Bolt was wandering around lost in the Serengeti. He and his family had gone to Africa for vacation, and while they were driving to their hotel his crate had fallen off the jeep. It busiest open as it hit the ground, but the people in the car didn't hear. As much as he tried to catch up the jeep was simply too fast for his little legs. Now he was following the tracks hoping to get back home, unbeknownst to him there was a couple of lion cubs near by who were ready for lunch.
The two lion cubs in question were nothing more than royalty although it was unlikely that Bolt would be aware of that, Nala and Simba were their names, and right now they were hot on the dog's tail. “Those white boxes always have food in them,” the female explained to her grumbling companion as they followed the scent and tracks. “Good meat as well, domestic and fat...I'm telling you.” Simba wasn't as convinced but nonetheless he followed until finally they began to see a white figure in the distance, muscular and distinctly canine...lunch, it seemed was, was served. Hiding in the bushes now the lion cub's advanced in secret until eventually they were right beside the wondering Bolt, ready to pounce.
Luckily for Bolt Simba and Nala were still cubs and their hunting skills weren't perfected. He heard them coming up on him from the bushes and turned around to address the unseen creatures. "Wh-who's there?" Nala went down on her stomach and whispered to Simba, "Let's have a bit more fun with this little dog..." And with that she silently left the bush with a friendly swing of her tail followed by the male lion behind her. "Are you lost?" she asked with a friendly, if not a little hungry, grin. Bolt saw the lions climb out of the hushes. Even though they were bigger than him, it was not by much, and Bolt knew they were only children. As a result he felt much safer around them then he should. He sat down, his tail wagging behind him. "Yes, I am," he said. "I got separated from my people, and was trying to follow their tracks back to civilization. Do you think you could help me, I'm Bolt by the way." Simba, who was much worse at acting and couldn't control his hungry urges, might have set off bolt's instincts with his hungry gaze and licks of his drying lips but luckily Nala acted friendly enough for the both of them. "We can help you find them although they're probably off the road by now." She motioned to a small forest a short walk away, the perfect place to eat. "We'll need to pass through there."
Simba was a little offsetting in the way he licked his lips, but Nala was so friendly that he figured the young cub was just thirsty. "That's great," he said getting up. "We should hurry, lead the way." Nala led the way, Simba lagging behind Bolt in case he tried to run but that seemed to be unlikely, the pet completely encased in their web of lies. Nala could practically taste his sweet flesh already. After a while Bolt was getting a bit nervous. Simba had decided to slowly close the gap between the two of them, soaking up Bolt's rich scent. "How much longer until we're there?"
"Not long now," Nala said cheerfully not noticing Simba begin to stalk a little, flattening down as if he was about to jump on the nervous dog. The lion king himself didn't notice it either, too focused on the plump meal in front of him, unable to resist himself and not exactly willing to share the whole thing with Nala. Finally with a sharp growl he jumped forward and grasped his jaws around the dog's plump buttocks, beginning to swallow. Bolt jolted as he felt his hindquarters get chomped on. He fell down on the ground hanging a little from Simba's jaws. "Wh-what are you doing!?" He shouted as he felt his body start to get licked over, his tail lashing wildly with fear in Simba's mouth.
Nala scowled, "Hey, you're supposed to share the meat." But it appeared that Simba had no such intentions, licking at the dog's plump stomach so full with fat and meat from years of being regularly fed. This was going to be a good meal. "Share the- I thought we were friends!" Bolt shouted as he struggled to get out of Simba's jaws, pawing at the ground in an attempt to pull himself out. This was proving impossible given the fact that he had recently gotten his claws trimmed. "Please, don't eat me! I don't wanna be food!" His hind paws entered the throat and it started to pull him down; Simba's tongue was lapping at his stomach, digging into his fur to absorb his flavor. "Somebody help!"
"Well too bad," the female grumbled and sat down to assess the situation, annoyed at Simba and licking her hungry lips at the same time. "You're a lovely piece of dog meat and one of us is gonna have you." Simba ignored her threats and proceeded to swallow, purring a little at the rich taste of Bolt's clean fur and the interesting texture of his stubby nails. He was a wriggler that was for sure...but Simba liked them that way. Bolt felt his form slip down even further, the sick sounds of Simba purring reverberating around him. "Please, I'll do anything! Just don't eat me!"
He could feel Simba bite down a little. Not enough to hurt, but it caused him to burst into a new batch of squirms all the same. Seeing that squirming dog trying to detach himself from the lion finally made Nala snap and growl and take a step forward, this was her meal! She'd done most of the work and deserved to have it all for herself. "I'll show you," she grumbled and opened her jaws, snapping them forward and taking in Bolt's muzzle, stopping right at his wide eyes. Simba saw what was happening, realising that the dog was now being eaten by two lions on either end of his body and that if he didn't act soon he'd lose his meal, and began to gulp harder. Trying to dislodge Bolt while at the same time still trying to enjoy the fresh batch of struggles Nala's attack had caused. Bolt panicked as his muzzle was snatched up. He began to swipe at Nala, but the same problem with his clipped claws arose and he barely batted her face. He began to slip down Simba's throat even quicker, and his feet had started to enter Simba's stomach. He felt the heat rising from the stomach acids, ready to melt him down, and his face was being licked up. He began to whimper as his fate grew near. The two lions pulled back and forth for a moment until finally Bolt detached from Nala jaws with a wet slurping sound,
Simba grinning from behind with a satisfied smile. "Fine, have him," Nala sulked and sat down, watching Simba continue eating with a scowl. The male wasted no time, feeling those legs kicking inside of him, a little slurp bringing them down to the tip of the digestive bath brewing within. "Good doggy," he grinned, reminding himself to make all of this up to Nala afterwards. Gulping down more of this delicious canine all plump with juicy pet-fat, the best kind. Bolt was going down fast now. His fat belly was being slurped up, and his back paws had entered the bath waiting for him down below. The digestive juices already starting to melt him down and turn his fat into Simba's. "Oh, please, just don't do it!" He shouted although his voice was muffled a little by the continuing sounds of Simba's moans and purrs. The lion ignored him, too engrossed in gulping and tasting bolt's meaty body to consider or respond to his pleas. This was quite a large dog but Simba had no doubt that his feline belly would be able to digest it down into nothing but fat and mush. He was up to Bolt's chest now, lapping up at that muscular breast, the lower half of the dog already beginning to curl up in his hot, wet stomach, ready for melting.
All that remained outside of the young lion's mouth was Bolt's head and forepaws. He could feel his hind legs burning, unable to avoid Simba's stomach acids any longer. He continued to whimper, mixing with Simba's moans and purrs in a feasting chorus. Soon he would settle down and be forced to curl up into a ball in Simba's belly. Simba closed his eyes, slurping his tongue around the dog's neck and muzzle, a deep purr erupting from his neck that shook what was left of Bolt inside. He was almost reluctant to let such a clean, fat and delicious piece of meat go away, but he could hardly sit here with Bolt hanging out of his salivating jaws all day. As the lion took one last gulp and snapped his jaws, Nala could see the dog's terrified face slipping down and the smell of digesting canine already wafting outside. "You were supposed to share."
Bolt saw the teeth close in front of him as he slipped down all the way into Simba's gut. He curled up a little in the tight chamber, and was able to keep his head above the acids so he could breathe the stale air. "I couldn't help myself," he heard, "he was delicious." That cub needed to pay, he kicked the walls, which only caused his little prison to shake. Giving his belly a light kick and then a rub, cradling his bulging organ protectively as if Nala might still try and steal it from him, Simba grinned at the lioness. "When this pooch is squishy enough for me to move again, I'll go and find you something nice to eat." Although it was unlikely he'd something as tasty as the protesting Bolt, who was giving out heavenly wriggles inside Simba as the belly churned and gurgled around him. Bolt felt Simba kick him, and kicked back in the same place in protest. The extreme conditions of his cage were getting to Bolt, his struggles were becoming less intense. "You know who I'd really like to sink my teeth into," Nala said, eyeing Simba's belly jealously. "That annoying dodo, Zazu. He always has to ruin our fun, it'd be nice to do away with him and get a nice snack as a bonus." Simba nuzzled his full, gurgling belly as the struggles within began to die down, Bolt's pleas being overtaken by the sound of a happy stomach hard at work to process its meal. "We'd get in trouble," Simba grinned, "but then Zazu's had it coming for years, let's do it."
He didn't think Zazu would be nearly as tender or as filling for her as Bolt was for him but the added sweetness of revenge would make up for that. Soon Bolt's sweet struggles stopped, and Simba's stomach could focus on turning him into fat in peace. They would be able to continue their luncheon soon. After resting for a while Bolt had melted down enough that Simba was able to walk again, though his belly still drooped a bit below him. "So how do you reckon we find the dodo?" Simba asked. "Knowing him he'll be looking for us," Nala grinned. Sure enough she was right, because as fate would have it Zazu had just found them after searching for hours. "There you two are," he called from above, before landing right beside them.
"Simba your mother has been worried sick about you! You know you're not supposed to run off like- What is that!?" he shouted as he saw Simba's gut. "It is, well was, a dog," the cub grinned viciously, his belly much rounder now although some of Bolt's features were still visible within, the rest of him melted into nothing. "I had a lovely meal...Nala didn't though so...good luck Zazu." He stood back and let the female lion pounce on the exotic bird, making sure not to break him, wanting to feel his struggles deep inside her belly. "Hello Zazu, you're looking delicious today," Nala grinned, Simba's belly letting out a short gurgle that seemed to be mocking Zazu's future fate. "What do you mean good lu-" Zazu, however, couldn't finish his sentence before Nala pounced on him. "What are you doing, get off me this instant!" He shivered at the sound of Simba's belly as splashes of drool fell in him from above.
Nala giggled and leaned down to lick at Zazu's head and then chew a little on his beak, getting a good taste of all the flavours his bird body entailed. "I'm gonna enjoy eating you, little birdy... 'bout time you got what you deserved. I hope you squirm as much as that dog did." Although Nala didn't need to say anything as Zazu was already struggling to free himself from her grip. "You can't eat me! I'm the King's Majordomo! Do you know how much trouble you'll be in if you do!?"
"You think he'll figure it out? Plenty of snakes and wildcats out here, you're not exactly top of the food chain." Nala opened up her jaws, lifting the bird's beak with her index finger, before shoving him roughly into her moist maw. Simba watched, lying down on his quieter belly, busy digesting what was left of Bolt inside. Seeing the inside of Nala's mouth reminded Zazu of the time he was almost eaten by Scar. This time, however, there was no king to save him, he had to get out of this himself. He tried pulling his break out of her mouth, but she had a firm grip on it with her teeth. His beak and face were being licked all over, he shook vigorously and pushed away with his hand-like wings, trying to dislodge himself from her maw.
"Aww, look, Banana Beak is scared," Simba chuckled. Nala was a lot rougher with her meals than the male was, roughly gulping and sucking up the bird as he struggled to escape her terrifying jaws, too encased in muscle and teeth to dislodge himself. "Mmm, tasty," the female teased, slathering down the back of Zazu's feathers, sliding him deeper into her warm body where he would be digested away into quiet nothing. He certainly didn't taste like bananas, more like well looked after, plumped and raw bird meat. Zazu was desperate now, he would do anything to escape the fleshy prison he was entering.
"Please don't eat me! I'll let you two do whatever you want from now on, now please let me go!" he shouted as he struggled vigorously. He could feel Nala's tongue lapping up his flavor, and he wanted nothing more than to make it stop. "That's nice and all," Nala mumbled around her mouthful of exotic meat, "but I'd much rather eat you. Seems like that'd be a lot more fun for me." She lifted up a paw to push those clawed feet into her mouth, jaws bulging out with the struggling within, the only thing remaining of Zazu outside being a feathery tail and a single claw still waiting to be slurped up. Zazu wanted nothing more than to escape the hot humid cavern he was entering, but as more and more of him slipped in, the odds of such a thing happening decreased. Soon he would enter the stomach and the harsh acids would melt him down into nothing but fat. He kept filing into the mouth. but had yet to enter the throat, possibly because Nala wanted to send him down in one gulp. Either way he was having trouble avoiding those sharp teeth that could easily tear him to bits should the young huntress decide to. Soon the rest of him entered the mouth, and the teeth closed around him, sealing his fate.
He tried scratching at her tongue with his claws, but they kept slipping off. Instead it was hard at work tasting him over, and absorbing his flavor. Nala had no such interest in biting down on Zazu to stop his struggling, wanting instead to gulp him down whole and feel him wiggling about inside her as the dog had inside Simba. The lioness had watched that shrinking bulge as it kneaded over and churned up its still living occupant. Until eventually the bumps he formed disappeared completely, absorbed into the round fat of the future king's growing belly. She snapped her jaws forward to gulp down the rest of the bird's protesting form, realising now that he actually tasted a little like chicken and that his feathers slid into her easier than the furred creatures did. “Time to go birdy,” she giggled and swallowed again, dislodging Zazu from her throat and sending his moistened body further into her stomach, already churning eagerly for his arrival. Zazu splashed down into the stomach acids. Instantly they started melting him down and soon he would be nothing but belly fat on a spoiled cub. "Help!" He started pushing on the walls of his cage, hoping, wishing for a way out. He could feel his feathers coming off as the acids worked away on him. The harsh conditions of the lion cub's belly were enough to handle meals larger than he was, and as a result he passed out relatively quickly.
Early the next morning Simba and Nala would cough up what was left of their meals, a couple of bones and a squalid fur ball in Simba's case and feathers in Nala's, all that was left to memorialize the two animals who had went down feeding such regal animals.