Yayz always the first instend of jamie! TAKE THAT JAMIE! >:P. OK as soon as I saw panel 2 I laugh so hard with the Shadow XD thing LOL. Boy Shadow has gotten alittle less detailed in that panel hasn't he? XD LOL OMG RHINO GUY RUN FOR YOUR F*CKING LIFE SHADOW IS GOING TO PWN YOU LIKE ICE CREAM ON TOAST LOL XD o-o < and you know that Shadow doesn't stop for nothing! NOTHING CAN MAKE HIM STOP HIS BADASSNESS NOTH- Well.... maybe.... Sonic :P NVM XD. Wow do my comments get random every time? >:P
Yayz always the first instend of jamie! TAKE THAT JAMIE! >:P. OK as soon as I saw panel 2 I laugh s
ahahahahaha OMG!! Shadow looks in that way because eeer I can explain me, he moves like a shadow, pffff hahahaha! eeerrr he teletransports! fuck in spanish I can say that better!! XDDD
ahahahahaha OMG!! Shadow looks in that way because eeer I can explain me, he moves like a shadow, pf
LOL don't sweat it MimyI I know what you mean XD I already knew what it was before. Shadow uses Chaos control alot in your comics to move around XD. I just wanted to say something random as always in my comments to make them more fun ;D.
LOL don't sweat it MimyI I know what you mean XD I already knew what it was before. Shadow uses Chao
yep spam spam spam won't we ever shut up! XD... lets see (we be quiet for like 2 seconds) Me:OMG ISN'T SHADOW SO SEXY AS SEME Jamie: HELL YEAH Me: ;D (we talk about it for like 30mintues) Nvm... we can't shut up XD
yep spam spam spam won't we ever shut up! XD... lets see (we be quiet for like 2 seconds) Me:OMG IS
I thought we would be saying No SLICE NO SONIC NO SLICE NO SONIC NOOO F*CKING SLICE NOO SONIC!! for like along time until the comment page would go soo far down all you would see is SLICE,SONIC,SLICE,SONIC,SLICE LOL
NO IT'S GOING TO BE SONIC >:P. I just reread Dangerous Attraction and when it ended I was like NOOO. I love the cute Sonadow moments. They make me cry D:. What cute moments have Slice and Shadow had yet?? well... it just started but still.... WHAT?! XD
NO IT'S GOING TO BE SONIC >:P. I just reread Dangerous Attraction and when it ended I was like NOOO.
hey don't hog him >:( *grabs him) MINE! Runs away with him) MWAHAHA HES MINE FOREVER >:D... Let Shadow and Sonic be together without any distractions >:P. XD
hey don't hog him >:( *grabs him) MINE! Runs away with him) MWAHAHA HES MINE FOREVER >:D... Let Shad
AAwwwhh mimy! qe sexy se le ve a Shadow asi!!!! x3 es super strong xDD y chondo que flipo pepinillos!! me esta encantando este comic!!! pero que aparezca ya sonic de una f*cking vez!!!! xD
AAwwwhh mimy! qe sexy se le ve a Shadow asi!!!! x3 es super strong xDD y chondo que flipo pepinillos
hahahaah muchas gracias Saaaraaaaaaaaaaa!!!!^^ está super malote cabroncete de tó! y ya te he dixo mil veces ke Sonic tardará un bueeen rato en salir XDDD
hahahaah muchas gracias Saaaraaaaaaaaaaa!!!!^^ está super malote cabroncete de tó! y ya te he dixo m