Chapter 18 - Captain Nakazaki and the R.M.S Legend
"Alright girls, everyone still hanging in there?" Chris asked as they pushed themselves to follow, the group having finally made it through the wall of mountains bordering the coast of the region. "I could do without having to trek through something like that again..." Zorua groaned. "With you missing a leg it's no wonder it got to you... I did offer to help." Chris reminded, only to be ignored by the proud Pokemon as she limped by and sat with a plop. Hearing a miserable sound, Britney dragged her feet along before letting herself flop down close to him, falling to her knees before lying on her stomach with a groan. "Sure gave you a workout huh?" Chris laughed, making her scowl at him while Valora leaned against Britney and sat with a sigh of relief. Popping her head out of Chris's rucksack behind him, Sera let out a yawn and stretched her neck about before looking around curiously, spotting the tuckered Pokemon on the ground and letting out a curious sound as if to ask "What's wrong?" making Valora twitch an eye and respond with a lecturing noise, bickering at the small fox that decided to lazily snooze on Chris's back rather than endure the same exercise as the rest of them. Raising her brow, Sera merely put her nose up from being told what to do, making Valora gasp from the insulting response. "Alright, settle down..." Chris lectured, making Valora cross her arms with a grunt while Sera smiled sweetly and gave a "Hi papa!" sort of bark in response. "Good nap?" he smiled, getting an "Mm hm!" of sorts and a nod while Valora grumbled. Hearing this, Chris looked at her making the Pokemon freeze before he showed a smirk and reached out, lifting her in his arms in a princess manner. "Instead of getting yourself upset, you know you could ask me to carry you anytime too!" he grinned, making Valora turn a deep red as her eyes widened.
Stuttering slightly, she tensed in his arms before quickly facing away, making Chris tilt his head curiously while Brionne popped up from his rucksack with a yawn of her own, having Sera curled around her making her fall asleep along their travels as well. "And there's the other one!" Chris laughed, looking back as Brionne gave him a groggy "Hello" noise. "Sorry for dragging you girls through all that, I know it was rough." Chris apologized, looking at Britney as she relaxed. "So... Is this it...?" Zorua spoke, looking at the horizon before her. Pausing with a turn, Chris focused on the view himself and walked up to her side, showing a smirk and nodding. "Yeah... This is the place." he confirmed, making Sera and Brionne pop their heads up from behind his shoulders while Britney pushed herself up and joined his side. Letting out a collective and quiet "ooh" of sorts, the girls gazed at the shimmering sight of the ocean sprawling before them. With buildings lining the coast, Chris took a deep breath before welcoming the girls to Belfast Harbor, an expansive port town where countless ships could be seen docking and setting off, from liners to fishers and the like. While holding Valora in his arm, Chris squint as he focused along the shore until spotting the Platinum Headquarters along the docks, letting out an "Ah ha!!" and pointing out the structure. "There it is!! That's where I've gotta go!!" he exclaimed, making the girls squint their own eyes. "And... Which ship is supposedly yours?" Zorua asked, scanning the harbor. "Heh... That's a secret." Chris answered slyly. "Lets just say... I'm setting up a surprise for the world..." he added, making the girls look at one another. "Well then, lets move!" he motioned before making his way along.
Trailing down what remained of the base of the mountains, Chris and the girls bid the towering mass of land behind them adieu as they stepped into the town that would be their final glimpse of civilization before their voyage across the sea. With their surroundings changing from the tranquility of nature to the hustle and bustle of busy seaside markets, it was an experience that had Sera excitedly darting from one side of Chris's rucksack to the other, pushing Brionne to and fro in the process as she took in the sights the coastal going-on's around them, her sharp sense of smell taking in the fresh aroma of the sea while making her nose twitch from the scent of the many fish-type Pokemon that were being put on display for sale, a majority having been freshly caught and delivered to the local businesses. With all the people starting to stroll around them, the difference in size started making Britney feel self conscious as she began noticing just how tall she was compared to everyone else, towering over them while looking at how thin humans and the other types of Pokemon around them were, making her look down at herself and poke at her body with a sulky groan. "...What's wrong?" Chris asked, having paused and turned back making her nearly walk into him as she stopped in the middle o a step and stumbled back. Looking down at him, she looked around before keeping her gaze averted and poking her fingers together, quietly murmuring in response. Twitching an ear, Zorua paused and looked back as well, raising her brow before stepping up to Chris's side. "Sup'?" he asked, looking down at her. "Seems she doesn't like what she sees here." Zorua point out. "Eh?" he replied, blinking in surprise.
"This place is great though. The ocean, the seafood..." he added before looking up at his uncomfortable companion. "You really don't like it?" he asked, making Britney murmur again. "It's not the location, it's the people around her." Zorua clarified, making Chris look around. "Her problem is she's huge." Zorua revealed, making Britney shout in a "Hey!!" manner and showing tears in her eyes before looking down and fidgeting again as she sulked. "Ah... That again..." Chris muttered while finally setting Valora down. "People and Pokemon alike come in all shapes and sizes. Humans tend to be tiny compared to a lot of Pokemon, yet at the same time we could be considered giants as well to others." he reminded, turning to Britney with a smirk. "It's not the size of the body that matters, it's the size of the heart. So long as you're a good person on the inside, what you look like on the outside is completely irrelevant!" he grinned warmly, making Britney look at him wide eyed. "Don't you worry, you're adorable and perfect just the way you are." he assured with a thumbs up, making tears show in her eyes as a blush spread across her face. "So smooth." Zorua groaned, rolling her eyes. "Hey, some people need a pep talk now and then. Nothing wrong with tha...!!" Chris tried to answer, only to be cut off when Britney yanked him up in her arms and squeezed the wind out of him. "T-Tight...!! Tight...!!" he struggled, Sera and Brionne nearly falling from his rucksack as Britney cuddled and swung Chris about. Beginning to turn blue in the face, he found himself given a smooch on the cheek before Britney finally released him, making Chris stumble on his feet while gasping for air. "You okay?" Zorua asked, slight sweat on her forehead. "F-Fine..." he assured with a wave before straightening as Britney showed a wide smile and giggled.
"Better?" Chris asked with a nervous smile, getting an "mm hm!" noise and a nod in response. "Good... Lets get going then, we're almost there." he motioned, leading the group on. Eventually, they finally managed to reach the Platinum Stars area of the harbor, nestled in a portion of the town called Liverpool, and as they neared the structure housing the headquarters itself, called the Albion House, they were met with a spectacular crowd that surrounded the entirety of the area, shocking the girls, even Zorua herself as their eyes widened. "The hell is this?" she asked. "...Those are likely my passengers. Looks like they've overwhelmed the place." Chris revealed with a chuckle, noticing all the luggage they'd brought as people arrived all around in taxi's and the like. "Today's the day of the maiden voyage of my ship, we're right on time." he added, making the girls pause with collective "today?!" noises in response, only for him to continue walking. "Better keep moving!" he grinned, causing them to hurry along behind him. "Aren't you cutting it close?" Zorua asked. "I had a few sidetracks, but they were worth it." he assured, looking back at the group making them reflect on the stops he'd made for their sake's. Managing to make their way to the building itself, upon squeezing their way into the entrance lobby the girls were greeted by a mural of the Ureaxion Region on the marble floor, the continent sprawling along at their feet. With a staircase leading to the second floor before them and the entrance to lobbies and elevators at their sides, the place was packed with people getting processed for cruises, primarily the Legend herself. "Pretty neat huh?" Chris grinned. "Like a can of..." Zorua tried to reply, only to be cut off with a loud "There you are!!" from the staircase before them.
"Yo! Good to see ya' Smith!" Chris laughed, raising his hand as a Cofagrigus hurriedly float toward them. "What are you doing lad?! You should have been here hours ago!! Days for that matter!!" the Pokemon lectured. "This is the man I've helped train into sailing the largest liner?! What precedent are you trying to set?!" Smith went on, waving his finger while the girls blinked in a puzzled manner. "Isn't it an even worse idea to lecture the man in charge in front of all the passengers?" Chris smiled nervously with his hands up, making Smith pause with an "Er..." before dropping his finger with a sigh. "I knew I could trust all of you with the final preparations. The only thing I would've done is stand around for the most part. Once the final inspections are done and we try a few maneuvers everything will be set. I'll take care of all that when I get to the ship." Chris assured. "Speaking of trusting us, is there a particular reason you had me barred from going near her recently? I wasn't expecting to wind up forbidden from a clone of my own vessel right before her departure." Smith point out with agitation in his sneer. "Reason's for everything Mr. Smith, you'll see in good time." Chris smirked, waving his own finger in a "be patient" manner. "Nothing bad though, rest assured. I honestly can't wait to show you." he added with another grin, making Smith show puzzlement. "So... Who exactly are you?" Zorua asked, limping up to the former Captain of the Arceanic curiously. "Ah, hello there... Edward Smith, at your service." he replied with a salute. "He's a friend of mine. We met a few years ago on my last trip." Chris explained. "You make it sound so casual..." Smith replied. "It's better that way, I don't think they're ready for all the details yet." Chris point out.
"They?" Smith asked before finally noticing Britney, looking up at the towering Pokemon before turning his attention to Valora, then Sera and Brionne as they poked their heads out from being Chris's shoulders. "A new lot eh? Where are the others?" Smith asked, looking back at Chris. "They stayed home, I thought it was better so things stayed stable for the kids. After what happened last time we were all together... I just want them to stay safe and comfortable." he explained. "I'll give you the story on these girls later. In the meantime, are Rostron and the others already at the ship?" he asked. "Indeed they are. I tried to accompany them but found myself rejected..." Smith answered, leaning toward Chris curiously. "My own crew won't speak a word of the ban either... You've got my own men committing mutiny on me..." he point out jealously. "I'm to wait here until the ship arrives, then carry myself on with the passengers. Those are my orders, strange as they are." he sighed, backing away. "It'll be worth it, I promise." Chris assured. "I'm glad you ran into us actually... With you staying here, would it be too much to ask for you to look after these girls for me while I head to the ship myself?" he asked, making Smith blink at him while the girls jolt from the suggestion of being left behind. "A surprise for the world means I want to surprise all of you too!" he grinned, looking back as they showed concern, save Zorua who shrugged. "Not much surprises me. You do whatever you want." she replied, waving her stub in a shooing manner. Letting out a wary noise, Britney tapped Chris's shoulder, making him turn with a smirk. "Don't worry! I'll be right back, and with something that will really make your jaw drop." he assured, holding her hand before walking toward the staircase.
Setting his rucksack down, he lift Sera and Brionne out as the rest approached. "By the way Smith, this little fox here is the newest addition to the Nakazaki name!" Chris grinned as the Captain looked down at her curiously, making the Pokemon look up in surprise at the coffin-like being towering before her. "Come again?" he replied, looking at Chris in surprise as he stood. "How much do you get around lad...?" he murmured into his ear, making Chris jolt. "It's not like that!" he insisted. "Geez... On my way here I ran into her mom, she was in bad shape and left this one to me. She was still an egg at the time." he explained, getting an "Ah from Smith before he turned to the orphaned fox. "My apologies little one..." he nodded, making Sera tilt her head curiously. "I must say, your mother couldn't have chosen a finer lad to raise you." he grinned, making the fox bark and wag her tail. "...Even if he has a few faults that could use ironed out..." Smith scowled, glancing at Chris for his late appearance. "I'm sorry okay? No harm done!" he replied reassuringly. "Right... So, watch over this lot then?" Smith asked, looking at the girls. "You'd best make way for the ship then." he added, making Chris nod. "Listen everyone, Smith here is a great guy. If there was ever anyone I'd trust with protecting someone, it'd be him. You just stick together until I get back, you hear?" he instructed, making the girls nod in response as he pulled his rucksack back over his shoulders. "By the way lad... I know you said later but... Might it be too much trouble to ask what your standing is in regards to your relationship with these women...?" Smith murmured in his ear. "Forgive me if this is stepping over a line, but... I can't fathom those back home taking kindly to this gathering of yours..." he warned.
"That's..." Chris paused, looking at the girls as they watched the two curiously. "...It's complicated this time." he admit as Smith raised a brow. "Not quite one way or the other then?" he asked. "Guess that's one way of putting it." Chris smiled nervously. "I see... I'll not step on your toes any further then." the Captain assured. "Appreciate it. I'm honestly not sure what to do or how to handle things, far as that goes... I'll give more details later like I said." Chris promised before turning to the group. "Alright everyone! I'll see you soon!" he grinned, offering a wave as he made his way out of the building and hailed a taxi to take him elsewhere. "Right then..." Smith exclaimed as the girls looked at one another warily, having been the first time left on their own since meeting the man who'd just departed. "Considering what it took for the lot of you to get here, I'd wager you could do with a chair and a bite to eat perhaps?" the Captain offered, getting their attention and collective nods. "It's going to take some time for the lad to get things ship-shape with the vessel and her crew, so in the meantime I recommend we make our way to the second floor. There's a lounge and a bistro commonly used by the staff here, but considering your circumstances you'd be more than welcome." he smiled as the group accepted the invitation. "If you don't mind madam, might I aid you to the next floor?" he offered, turning to Brionne making her jolt before giving a wary "mm" response. "Very good then, and what of you madam?" he asked, looking at Zorua only for the prideful Pokemon to raise her nose. "I'll handle myself." she affirmed. "Alright, this way, if you please." Smith instructed, reaching toward Brionne with a "Pardon me" before lifting her and floating his way to the second floor.
Following behind, the girls were led to the lobby on the second floor, with places to relax on the right including sofa's and dining tables, with the bistro area to the left, featuring a small bar which peaked Zorua's interest while the others, particularly Britney smelled the food wafting around the room making them groan as their stomachs echoed. "Well, seems you arrived not a moment too soon." Smith chuckled, setting Brionne on one of the tables. Joining around it, Valora took a seat of her own while Sera and Zorua climbed on the table themselves. Moving a chair aside, Britney sat on the floor, being tall enough to do so and still loom comfortably over the table with a chipper smile. "Well then, might you ladies have any particular meal preferences?" Smith asked, pointing at the signs hanging over the bistro showing the different types of foods available. Pointing out what they wanted to try, the Captain nodded and made his way off, leaving the girls looking around curiously. Looking out the window next to them, they could see the loading docks where crowds were swelling, among them being several ambulances, with others arriving and carefully parking in waiting. Once the Captain finally returned, he set several plates around the table, having brought tea for the girls to drink as well. "Forgive me, but... Might I ask your names?" he asked, showing a guilty smile. "I apologize, I should have asked in the other lobby." he admit. Hearing them out, Smith memorized them with a nod before pointing out the food. "We have cheeseburgers for Ms. Britney, macaroni for Ms. Sera, karp sandwiches for Ms. Brionne, the cucumber sampler for Ms. Valora..." he explained, pointing out the assortment of miniature veggie sandwiches. "And we have a sample of the bourbon brisket for you, Ms. Zorua." he finished.
"Hm..." she replied, looking down at her food before looking at the Captain with a raised brow. "Are you really friends with Chris?" she asked, noticing the difference in class between them making Smith blink before responding with an "aye" and a nod. "I owe that lad a great debt... Many do, in this world, and even the next." Smith smiled, making the girls look at one another curiously. "You see ladies... A long time ago, I was human myself, as many ghost-type Pokemon were. I was the Captain of the largest ship ever built... Though it was a short lived experience..." he revealed. "To make a... Long... Somber story short, my crew and I were tricked into sailing toward dangerous waters. We intended to aid another ship that was in distress. Turns out it was a trap, and we were used as bait of sorts. My ship was attacked, and..." he paused, looking down. "None survived, not I, nor' my crew, nor' the passengers." he finished, making the girls show saddened expressions while Zorua remained curious. "For a hundred years, our souls were trapped at the bottom of the sea, watching our home, the remains of my ship, slowly rot away, until finally, we were found." Smith continued. "The ship the lad was on, as well as the Pokemon that were by his side at the time, had been attacked. By a stroke of luck, one of his companions managed to surround their ship in a barrier, and protected it as it lodged itself in a chasm on the seafloor. It was after this he left his ship to explore our own, and it was then he came across all of us." he revealed. "How's that possible? You were at the bottom of the ocean." Zorua reminded, making Smith turn somber himself. "Ladies... The lad you know once had powers you could never fathom... How he lost them is a tale I dare not speak on his behalf, you will have to hear it from him." he affirmed.
"Back to the story, our meeting was... Rocky, to say the least. We battled each other with all the might we could muster." he went on, flashing back to their battle beneath the sea. "Tensions were high and time was short. But thanks to his companions aboard the ship he was trying to save, as well as the support from the souls aboard my own vessel, we overcame our spat and worked together, both to save the ship that had just sank, and to finally free those of us that had been trapped for so long. In the end, we used the remains of my ship to save theirs. Working together, we lift it clear from the ocean floor and hurled it at the chasm holding theirs down. We broke their ship free, raised it to the surface, and fought off those that had tried to end their lives." the Captain smiled, flashing back to when he and Chris fought the Gyarados swarm together. "The lad... There was a fire in him none could fathom... It was one of passion, used to serve the cause of others..." he paused, looking down. "And... One that was equally as dangerous as it was inspiring..." he admit, flashing back to when Chris had nearly burned the leader of the swarm alive. "In the end, many of the souls that were trapped on my ship finally passed on. Though some of us stayed behind, to atone for our shortcomings so long ago." he nodded, looking at the girls as they faced one another. "The lad... He... Is a good man. But he had many troubles in the past. They caught up with him, you see? And... He was pushed into doing something he still punishes himself for to this day. Perhaps you've noticed a bit of... Reclusive behavior, on his part?" Smith asked, the group thinking back on their time together and nodding in response. "That's his punishment, one he puts himself through, even now." he explained.
"The lad... I admit to not knowing him as well as others may, but in the time we've spent together, I can say that, without question, his heart is one of the largest I've ever known. Being with people, helping them, trying to make the best of things and lifting others at their lowest points... Seems to me that's what he's always been about. Even with this ship of his..." he smiled, turning and looking out the window. "If you would, look out here." he instructed, the girls joining at his sides before looking down at the crowds continuing to grow along the docks. "Do you see all those vehicles? Notice more showing up?" he asked, getting nods. "Ambulances, right?" Zorua asked. "Indeed... Inside those vans are people... Most facing the end of their time in this world." Smith revealed, making the girls jolt and show saddened faces, save Zorua who focused on the crowds. "The lad... It took him months of fighting with this company to do it, but he managed to arrange for every soul in those vans to ride aboard his ship free of charge, their loved ones included." the Captain point out, making their eyes widen. "Some... May pass during the voyage... Due to their conditions, it takes a lot to keep them stable. Knowing what these passengers would require, he redesigned a large portion of the ship to serve the sole purpose of keeping them alive, and extending their time as much as possible, so they may spend their final days among their loved ones in the bosom of the splendor of the sea." Smith smiled as the girls focused on the vehicles. "You'll notice many young ones down there as well. I'm not certain of the detail in which he's gone into his past with you lot, but Chris apparently grew without the support of his parents. The details I'm not privy too." he revealed.
Hearing this, Sera and Brionne's eyes widened, with the rest remaining silent as they wondered of their right to hear such information, yet paid attention regardless. "Growing up without that in his life, he knows all too well of how it feels to be a child under... Trying... Circumstances." Smith continued. "Most of the children you see board his ship... Will also be going on an adventure, completely free of charge." he smiled in an admiring sense while speaking of the man the girls had followed before pointing out some of the kids clearly ailing, some walking with crutches, others in wheelchairs, with some having lost their hair among other signs of abnormalities. "Humans... Can be spectacular beings, and yet by that same token, all too often we can be the most cruel of all life on this planet. We can be the most generous, and the most arrogant. The most attentive, and the most ignorant..." Smith admit as the girls looked between the Captain and everyone below. "For all the wealth that lad inherited, and all he gained after his journeys years prior... Rather than tainting him, the more he gained, the more he's given... Other than the food on his plate, rarely have I seen or heard of him doing much for himself. Rather... He's always doing things like this to keep himself busy instead." Smith chuckled. "...Those young lads and lasses, there's no telling the troubles they endure, the mockery and belittling for things beyond their control. And yet, despite how so many would look at them, and treat them, the lad reaches out, and not only accepts them as an equal, but does all he can to atone for the wrongs against them by the hands of others... If you saw some of the stories the friends and relatives of those little ones sent in, you'd be drowning in your own grief, I daresay." he point out.
Hearing this, Brionne looked down and reflected on her own rescue by his hands, and the struggles he went through thereafter to keep her from ending it all, culminating in his speech that helped her evolve. "All of the people you see board from those ambulances, all of the young ones you see board without pay, they were all chosen by young Nakazaki's hands... And when the company gave him a hard time over a particular applicant he was set on approving, that boy offered the fare of his own pocket to get them a ticket." the Captain smiled endearingly. "...Over the course of these three years since building began, the lad sat behind a desk day in and day out, reading countless letters that were submitted by those hoping to give their loved ones a voyage they'd not forget on his vessels maiden trip... And now here they are today, many at his very own expense." Smith finished as the girls looked at the crowds and began tearing up, save for Zorua who merely glanced away in silence. "If one may be honest, I truly believe that if it meant the happiness of another, young Nakazaki would leave himself without board to sleep, nor' food to eat." he point out, making the group flash back to when he fed the Rockruff pups while Britney recollected his expenses from keeping her alive as he turned to the girls, looking at them curiously. "The lad says his situation, or... Relationship, with the lot of you... It's a tad difficult to describe. I said I'd not push him further about it, but... One does wonder, how those accompanying him may feel?" the Captain coaxed without being too pressing on the matter, making the girls look at one another. "He just keeps me from being bored really." Zorua shrugged while the others looked down and fidget shyly.
Looking at their reactions, the Captain sighed and turned away, thinking "You're in quite a pickle lad..." to himself before a smirk spread in the corner of his mouth. "I think Papa's a great man!" he suddenly heard a chipper voice bark out, making his eyes widen before turning to Sera as she wagged her tail excitedly. Being a Pokemon himself, Smith could understand their language as he blinked at her with an "eh?" in response. "Papa helps people! He protects everyone! He saved all of us, takes care of us! He's a good fighter too! I love Papa!" she affirmed with a smile from ear to ear, barking excitedly. "It's just like you said! One night we saw a bunch of hungry Pokemon, and instead of eating his food, Papa gave it to them. He spent the night hungry and it made us sad... But it was really amazing!" she giggled. "I-I see..." Smith nodded. "I know Papa isn't my real Papa, but..." she paused, looking down before facing the Captain with a grin. "To me Papa is Papa no matter what! I don't need another one! He's the best! I love Papa!" she insisted, the rest of the group looking at her before facing away with shy smiles of agreement. "Ha ha... He certainly is, isn't he?" Smith chuckled, looking at the group and their reactions. "...I do believe I can safely say this to all of you." he spoke, drawing their attention. "...Do protect him, won't you?" the Captain asked. "All that I've said... They are positives about him, but..." he paused, turning back to the window. "He's also the walking definition of a life for a life... If there isn't someone to stop him... I've no doubt we'd lose him a second time for the sake of another..." he warned, a foreboding remark that made their eyes widen as the Captain looked at all the passengers below, a somber look in his eyes as his focus turned to the sea.
"Nakazaki is in a tricky situation now... I'll not go into it more than need be, but... He lives among the society that betrayed his kindness. One that, three years ago, saw him as an ultimate evil of sorts because of something he was pushed into doing. The poor lad was backed into a corner, everything had been taken from him, and all that he'd held back, finally burst free. Unfortunately the world didn't learn the reason why he'd done what he had until it was too late..." Smith revealed, flashing back to a broadcast he'd seen of the day Chris had been killed featuring a panning view of his homeland turned to nothing but scorched ash within the mountains that surrounded the area, acting as a bowl to contain the destruction within making the Captain shudder. "We learned just how far humanity had come the day he was betrayed, in terms of both, our evolution, and our potential destruction..." he cautioned, looking back at the girls. "That lad did so much for this world in the past, and despite how he was treated by so many, he continues to do things for the good of us all, even now... A man who can forgive something so horrible that was done to him, by so many, and continue to persevere and reach out for the sake of countless the way he has... Even those who hurt him... This world cannot afford to lose someone like that. Regardless of the time you may be together, so long as you are by his side... Please... Protect that boy." Smith pleaded, the girls looking at one another and nodding reassuringly.
"What... Did people do to Papa...?" Sera asked, her ears sulking as Smith turned to her and closed his eyes. "To put it simply child..." he paused before looking at her once more. "They took away all the love, all the dreams and hopes he had in his life... And ripped his humanity out, to the point there was nothing left... Nothing but a pitiful creature full of hatred and pain." the Captain answered, the girls shocked by the remark as Sera teared up and sniffled. "I'll not say more than that... Even with this much I'm certain I'm out of line... I'm sorry." he apologized. "Please, keep this between us until the lad tells you more of his own accord." he asked, getting another collective nod from the group. "Just know that, when you see him keeping a distance from others, when he seems closed off at random... It's remnants of the pain from back then. When so many openly come to hate you, and wish for your end despite all the good you'd done for them all, it... Affects you, so do be patient with the lad, yeah?" he asked as the girls thought back to Chris's behavior and attitude towards most people. Thinking of their own bonds, though he had been close with them, Smith's words did bring to mind the notion that Chris had kept specific gaps between himself and the rest of them no matter how close they'd gotten. "The world... Quite literally killed him, and now here he is among us today, reaching out to that same world, to help it... Heal it... To make the most of it." Smith paused, looking back out at the ocean. "...One can only admire a man like that, even one such as myself." he smiled, the girls looking at him for a moment before showing smiles of their own. "Ah... Please, do have a seat, enjoy your meal. I've distracted you enough." Smith coaxed, holding his hand out toward their table.
Continuing to spend time together while Chris was away, at times the girls couldn't help but show a somber look in their faces as Smith's words ran through their minds, save for Zorua who reflected in her own way while looking out the window, though whether she was thinking of Chris himself or someone else was impossible to say. As time ticked on, more and more passengers arrived until Smith looked at a clock hanging above on the wall and gave an "It's time" remark, pulling the girls out of their thoughts as they looked at him curiously. "It shouldn't be long now, his ship is set to arrive any minute. It's best we make our way down to the docks ourselves." he instructed as a waiter arrived and began gathering their empty dishes, long since cleared of their contents. Offering to carry Brionne again, the rest followed the Captain back to the first floor, their faces as they remained lost in their own thoughts making Smith scratch his cheek, feeling guilty for having spoiled the atmosphere for them. "I uh... Apologize, ladies." he spoke, getting "It's okay" noises in response. Once outside, he led them along the designated route to wait for the ship, heading around the Albion building until they were heading through the crowd huddled along the docks. Deciding it best to aid Valora and Sera, the Captain placed both atop his coffin as he float carefully along, Britney following close behind while Zorua slipped her way through the crowd on her own. "Alright now, move aside please!" Smith coaxed, working the crowd out of the way so the girls could be in the front row when the ship arrived. "This should do." he sighed, setting the girls down while Zorua and Britney stood at his sides.
In front of them, the waves were splashing against the side of the dock with nothing but an endless stretch of water before them, making the girls eyes widen save for Valora who glanced away while the memory of soaring high above the surface in the maw of migrating birds flashed through her mind, making her shake her head. "Problem?" Zorua asked, raising her brow only to get a "no" noise in response. Looking around, the girls spotted news outlets on the scene as well, having naturally taken positions in front of the crowd themselves to catch the vessel as it made port. With massive screens set up as well where passengers were set to board the ship, commercials for Platinum Stars were playing as everyone waited. "They seem antsy..." Zorua point out. "For good reason. Under normal circumstances a ship intending to take on passengers would have been in port long before boarding. Not seeing it present would puzzle anyone." Smith point out. "Considering the scale of importance this vessel has, her Captain decided to... Er... Mix things up... As he put it. Hence this situation." he added with a nervous look on his face. "That sounds about right." Zorua scoffed. "Looks to me like his idea's a little half baked." she mocked. "You're... Not easy on the lad, are you?" Smith question with a slight laugh. "I'm never easy with fools." she affirmed. "Well... A lady such as yourself may serve him well then." Smith praised. "...Serve?" Zorua scowled. "Ah, pardon... I still have a bit of a language barrier, keep in mind I'm from a different time." Smith reminded. "I mean having a lady more cross with him would be a benefit to him. He could use a firm hand on the helm, the controls, if you will." he clarified, getting an "Ah" from the Pokemon as she focused on the sea.
"Ladies and gentlemen, today we stand anxiously waiting for the arrival of the newly built R.M.S. Legend, heralded as not only the largest, but also the fastest ship in the sea, and one of the greenest to top it all." a nearby reporter suddenly spoke, catching the groups attention. "As we near ever closer to the moment of departure, we stand together with the men, women, and children who've come here today to be a part of its maiden voyage. And yet, while the ship itself sounds like one of mankind's most extraordinary feats, its tale of construction one for the ages, the tale of the man who's taken it upon himself is another tale entirely." the reporter went on, taking a cautionary tone when speaking of the later issue. "A hero... A demon... A savior... A devastator... These are just a few of the titles looming over the head of one man, given to him by those who both support, and fear him. Many love him, many cower from his name, and today we stand by those brave enough to travel the sea under the control of such a controversial...!!" the girls and Smith listened, the passively aggressive way of slandering Chris raising an agitated brow until the reporter was cut off by a nearby passenger waiting to board, having shout an agitated "Hey!!" in response to her words. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" a man walked up, looming before the reporter. "If you're just gonna stand here and talk shit into your little camera go somewhere else. We don't need fuckers like you around here giving that guy a bad rep, you understand me?" the man threatened. "A lot of us are here because of what he's done for us, for others. I promise you, we're not gonna stand around while you spit your bile all over the world and make things harder for him than they are." the man warned.
Though the reporter was a woman, the man didn't back down as the cameraman kept focus on the two. "We've all made mistakes in our lives, but he's damn well made up for it. What happened in the past wouldn't have happened at all if it wasn't for people like you stirring shit up. We've all seen the way you reporters hound that man. You treat him like a piece of meat you can just rip apart to boost your bottom dollar... Not here lady." he insisted, the crowd around the two looking at the reporter with the same agitation. "D-Dad...?" a boy called, wheeling his way along with a missing left leg, the cameraman turning to the child. "This is my son. A little over two years ago, he lost his leg after suffering from multiple stray bullets, ones shot by passing gang members. He wound up with an infection on top of it and had to have it amputated." the man explained, getting closer to the reporter. "Where were you bastards when that happened?" he asked, the reporter inching back. "You were doing the same damn thing you were doing just now, preoccupying yourself with your hot takes on whoever could get your station on the most screens at the time, shitting all over people you didn't know a damn thing about just because it was trendy." he lectured. "My kid was one of many here the Captain of this ship paid for himself to take on board, so for once in his life since losing his leg he could have something good happen to him that was that was special! You bastards think you're so high and mighty... Where the fuck were you when my boy needed help?! When he was suffering?!" the man roared, yanking the reporter by her shirt. "I know where your little "report" is headed... And I'm warning you now... Watch what you say, or we'll kick you out of here ourselves..." he assured.
Releasing the woman with a shove, she and the cameraman looked around at the annoyed faces surrounding them, leaving both silent until the woman touched the communicator in her ear. Glancing away while listening, she motioned with a "lets go" order, leading her cameraman away from the scene to the cheers and applaud of those around them. "Well... That was interesting." Zorua point out. "Aye... Seeing the lad so strongly supported is good to see." Smith smiled. "All here are friends of his, those who owe him greatly for what he's done." he added, the girls looking at him curiously. "I was told, years back, there was a hospital in one of our major cities he donated generously to for the sake of the young ones going through treatment. Many have benefited from his gesture, and to add to that, I'd wager you didn't know he helped create one of the greatest modern miracles of medicine either?" the Captain hinted with a grin. "Miracle? Medicine?" Zorua asked skeptically. "I hear all he did for the most part was make a few suggestions, but they were suggestions taken to heart by some of the greatest minds we have in this region, and in the end they created a spectacular machine that could transplant things between two people. Be it senses, organs... Over the past few years, the device has really come along way! It may not be much longer until it's used in hospitals around the world, and it all started from a few ideas from one man." he grinned, surprising the girls all the more. "So many people suffer, and others die because they can't endure the stress of surgery. Thanks to the machine he helped bring to fruition, perhaps that won't be the case anymore..." he finished, closing his eyes with a deep breath of pride.
Hearing this, Sera's face beamed with excitement from hearing more positive stories about her role model, her smile having spread from ear to ear once more while her tail rapidly swayed. "The lad isn't much for taking credit, so it's no surprise this would be the first you've heard of it." the Captain chuckled, turning to the girls. "He does keep a relatively low...!!" he added, only to be cut off by noise from the crowd around them. Listening closely, the reporters that remained began alerting their audiences that they were receiving a transmission from the Legend, causing the massive monitors around them to cease their advertisements and turn black just before an image of Chris, now donning a captains hat flashed on making the girls eyes widen. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your patience!" he called out. "On this day, you are about to embark on a voyage both, honoring the past, and pushing toward tomorrow on an adventure that, to my highest hopes, will remain in your hearts and minds for the rest of your lives!" he grinned. Standing in a row behind him were men the girls didn't know, while Pokemon holding masks float above their heads. "Ah, you see those? They're the souls of my crew who stayed in this world alongside me. They were human too, long ago." Smith point out. "I'd like to thank all of you for your patience as we finished readying this ship, and I apologize for the unusual method in which you'll be boarding today. It's to my highest hopes that what you're about to see will make it all worthwhile! With that said, everyone, please turn your attention to the sea at this time!" he instructed before the monitors flashed off, the crowd looking at one another excitedly before curiously looking at the empty horizon before them.
With jets suddenly shooting by above, the monitors flashed on to show a view from their cameras as they soared across the sea, giving everyone a birds-eye view of what was coming. Next thing the crowd knew, from the still, barrenness of the oceans surface, something began slowly rising from beneath the waves. Growing taller and taller, larger and larger, it was like of a golden, radiant bubble of sorts, a sight which both, wowed and puzzled onlookers until the shape of funnels could be seen rising within. "What the...?" Zorua muttered, raising her brow while eyes widened all around them. "You've got to be kidding me..." one of the other reporters could be heard, lowering her mic. As the bubble-like figure continued to rise, within it's protection the R.M.S. Legend could be seen, a sight that was like watching the Arceanic itself returning from a different world, waking from a hundred year slumber as the liner towered higher and higher. All of it caught on camera's by the jets, the sight was fed to televisions around the world as onlookers wondered just how high the ship would rise, its scale leaving more and more mouths agape until finally, at long last the barrier around her began to drop, sending shimmering particles wafting away in the breeze as the ship herself was exposed to the salty air. Zooming toward the bow of the ship, the jets showed off the figureheads towering along her hull. With a Serperior snaking her way up, a Lopunny leaning out with her hands in prayer, and a Gardevoir above them both with her arms stretching out as though waiting to embrace someone, their eyes were brightly glowing as the barrier further dropped, until finally the lights in their eyes faded and everyone watched as the Gardevoir's arms slowly closed.
With its hands joining together, it too appeared as though taking on a position of prayer just before the Legend proudly blared her horns, a sound easily heard for miles. "That lad can be such a blowhard." Smith laughed from the grandiose manner in which Chris had chosen to arrive at port. Meanwhile the girls could only stutter as the Legend cruised her way toward the docks, the crowds around them growing more and more excited as they cheered her arrival. Merely watching in awe of their own, the reporters had to shake off their startled states before they began reporting on the situation in excitement of their own. With the staff of the company busily preparing the loading areas, as the ship carefully turned and inched its way along the docks, and once it finally came to a stop, staff lining the promenade decks high above launched swaths of confetti into the air to greet the crowds below, waving at them all. From sailors, to chefs, to medics and more, rather than making them hide away in the bowls of the ship Chris wanted his crew to enjoy being part of the porting ceremony themselves, letting them be the ones to rightfully welcome all those they would soon be serving. As the gangways began extending toward the hull of the ship, her doors opened revealing more staff within waiting to welcome passengers and help them as need be while staff on the docks began processing the crowd and letting them make their way along. With the ambulance medics opening the backs of their vehicles, they began pulling out patients and taking them on board via their own gangway reserved for boarding disabled passengers, allowing those with crutches and wheelchairs to safely make their way along without worry of the rush of crowds boarding elsewhere.
Scanning the decks, Sera's eyes suddenly lit up when she spotted Chris high above them, who had approached the railing outside the bridge and was looking down at all the passengers boarding his ship. Smiling excitedly, the small fox began pacing and barking, trying to get his attention only to be drowned out by the distance between them and the noise of the passengers. Noticing another man walking up next to him, she paused and tilt her head curiously as Chris turned to the man who turned out to be Rostron, patting Chris on the shoulder. "Well done my boy! A fine performance." he praised from the way the ship was brought in. "Thanks... I owe it to my teachers." he grinned as Murdoch the II and Smith the III walked out from the bridge themselves. Down on the docks, the girls were continuing to take in the size of the vessel before them, with Britney tilting her head back until accidentally stumbling back with a plop. "Careful now." the Captain chuckled, looking back as she smiled nervously. "Well then, how about we climb aboard ourselves? I'd like to have a few words with my men to see if I can weasel my way to the truth as to why I was held back from this ship..." he reminded before leading the girls along. Stopped by the guards, Smith explained the situation before they were allowed to pass onto the gangway with the rest of the passengers. With the exterior being a replica of the original Arceanic, it truly was as though everyone were building a steamer built generations ago, yet upon stepping inside, the scale of the corridors were above and beyond that of the original liner, giving everyone plentiful room to move about despite the size of the crowds filling her decks.
Making their way to where one of the two new Grand Staircase's were located toward the bow of the ship, as a comparison, the original Grand Staircase was only 5 stories and merely connected from the top Boat Deck of the Arceanic to the E deck, featuring small, condensed lobbies that served only as entrances to corridors with small, caged elevators. On the Legend, the A deck is now considered the recreation deck, the top of the ship where its three water parks and a massive outdoor theater rest among the funnels of the ship, while the B, C, and D decks which were formally promenades were redesigned into medical wards, reserved for chronically and terminally ill passengers in need of consistent care. As a result, the Grand Staircase now sprawled from the Boat Deck which had become the E deck of the ship, all the way down to the Q deck, creating a 12 story lobby with a colossal replica of the dome from the original staircase spread across the ceiling high above letting in a radiant artificial light. Deciding not to separate the decks, it allowed passengers to see all the way up, and likewise all the way down the lobby. With shops surrounding each deck, it was a fantastical mall-like design where passengers could walk around balconies and cross bridges to get where they wished, all the while being able to see all the decks above and below them. With the R, S and T decks reserved for crew and the mechanisms powering the liner, their entrances were elsewhere in the ships corridors. Stepping into the staircase lobby themselves, the girls looked up at all the floors above them, their mouths agape as Smith led them along toward one of the elevators.
With many lining the lobby for passenger convenience, their walls were made of glass, allowing passengers to see everything their mall-like surroundings had to offer as they traveled up and down the behemoth. "Who the hell would have the time to explore this thing?" Zorua asked. "A hefty task indeed." Smith laughed as they climbed into one of the lifts, with the Captain pressing the button for the B deck before the doors shut and they began to rise, making the girls tense warily. "There's a replica of this lobby at the stern of the ship too! Er, that's sailor talk for the back of it." he smirked. "With thousands of people on board, it was necessary to ensure there was plenty to do without passengers cluttering any one particular area. Between these lobbies, throughout the ship are other means of entertainment. A few theaters, swimming pools in case being outside isn't possible, tennis courts, we have gyms, parlors, therapists for massages and the like... Saunas... Anything you could find on a modern cruise ship, it's here, and then some." he grinned, getting an "oo-oh" from the girls. "Right now we're heading for the B deck. Back when my ship sailed, it was considered the second class promenade. In those days the world was far more insistent on the separation of wealth, so ships had to cater to very specific clients under very strict terms." Smith explained. "First class at the top, third class, the lowest, at the bottom... I never quite fancied the policies myself, but if we didn't adhere to them, we'd be without food on the table." he confessed. Reaching the top of the lobby, the elevator went through an opening in the ceiling and continued on past the E deck, the elevator lights keeping things bright along the way.
After a moment, it finally came to a stop, letting out a ding before the doors opened causing a breeze from the sea to waft in. Stepping out along the promenade walkway, the group found themselves being greeted by rays of sunshine pouring through the openings along the deck while being passed by medics still pushing patients along to their rooms throughout the ward on the deck. "Alright then, this way ladies. Not far until we reach the bridge! It's just at the front of this passage." Smith point out, motioning for them to follow. "Madam Brionne, doing alright?" he asked, still carrying her and getting a nod. "Another interesting bit. On my ship, the bridge was located on the very top deck. Due to a few other redesigns made to the Legend, to make room for the water parks just above us, it was dropped down a tad." he point out. About to pass a door with a gold plaque reading "Captains Quarters", the sight made Smith pause and point it out. "That's where young Nakazaki will bed when he's off duty." he informed, the girls looking at the door curiously. "It was also made far closer to the bridge per the lads request. Whether at work or not, he always wished to remain as close to his post as possible." he smirked before continuing on. Nearing the end of the promenade, the girls suddenly noticed Chris walking out from the bridge, making his way toward the starboard bridge wing. Seeing him, Sera made a leap from Smith and raced up, barking excitedly causing him to pause and turn, noticing the group. "Hey girls! Wadaya think?" he asked just before Sera jumped into his arms. "Woah there, easy!" he laughed as she smothered him by rubbing her cheeks all over his. "My that lass thinks the world of you." Smith grinned. "I try to leave good impressions." Chris chuckled, rubbing Sera on the head making her sigh happily in relief from the reunion.
"Well? Heck of a surprise, huh?" he asked, looking at the girls and getting nods in response. "Give me one moment." he instructed before walking along the bridge wing and hovering his gaze along the side of his ship, watching as people continued boarding below. "Alright... Not bad so far..." he muttered before returning. "Follow me, I have something to show you, and some folks for you to meet." he motioned as Smith offered Brionne, getting "thanks" from him in response as he gave her a smile. "Not a bad guy, is he?" Chris asked, the Pokemon shaking her head with a small smile. "This way, everyone!" he instructed. Making their way into the bridge, the front portion was made into a replica of the original seen on the Arceanic, featuring the original wheel and the telegraphs alike, though now meant only for show for curious passengers. On the floor, a tribute was made featuring a large depiction of the Arceanic itself, sprawled along the bridge with the words "Though Dream Delayed, Our Hope Lives On" around it. "All's well Captain." a man saluted, turning out to be Rostron again. "Very good... Might I introduce you and the others to my newest friends?" Chris asked, making the others in the bridge look at the group curiously. "Ladies, this here is Mr. Arthur Henry Rostron the third!" Chris began to explain, letting the sailor shake their hands. "A pleasure." he nodded with a smile while doing so. "Over here, we have Mr. William McMaster Murdoch the second... And the bearded fella beside him is Mr. Edward John Smith the third!" Chris grinned, pointing out his crew accordingly. "Likewise, a pleasure." Murdoch replied, standing at attention. "Here here." Smith agreed, a salute of his own.
"What's with the second's and third's?" Zorua asked. "These guys all come from really high up families. They've been known around the world for generations!" Chris praised, getting a "Come now" from Rostron while scratching his cheek and smiling. "All of these men have the blood of legends in them. A guy like me couldn't think of sailing with better folks." Chris went on before explaining things revolving their ancestors. "In particular, as you already know, we have two Smith's working alongside me." he reminded as the first float up beside his descendant. "On the left, the Cofagrigus there, he's the original Edward, the one on the right is his grandson." Chris explained, the girls looking at the two in surprise from seeing a Pokemon related by blood to a human. "Don't see that everyday." Zorua replied. "Heh... Our kinds can be a lot closer than you could ever imagine." Chris clarified, making her raise a brow at him. "I have others to introduce you to, but that can wait... Come and get a load of this." Chris instructed. Leading them to the back of the bridge, a new room had been built housing all of the modern controls for the liner, as well as a leather seat for him to sit in when at the helm. "All the stuff out there is basically just a tribute, we don't use it. All of this is where the real magic happens... We have technology in this ship no other has!" he grinned proudly. "...You can handle this?" Zorua asked skeptically. "I'll have you know I'm a lot more capable than you think... I still haven't proven that?" he asked, only for the Pokemon to put her nose up. "We'll see." she replied as he went on to point out and explain all the monitors and gadgets at his disposal, with Goodra drawn into a green radar as a line swirled and flashed.
Taking the time to let them enjoy their surroundings, Chris set Brionne down and returned to his duties, insisting the girls not touch anything while doing so as they roamed the bridge curiously. As he made his way toward the port-side wing of the bridge, Smith showed a slight scowl and followed, waiting until he was at a distance from the girls and other men before tapping his shoulder. "Yes?" he replied, turning toward him. "Would it be safe to assume you can explain why I was forbidden from being near this ship until now?" he asked, making Chris show a smirk. "You'll find out soon... We've all set something up for you." he revealed, intriguing Smith as he continued his lookout. After a moment, Midna finally popped out from Chris's coat, perching on his shoulder and looking around with an impressed "ooh!" of its own as it scanned their surroundings from such a high position. "About time you woke up." Chris chuckled, getting a grin from the imp. As time went on, eventually all of the passengers had finally loaded and the crew had taken their positions throughout the ship, allowing for the final preparations to begin as the staff on the docks removed the gangways from the ship and the doors were sealed shut. Returning to his control room, Chris flipped on his communication system, making static holograms pop up along the panels before him. "Ward B, I repeat, Ward B! Come in!" he ordered, one of the screens flashing on showing a male doctor. "Are all patients ready? Do we have an all clear?" Chris asked. "Ready and clear Captain, sail when ready." the doctor replied, getting a nod. "Ward C! Repeat, Ward C!" he called before a woman came on another screen, a doctor herself. "Are all patients ready? Do we have an all clear?" he asked a second time, the woman saluting with an "Aye Captain! All ready and ready to sail!" response. "Very good... Ward D! Come in!" he ordered.
Going through the conversation once more, with yet another woman responding, Chris got an all clear, signalling that all passengers throughout the medical wards had been safely prepared for the cruise ahead. "Alright... Moving on..." he muttered as the girls entered the room and watched. "T deck! Come in! T deck!" he called, causing several monitors to flash on. "Calling engine rooms, report!" he ordered. "Engines fired up and ready Captain!" one man replied. "Current intake steady Captain, all batteries near capacity and ready to depart!" a woman donning large glasses replied. "Near capacity...? They've had time to fill... That barrier still does a number even with our tests..." Chris muttered before nodding. "Very good, it's still a better performance than we had." he praised, getting "Thank you Sir!" in response. "Chambers, report!" he ordered, turning to a third screen. "Yes sir! All are primed and ready should they be required." a man answered, standing before colossal glass domes lining the deck behind him. "Very good... All T decks, are you certain there are no issues to report? Are we ready to sail?" Chris asked, insisting on a second go-ahead. "All clear and ready to sail!" the first man replied. "We're ready Captain! Energy intake exceeds requirements for cruising speed! Sail when ready!" the woman assured. "Chambers are prepped and secure, sail when ready!" the second man answered. Nodding in response, Chris continued checking in with various decks, speaking with specific crew members until all had given him their go-ahead on departure. "It sounds like we're ready Captain..." Rostron spoke, stepping into the room. "Are you?" he asked as the other officers entered. "On your order, Captain Nakazaki SIR!" Smith the III salute.
Looking at them all and the girls, Chris showed a smirk and a nod. "Yeah... Lets do it!" he grinned, making the girls smile at one another excitedly. "ALL HANDS ON DECK!! We move NOW!!" Chris ordered proudly with his hand out, getting a collective "AYE AYE!!" from his crew. Standing at the helm, Chris took his wheel in hand as Rostron and the others took on their lookout positions. "This is it..." Chris muttered, firmly gripping the wheel as the girls watched. With a spark in his eyes, he reached out and sound off the horns on the ship, alerting everyone both, on board and along the docks that the Legend was ready to depart. "Damn that's loud..." Zorua groaned, wincing from the noise making Chris grin with a "Yeah she is!" response, proud of the power behind the horns themselves. "Attention all decks! This is your Captain!" he called, countless monitors popping up with those already present showing countless crew, from engineers to cooks, medics and lifeguards, merchants and bartenders, regardless of position they appeared to answer his call. "We're moving out everyone! Lets hear your call for the voyage to top them all! This is it so make Platinum proud!" he encouraged, to which resounding cheers came from those on screen, with passerby passengers and other crew alike pressing together around the men and women on the screens and cheering as well alongside them. Outside, applause and cheers could also be heard from the crowds both, along the decks and the dock itself, with thousands of passengers waving and calling out to those on land. "That's just what I wanted to hear." Chris grinned as the girls grew all the more anxious from the energy pouring from everyone.
Sounding the horns a second time, Chris exclaimed "Lets do this..." before he began steering the monumental vessel away from the docks. Feeling the subtle movement, their surroundings could be seen shifting as the ship veered itself away from port, making Britney and Sera rush to the railing outside the bridge to watch in awe. "Go on and join them!" Chris coaxed, looking at Valora and Zorua with a smirk. "It really is a one of a kind experience. You never forget your first departure." he winked, to which Zorua grunt and made her way out while Valora smiled with a bow and joined the others as well. "What about you? Want to watch?" he asked, glancing back at Brionne who remained in his chair. Shaking her head, she gave a small smile, getting a surprised look from him and an "Alright..." before he focused ahead. Rather than watching the ship itself move away, the Pokemon kept her focus on his back instead, watching as the man who took her life atop his shoulders now carried the weight of thousands as he made his way toward the open sea. "A little harder starboard lad!" Smith the III instructed. "Roger that!" Chris answered, turning the wheel accordingly. "There she goes... Very nice..." Smith nodded until Murdoch gave the command to straighten the vessel forward. "This is it then... Onto the sea." Chris sighed before reaching out and increasing the knots. Bit by bit, he inched the Legends speed up to a comfortable 20knots, a fairly standard speed for liners that equaled 23mph for those more accustomed to car specs. With waves rising from the tip of the bow as a result from the splitting water, they rushed along the hulls of the ship as the girls watched along the rails. "There you go girl... Very nice." Chris praised, looking at his wheel.
True enough, after over 100 years, the Arceanic had returned to the land of the living, bigger and better than ever, and was ready to make up for lost time with Chris at the helm, carrying the ambitions of the new and next generations along her decks towards the tomorrow waiting in the horizon...