Just a beautiful picture of the two angels, Super Sonic and Super Tails playing around in the space happily, in order to test their own strength and prove that they can be stronger even without clothes and accessories.
Normally in the attireless super form pictures I commissioned, there is not many things special about the details. But as for this, it was inspired from my friend and his closest secondary school teacher who are also Sonic fans. Since he is going to graduate from secondary school, I commissioned this also for him. There are meanings of the details in the picture: Sonic and Tails: Tails is my friend's most inspirational Sonic character, he takes his closest teacher as Sonic since they are best friend. The sun: They both are Christians (My friend is a Catholic and his teacher is a Methodist), so it means the god they both believe in. Super form: means they are both blessed by the same god. Characters being completely naked: Although it was my idea to make the boys like this, my friend is okay with it. He feels like it means despite they are different, they were created by the same god, with the same way.