In a ferret family that resides in Pastura, New Mexico, Daddy lets his younger son borrow the family car to run an errand in Vaughn. The car is a 1960 Chevy Impala, which was a brand new car at the time. In the pic, the younger son is on his return trip back to Pastura after running the errand in Vaughn. The sound of the car was about like the minute following the chosen time in the video link.
This is the same 1960 Chevy the ferret's older brother and his girl friend went out on a date in, and was out late until past 2:30 am.
Like his older brother, when he uses the car, he always tunes the radio to rock-n-roll stations. Further down the highway the next song played on the radio;
In the near future, I'll have a drawing of this pic as one of the older brother and his girl friend speeding home from being out late on their date at 2:30 am. EDIT: That posting now exists here on Inkbunny, in both a clothed and furclad versions.
While drawing this, I looped two songs for inspiration. The songs are not actually from the era around 1960, rather they are 1990s doo-wop revival songs;