‘Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!!’ Buukaz thought as he looked behind him to see the red dragon roar down at BT.
When they had first entered into the cavern BT had been somewhat apprehensive, his senses telling him that something wasn’t right with the immediate area, however Buukaz had begged the blue behemoth to continue onwards, the bangaa’s desire to take the gemstones that were said to have littered the inner area made him disregard the notion that there was actually something around that could actually take on a behemoth.
He hadn’t thought that there was a damned dragon in these caves!
Though in hindsight Buukaz should have suspected as such, after all, why would anyone allow a literal mountain of treasure to go unlooted? The winged beast had just returned to the volcanic cavern from the hole within the top of the ceiling while the crimson lizard had been snatching up some of the glittering stones into the burlap sack clutched tightly within his paws. Seeing the pair within its dwelling made the red dragon let out a vicious roar, the likes of which had caused the bangaa to drop his satchel. As the winged creature flew down to where the thieving reptile was BT jumped up from his place next to a steaming heat vent puffing out warm sulfuric steam.
Buukaz thought that he was going to die of shock as he looked to see the dripping maw of the larger creature as it turned its head between him and BT, he then gulped as he noticed the white hot anger flash across the dragon’s face as it realized how many of the shiny stones he had just looted. Buukaz yelped and then curled up on himself as he was sure that he was going to die a gruesome demise within the other’s jaws when the dragon dove for him. Thankfully a bloody fate never came his way as a blur blue charged over to him, shielding his cowering lizard from the dragon’s fangs.
The blue behemoth snarled at the red dragon, his long ivory claws dug down deep into the volcanic rock underneath him as he prepared to counter the other.
Just as the winged beast was about five feet away from them BT lashed out, his clawed paw slapped the scaly monster’s face hard enough to make the dragon’s head twist to the side. And because the rest of the body always follows wherever the head goes the winged beast found itself spinning around wildly in the air before it crashed hard into the side of the volcanic wall. BT pounced at the other before it had time to recover, fangs bared and a deep roar rumbling free from his throat as he sought to teach the other a lesson about attacking his herdmate. When his massive body hit the dragon’s the blue behemoth swiped and bit at the dragon with all the force he could muster up. The screech of pain the winged reptile released was only matched by BT’s savage wail of fury as the longed necked monster snapped its jaws onto his shoulder and then bit down hard enough to cause the blue behemoth’s blood to rush out of his body in an arching wave.
“BT!!!” Buukaz shouted as fear latched onto his heart when he looked to see his companion’s blue fur become stained red.
Snarling in anger the bangaa lifted his hands up, his lips chanting the words to a thunder spell without him even realizing what he was doing. When the dragon rolled both himself and BT over and then held the struggling behemoth down with its greater weight Buukaz sent out his spell just as winged reptile was about to go for the behemoth’s jugular. Lighting roared from the air above the red dragon before it came down against the dragon’s backside. The winged monster let out a startled yelp as the sudden shock of electricity filled its body with pain like no other, at least until BT slammed his head upwards into the air’s chest. His black horns pierced through the dragon’s scales gouging the other so deep that it made the dragon yowl and then jump up into the air, its wings flapping wildly as blood dripped down the larger creature’s front.
The sound of air being drawn into the crimson scaled beast’s throat made Buukaz realize that the dragon was about to use its signature fire breath on both him and his companion. Looking to where he had dropped his satchel the bangaa quickly darted over for the fallen bag.
“BT, let’s get out of here!” the bangaa cried out as it snatched up the satchel and then tied it around his shoulders.
The blue behemoth grunted and then turned away to run over to his companion just as a large gout of flame scorched the earth where he had just been standing.
As the orange flames charred the ground a sickly black the red dragon took no concern over the fact that he was partially destroying his home as he angled his head along the path the intangir was running. Sadly the winged beast missed hitting the fleeing beast as the blue behemoth quickly snatched up the bangaa from where he was picking up fallen gemstones and then swiftly raced out through the opening that they had wandered into. The dragon roared as it watched the pair go, but it thankfully did not give chase. Instead, the crimson scaled reptile lowered itself back onto the ground and then began licking over its bleeding wounds.
Not that either BT or Buukaz knew this, the blue behemoth was quickly moving as fast as he could back down the snowy mountain path in order to get him and his herdmate to safety. For his part Buukaz was desperately chanting the only healing spell he knew on his larger friend in order to help ease the pain he knew the intangir was suffering through right now, his green eyes looked up sadly as he chanted. BT didn’t seem to notice the red reptile’s gaze as he kept himself focused on putting as much distance as he could between himself and the dragon’s cave. It was only after the blue behemoth had ran about five miles that BT decided that he could finally slow down a little.
“Sorry about that.” Buukaz said after he ran out of mental energy to cast his healing spell.
BT merely grunted down at him, though he never released the bangaa from where he was safely clutched within his teeth.