«Of course I can drive this thing, it's easy, look, if I press this button it says power sequence confirmed, this one, you get computers active, gimbals, communications go, turbopumps, preheat, cryopumps, level of oxygen, all of these panels are illuminating like it's Christmas! Also here you have the stages control, internal power, radars, fuel cells, pressurization, moving from external to internal controls, telemetry go, here I get on manual, armed the ejection tower, that noise is the turbocompressors starting up, and in about five seconds now you're going to see some shit. Have you locked your seatbelt or it will beep, I don't like it and we have a big rock called Nibiru to make explode.»
at first : fuck, Spacesuits are shit to draw. Let's go random 10, 15 minutes later : came out not so bad afterall.