seemed to be working... We totally ignore the usefulness of this strange object, radiating multiple colors, but he still seems to have colossal power. The artifact seems to be imbued with the spirit of an Ancient Priapic, and took control of the mind and body of Rael.....
Héhé je serais vraiment curieux de savoir dans quelle section de la galaxie où se trouve cette ancienne civilisation XD XD XD Bravo pur l'humour Lord et ''thumb up'' pour la couleur
Héhé je serais vraiment curieux de savoir dans quelle section de la galaxie où se trouve cette ancie