This was not how she wanted to say goodbye. It wouldn't be for long, he assured her of that. That didn't stop her from worrying.
"They'll help you. You know as well as I do that they're highly recommended."
"But what if something goes wrong? What then?"
"Ember, my dear, nothing life threatening is going to happen to you. "
"You can't possibly guarantee that. There's been other cases like mine where people have-"
"This is a hospital, my love. The doctors are here to help you, not endanger your life." he takes her hand, holding it gently, "I won't let anything bad happen to you."
Ember embraces him, "I hope you're right, Predaking."
She's terrified, he knows that. He knew from the start that this would be difficult for her. Having been to multiple doctors with the same end result. None of them knew how to help her.
He gently lifts her face to meet his, she'd been avoiding it for the majority of the day. His caress was tender, eyes full of love. His smile seemed to lighten her mood a bit. It was better than nothing.
They share a kiss before departing. They'll see each other again. He would make sure of it.
Takes place somewhere in book one, The Beginning of Hell.
Little thing I feel I have to say just incase people think they should look older, Ember is 17 here and Predaking is 20. They get together when they're 15 and 18.
Please do give me a hard to treat, or not well known, medical condition. I need one for human Ember, as she suffers from one.