When examining or commenting on one of the countless instances of an individual being mobbed on the internet, the focus is only ever on what that individual did or said that the mob has latched on to. It is always the case, always, that most people will refer to a mob as though it is a force of nature, a natural response to whatever it is the mob is reacting to. Now whilst it is certainly true that one can rely on the predictability of mob outrage occurring, it is a surface-level, ignorant mistake to stop at this basic bitch point of analysis. A mob consists of individuals, making autonomous decisions, not this ephemeral THING, the responsibility for which lies with the target of the mob. I can't remember seeing anyone shine the light on the people who join the mobs and participate in the abuse, on what qualities a person possesses that lead to them deciding to take part in the first place.
The majority of people possess a conscience, an inner voice that influences our behaviour. Even as young children most of us do not seek for targets to abuse, though when children are in pain and misery we mistakenly vent the pain and darkness inside ourselves at someone else. This is understandable at such an age. Now picture an adult, we'll call them Jiffy, who sees someone else online say, draw, otherwise expresses themselves in a way that that Jiffy doesn't like. In fact, Jiffy finds it to be disgusting and offensive. Jiffy decides to send a message to that person, a very abusive message intended to make them feel like shit, intended to hurt them emotionally. What kind of person is Jiffy?
It takes a very bitter, pathetic soul to take the leap from witnessing something offensive to going out of their way to verbally abuse, even lie about and slander, another person. But that's not all. No, they're also doing it while completely protected from consequences, not just because they are nowhere near their target, protected by the internet, but because they also see plenty of other people doing the same thing. So they can't even do a cowardly thing online on their own. These are pathetic, weak, bitter and resentful people who despise the achievement of others. That could be actually sympathetic, since we can all understand how someone in pain could feel anger, or what it's like to feel weak. However, these degenerate drecks actually try to derive some small moment of pleasure from hurting someone else and making them feel terrible. Even this isn't enough, being a revolting little coward deriving pleasure from abusing others, oh no; we need one more layer of unbelievable shite.
They pretend they're the people who are most compassionate.
Fuck politics, fuck tribes and sides. This has always been about individuals, about whether or not YOU choose to be a sack of shit and add more pain into the world than what it would have without you being in it.
4 years, 12 months ago
19 Mar 2020 02:12 CET
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