Or more specifically Rash since he is the one who most defines the era in which he was made, what with those rad sunglasses of him. Guess the others could easily be skins like with Hero but with there only being 3 that does leave an uneven number of skins for each toad, but I digress.
I know, I know. In this day and age, Battletoads only exist as meme status but I'd like to take a moment to reminds you that back in the day these amphibians were a beloved game franchise. Sure, they were obscenely difficult but so was everything on the NES. It was one of the few Ninja Turtles clones to really gain some decent traction and were it not for the fact that they can essentially only exist in the 'toadally radical' decade that was the 90's, I'd say these guys could still be around to today.
While Waluigi is mostly a joke entry for me that I want to see realized, I do unironically love the Battletoads. I guess I'm just a sucker for intense beat 'em ups but with the toad's plethora of insane anatomy morphing attacks, I think they'd be a lot of fun. It goes without saying too that with Microsoft playing along now, there is a decent chance of another Rare property slipping in so it IS possible... not likely but you never know.
Of course, one does need to address the elephant in the room that the Battletoads really have been relegated to nothing more then a dead meme these days but I don't see why that can't be played up? The games have become infamous due to their controller breaking difficulty and Smash is no stranger to adding in joke characters that barely pass as anything playable. Why not own up to the joke that is Battletoads, by giving us a character that can legitimately pass as a fighter for once! I say if the Duck Hunt dog can get in purely due to people hating him, then so can the toads!
4 years, 9 months ago
28 Mar 2020 10:26 CET
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