I feel for her! I was a part of a 8-(wo)man group of gamers who frequented the (saddly EX-)local game arcade, and while I had a good time watching others play while either waiting for my turn, or to a console to be free, I always felt a little left out...kind of how the last panel is. And even when I wasn't at the controller, I was a living map for other gamers (had a ton of free hours for my services), telling them where they are and where they should head out to progress. Example: I knew the whole layout of the water level/Quan Chi's lair in Mortal Kombat Mythology as the back of my hand! With ingame-death lurking at every step, my map-skills were quite useful...or they also liked a gamer-girl to be around! Had even strangers coming to our home, looking for me to help them beat certain levels. Was weird at first, but whatever...I was payed every time with a free hour of gaming afterwards. :)
I feel for her! I was a part of a 8-(wo)man group of gamers who frequented the (saddly EX-)local gam