We would go to the pond and look at the aquatic types: water beetles, nymphs, tadpoles, snails... I had a bad phobia of bugs as a kid. Especially flying bugs with stingers. I was stung on the wrist at the age of five by a little green wasp and I swelled up pretty bad. Everyone told me I was deathly allergic to wasps. So I was terrified of all bugs... until the age of 13. I got stung on the ear at a family reunion, and I screamed and ran around as if I were dying. I turned out to be 100% fine... but the embarrassment of it all drove me crazy. At that moment I had decided I was absolutely DONE with being afraid all the time. Took a little while... but I overcame my phobia. >_< Never had a problem with the little creatures that swam in the water though. I do like all bugs now as an adult!
We would go to the pond and look at the aquatic types: water beetles, nymphs, tadpoles, snails... I
I use to catch aquatic bugs also. Several times, I've encountered a small green water bug with red eyes, and they bite with a bite that feels like fire.
I use to catch aquatic bugs also. Several times, I've encountered a small green water bug with red e
As a little kid, I caught a Lunar Moth. I was not scared of it at all, at first. What I didn't know was how big and sharp it's foot claws are. I let it go quickly once I felt its feet trying to grip my fingers. It was more of a shock of surprise over feeling that, than it was of actual pain. I quickly regretted letting it go, shortly after.
That cicada on the far right I have see twice at my old job. The ones I saw was quite big. The body I think was about 2/3 inch long. They looked much like this one, both a dark gray. Image link:
I use to love finding bugs and such. Still do. Once caught by hand a baby bunny. ^.^
And a near 2-1/2 foot long water snake. That thing was quite neat, but also very aggressive. I got bit by it once. Fortunately they are non venomous. So, I was not harmed, aside from a little bleeding. Still like them a lot. They actually make for good pets, if you know how to handle a possible aggressive snake. Mostly all they eat is fish.
I most would love to get a baby fox. But not likely ever to. Ron Ron Fox and Dog As cute as they can be, this vid tells why having a fox, may not be such a good idea for most. Juniper the fox info.
As a little kid, I caught a Lunar Moth. I was not scared of it at all, at first. What I didn't know
I've caught many cicadas during the time I was a kid. The males make a loud raspy sound when they are caught. The females don't sing.
In my story of the time machine, the coyote family that adopted Clarence in 1960 (1960 was a day and time before Clarence's parents and grand parents were born) went out to one of those doo-wop hops where they had the jukebox, dance floor, food, sodas and ice cream. Clarence and his step siblings caught a cicada outside in front of the hop and bought it inside to show to Mommy and Daddy. The cicada got loose inside The Hop and then caused all kind of commotion as it flew around inside while sounding off, and swooping over the animals on the dance floor, and batting against the windows where customers were sitting at booths having meals and ice cream..