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Yeah, using children as political mouthpieces is weak, manipulative, abusive and the worst kind of cynicism. Shameful.

male 1,197,436, fox 248,980, politics 482
Type: Comic
Published: 5 years, 5 months ago
Rating: General

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5 years, 5 months ago
Like your shirt! ;D
5 years, 5 months ago
I think that misses the point.
5 years, 5 months ago
I've tried explaining this to people but of course they just stuff their fingers in their ears and go LALALALA CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER LALALALA

It's amazing how absolutely ignorant some people are.
5 years, 5 months ago
Commies gonna commie.

Children are humans still in the process of mental development, their personalities not yet integrated and thus more uncontrollably subject to the whims of the complex, murderous ape underneath it all.  The reproductive need to care for our offspring has gifted us a strong nurture circuit that compels us to attend to the children around us, or more specifically to attend to anything which activates that circuit.

Those of us with a stronger (unsated?) nurture instinct will be particularly vulnerable to the hijacking of it, for example via the use of children to advance political agendas.  The use of children in this exploitative way (both of the children themselves and of the people for whom this is a valid exploit) has the logical result that we, as a society, begin to place children at the top of the societal hierarchy.

The more we do this, the more we are putting our entire civilization in the hands of the disintegrated personalities of murderous apes.

Children should be cared for and paid attention to, but they are children and should never be put in a position of societal power, lest we wish to be ruled by demons.  Anyone who uses children in this way should receive complete and utter scorn.
5 years, 5 months ago
i don't think worrying about climate disasters is a communistic trait, you can't earn money if everyone is dead

although I guess you can when most people are dead, you can bleed the rest of the people dry by offering them a cool and safe place to stay
5 years, 5 months ago
" Kavukamari wrote:
i don't think worrying about climate disasters is a communistic trait

Using children to drive a political revolution in order to gain power is, though, and that is the subject at hand.  If climate alarmists, not mentioned in the above post, seem indistinguishable from communists, well...

" , you can't earn money if everyone is dead

I see you are a member of the Apocalyptic sect of the Progressive faith.  It's an interesting one, with a long pedigree of failed predictions, so you are among good company.  Cheers.

" although I guess you can when most people are dead, you can bleed the rest of the people dry by offering them a cool and safe place to stay

And here the Communist emerges, framing all things as class warfare.

You fail to make a convincing case, I'm afraid.
5 years, 5 months ago
im sorry my hyperbole doesn't translate well over the internet

I was being snippy with you because I don't respect your opinion
5 years, 5 months ago
actually I wish to not engage this any longer, I was deluded into thinking I could argue with someone who's so set in their beliefs that opposers are enemies to them, and I was mistaken in thinking that it would be constructive or worthwhile in the slightest
5 years, 5 months ago
It absolutely is; a popular tactic of commies is to push their agenda with a thin veneer of environmentalism. Carbon Credits are an obvious example of this; they don't really do much of anything for the environment, they just foster the forced redistribution of wealth.
5 years, 5 months ago
Judging by the cheers that kid was getting when chiding an audience... is this another fetish to add to the stack?
5 years, 5 months ago

(p.s. im sorry again)
5 years, 5 months ago
*seal claps* arf arf arf arf arf arf arf arf *seal claps*
5 years, 5 months ago
i usually agree with you about people's stupidity but i don't think it's stupid to worry about climate change

I do think it's stupid to call everyone you disagree with a nazi or a communist though
5 years, 5 months ago
Concern over climate change isn't the issue, using kids for propaganda is XP. Discourse over such an important issue does not need hyperbole about impending armageddon or manipulative tactics, it needs honesty.
5 years, 5 months ago
yes exactly, the marxists are out for blood, and they'll use any child or anyone as a tool to brainwash people!!! get em young right? its sick!!
5 years, 5 months ago
Is this about religion?

Like those books like "Heaven is for Real" and, going back further, child preachers like Marjoe Gortner?
5 years, 5 months ago
eh it works for any ideaology trying to use children as mouthpieces for their agenda.
5 years, 5 months ago
I really love your dialogue.
5 years, 5 months ago
Usual thing in USSR and Russia.
5 years, 5 months ago
I would say that's a little the same for some advertisement, more and more have kids in them even when the product arn't made for them...
5 years, 5 months ago
It seems like it's considered improper in the Progressive West to use sex to sell things nowadays (probably because men like it but harridan women claim not to), so the marketers just reach for the next strongest psychological lever, the nurture instinct, usually using children but anything that triggers the response works.  Cartoon ads with cute characters are preying on this same impulse.

ALWAYS exercise skepticism when someone trying to sell something is parading a cute thing in front of you, especially when it's children.
5 years, 5 months ago
And that's the most interesting thing someone have told me today, thank you ! ^^ (yes, i am serious XD)
5 years, 5 months ago
I want to see that communist purple fox get nude. Now. :3
5 years, 5 months ago
It's sad to see that some people completely missed the point of your cartoon. (or purposefully missed it, can never know for sure these days).

I didn't knew it had to be said but: Folks, don't use kids to forward your agenda, it's a pretty disgusting tactic and it doesn't help your case. Thanks!
5 years, 5 months ago
It is often the case when someone believes in something they can't actually defend because they know it's wrong, they'll shift to talking about something else. Honest conversation about principles is unpalatable to people who perpetually avoid being serious.
5 years, 5 months ago
Aye I getcha, the thing is that I understand climate change is important. You can't tell me that billions of people pumping toxic chemicals into the air every day they step in their cars going to work is somehow "not" having an effect on the environment at all but that's just the thing: they should've gone with the actual provable results, science and facts to show how the environment is affected instead of relying on disgusting tactics like these. Greta will either grow up having a broken childhood, unable to find her identity or she'll embrace her parents' activism all the way like Severn Suzuki did because there's nothing else left for her to turn to. Ruining their child's life whilst steering more people away from seriously talking about the issue at hand. (That is: If the issue of climate change is actually reversible by this point.)
5 years, 5 months ago
Whelp, you could always ask a climate expert about climate change.

Also, environmentalism is now communism? How does every single thing that you oppose end up being hammer and sickle Soviet communism.

One last thing, I love how both the child is a victim and is sinister. Like, it seems like you don't actually care about the child's well-being. Correct me if I'm wrong.
5 years, 5 months ago
It doesn't seem as though he's calling out environmentalism as communist, so much as he has a problem with using children to pull at people's heartstrings over making a solid case for your cause (something someone with an interest in such should be able to do).  Which makes sense given a previous journal decrying using others as a sacrifice for you're own peace of mind.  That Greta Thurnberg is currently the most notable example is immaterial.

Now whether or not this tactic is intrinsic to any particular "-ism" over something simply done by adults who can't be bothered to make their own appeal or argument and instead take the potentially detrimental easy route to assume a moral high ground for their cause is debatable...
5 years, 5 months ago
" Also, environmentalism is now communism?

Don't conflate environmentalism (good) with political environmental activism, or what some might call climate alarmism, and what I personally would call climate bolshevism.  This is specifically the extreme faction within the climate movement that preaches eminent doom and gloom and demands that political power be ceeded to them or else, and has shown a distressing lack of candor or ethics when it comes to what they will do to gain that power.  The current thing one assumes prompted the OP matches the rhetoric of this specific extreme faction.

The behavior of this specific sub-group act exactly like Communists both in their demeanor and in their methods of gaining social and political power, and for all purposes they ARE Communists in that they aim to seize control over all rights and property in order to fulfill their vision of A Better World via a complete top-down reorganization of our entire global society.

Please note that I am describing something specific, and am not dismissing any claims as lacking veracity.  The issue is method, not motivation, which the above comic is also addressing.

" How does every single thing that you oppose end up being hammer and sickle Soviet communism.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it doesn't matter what you call it, it's still a bird with a kill count in the megadeaths.
5 years, 5 months ago
The cartoon isn't about environmentalism, it's about using children to push a message. Also I despise communists, utterly despise them, so I'm keen on taking the opportunity to mock them.
5 years, 5 months ago
Climate change activism is and has been a cultural marxist/intersectionality plot. It's not just some conspiracy theory either. I mean, just look at Greta with the words her parents fed her, "Change is coming whether you like it or not". That's pretty authoritarian. How about that the Green New Deal wasn't actually about the environment and was a plan to enact socialist policies? How about this has been done over and over again decades ago? Its fucking sickening man.

Oh and lets not forget that because of these climate change feamongering plots to get supporters, its creating mass hysteria and getting people killed!
5 years, 5 months ago
anyone else noticed that the "we are out of time" Clock logo they are using is very reminiscent of a stylized hammer and sickle?
5 years, 5 months ago
The name changes every year and the doomsday predictions get worse but the solution never changes. Give us more control and money and well fix the problem we made.
5 years, 5 months ago
Our media loves it. Feels like every other day I'm reading how the good kid showed the bad people what's what. And I'm only reading it because my e-mail provider has a news section on the login page. I should change my mail provider. Sick of this crap.
5 years, 5 months ago
Stop asking questions and eat the bugs, goy!
5 years, 5 months ago
I don't see the comparison, try having the kid yelling at me like they are throwing a tantrum?
5 years, 5 months ago
Yes, because you magicly gain the ability to form your own informed opinion at age 18. Jesus Christ. Obviously it's impossible that a young activist is acting of their own accord, they must have been evilly manipulated. /s

Listen, I've had my own very vocal opinions since at least the age of 12. I know I didn't get them from my parents, because I disagree with them, and I wasn't talking with anyone online at the time, so you can't blame them. I simply did research on my own, and drew conclusions from it.

Also, if you're referring to who I think you are, she's 16 for god's sake. That's practically an adult anyway. The initialization of adolescents is a trend that needs to stop. If you genuinely didn't have your own opinions at 16, I feel bad for you. By the time I was 16, I was already doing this same exact shit, and "debating" morality and other things online constantly. Though, honestly that mostly started way back when I was 12. I was just able to express myself much better and use better, more logical arguments by the time I was 16.
5 years, 5 months ago
Missing the point. If there is to be discussion of important issues we don't need a child's opinion, the only reason to use a child is to manipulate the audience. I don't care if you think that's patronising.
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