If she's a plush she doesn't need anatomy. Make her cute and you are done.
Small knight by Bjbo. It's cute, call it Metaking and you have a nice, royal, character.
A kitsune by Large-rarge I think you should streamline the design a bit and keep the heart motive.
Drag-seduction 's... beast. Oh boy this one. To be frank, I don't like this chracter. At all. It's a mess, too many parts, the lates, the hair, the scale, the tentacles... she's... wriggly. I think I understand the concept, she's a shapeshifter, she can be ready for any partner, and there is a theme of double features. Then go on with this "double" idea. Make a fusion of two creatures, two identities. You need very little details, change the tails ends, the hair, the horns and you are done. And drop the 4 eyes. In a word, streamline.
A similar thing with @morganbella803 's wolf. Too many details, it can work for a poster or a t-shirt, but this need to be streamlined.