The child of the moon - Eclipse's backstory
Eleonor McGee was a lonely woman who lived in a house deep in the Leaf Forest, a lush forest on the outskirts of Emerald Town. She was engaged in gardening and had a flower stand in the city, which gave her enough money to live well.
Eleonor also took care of a colony of wild Chao that lived in a spring near her home. They kept her company, helped her collect seeds from the forest and even sang with her to the beat of the guitar.
With Eleonor there was also a domestic Chao called Chubby, who lacked wings like the other Chao and therefore he was unable to fly. Because of this, Chubby had developed a sour attitude towards his brothers, but he was extremely docile with Eleonor.
A moonlit night, a strange object fell from the sky and crashed in the middle of the forest. Eleonor heard the noise of the impact, but due to the darkness, she preferred to wait until dawn to go out to investigate.
The next morning, Eleonor and a small group of Chao set off for the impact zone. Upon arriving at the place, she found what appeared to be a white metal capsule with a glass lid. The capsule was empty. On the cover was written the number 00, while at its base she could see a blue logo with a triangular shape.
Eleonor recognized that logo, and for a moment thought that something dangerous had come out of that capsule, so she decided to return home quickly to try to ask for help, but upon returning, she discovered that she was no longer alone.
In her kitchen was a boy, no more than 18 years old, eating the cookies she had baked the night before. He had pale skin and was dressed in a tight white suit. His arms and legs were bare, revealing strange scars that marked his limbs. It was as if his body was fragmenting.
Eleonor tried to talk to the boy, but he responded by becoming defensive and deploying a red light blades emerging from his fists. Eleonor then decided to use a softer tone of voice to try to reassure the boy.
It took a few hours, but Eleonor finally managed to establish communication with the mysterious young man. Apparently, the boy suffered from amnesia. He had no idea who he was or what he was doing there. He had even forgotten to speak.
Seeing that the young man was confused and scared, Eleonor took pity on him and decided to take care of him until he could recover his memory, even offered to give him a new name, but the boy rejected all options, except one: Eclipse.
From that day on, Eleonor took care of Eclipse as if he were her own son. She gave him education, food and a home. She even trained him to help her with the gardening and care of the Chao. But despite her efforts to make Eclipse behave like a normal boy, Eleonor knew that the boy was really someone very special.
Over time, Eclipse learned to better control his skills. He was not only very fast, he was also able to adhere to all types of surfaces as if he were a gecko. Not to mention his red light blades, which Eclipse avoided using, because he considered them a dangerous skill. However, he did not hesitate to use them as an instrument of intimidation.
Time passed and Eleonor ended up becoming fond of Eclipse, but she knew that sooner or later someone would appear looking for him. For this reason, Eleonor returned to the forest and buried the metal capsule with mud, branches and rocks. Then she managed to convince Eclipse to never leave the forest, because the world was not ready for someone like him. Also, the Chao of the forest needed a protector.
Luckily for Eleonor, Eclipse didn?t seem very interested in regaining his memory. He really liked his life in the forest. However, like every boy of his age, Eclipse was curious about the outside world and used to escape from home at night to visit Emerald Town, a custom that would end up getting him into trouble on more than one occasion. Luckily for him, the night was his friend and speed his ally.
Despite living in anonymity, Eclipse felt his life was perfect and was not willing to change it for anything in the world. However, the arrival of an unexpected visitor would end up changing his world forever.
Eleonor McGee era una solitaria mujer que vivia en una casa ubicada en lo profundo de Leaf Forest, un frondoso bosque en las afueras de Emerald Town. Ella se dedicaba a la jardineria y tenia un puesto de flores en la ciudad, el cual le daba suficiente dinero para poder vivir bien.
Eleonor ademas cuidaba de una colonia de Chao salvajes que vivian en un manantial cerca de su casa. Estos le hacian compania, le ayudaban a recolectar semillas del bosque y hasta cantaban con ella al compas de la guitarra.
Junto a Eleonor, tambien vivia un Chao domestico llamado Chubby, el cual carecia de alas como los demas Chao y por ello el era incapaz de volar. Debido a esto, Chubby habia desarrollado una actitud agria hacia sus hermanos, pero era sumamente docil con Eleonor.
Una noche de luna creciente, un extrano objeto cayo del cielo y se estrello a mitad del bosque. Eleonor escucho el ruido del impacto, pero debido a la oscuridad, prefirio esperar hasta el amanecer para salir a investigar.
A la manana siguiente, Eleonor y un pequeno grupo de Chao partieron con rumbo hacia la zona del impacto. Al llegar al lugar, ella encontro lo que parecia ser una capsula metalica de color blanco con una tapa de cristal. La capsula estaba vacia. Sobre la tapa llevaba escrito el numero 00, mientras que en su base ella pudo apreciar un logotipo azul con forma triangular.
Eleonor reconocio aquel logotipo, y por un momento penso que algo peligroso habia salido de aquella capsula, asi que decidio volver a casa rapidamente para intentar pedir ayuda, pero al regresar, ella descubrio que ya no estaba sola.
En su cocina habia un muchacho, de no mas de 18 anos, comiendose las galletas que ella habia horneado la noche anterior. El tenia la piel palida y estaba vestido con un traje apretado de color blanco. Sus brazos y piernas estaban descubiertos, dejando ver unas extranas cicatrices que marcaban sus extremidades. Era como si su cuerpo estuviera fragmentando.
Eleonor intento hablar con el chico, pero este respondio poniendose a la defensiva y desplegando unas cuchillas de luz roja que emergian de sus punos. Eleonor entonces decidio utilizar un tono de voz mas suave para intentar tranquilizar al chico.
Tardo algunas horas, pero Eleonor finalmente logro entablar comunicacion con el misterioso jovencito. Al parecer, el chico sufria de amnesia. No tenia idea de quien era o que estaba haciendo ahi. Incluso se habia olvidado de hablar.
Al ver que el jovencito estaba confundido y asustado, Eleonor se compadecio de el y decidio cuidarlo hasta que este pudiera recuperar su memoria, incluso le ofrecio darle un nuevo nombre, pero el chico rechazo todas las opciones, menos una: Eclipse.
A partir de ese dia, Eleonor cuido de Eclipse como si fuera su propio hijo. Ella le dio educacion, alimento y un hogar. Incluso lo entreno para que le ayudara con la jardineria y el cuidado de los Chao. Pero a pesar de sus esfuerzos por hacer que Eclipse se comportara como un chico normal, Eleonor sabia que el muchacho en realidad era alguien muy especial.
Con el tiempo, Eclipse aprendio a controlar mejor sus habilidades. No solo era muy veloz, tambien era capaz de adherirse a todo tipo de superficies como si se tratara de un gecko. Sin mencionar sus cuchillas de luz roja, las cuales Eclipse evitaba usar, pues las consideraba una habilidad peligrosa. Sin embargo, el no dudaba en usarlas como instrumento de intimidacion.
El tiempo paso y Eleonor termino encarinandose con Eclipse, pero ella sabia que tarde o temprano alguien apareceria buscandolo. Por esta razon, Eleonor volvio al bosque y sepulto la capsula metalica con lodo, ramas y rocas. Luego se las arreglo para convencer a Eclipse de que nunca abandonara el bosque, pues el mundo no estaba listo para alguien como el. Ademas, los Chao del bosque necesitaban un protector.
Por suerte para Eleonor, Eclipse no parecia estar muy interesado en recuperar su memoria. Le gustaba mucho su vida en el bosque. Sin embargo, como todo chico de su edad, Eclipse sentia curiosidad por el mundo exterior y solia escapar de casa por las noches para visitar Emerald Town, una costumbre que lo terminaria metiendo en problemas en mas de una ocasion. Por suerte para el, la noche era su amiga y la velocidad su aliada.
A pesar de vivir en el anonimato, Eclipse sentia que su vida era perfecta y no estaba dispuesto a cambiarla por nada en el mundo. Sin embargo, la llegada de un inesperado visitante, terminaria por cambiar su mundo para siempre.