Character Sheet for Trixie Pinapple
Character Description
Trixie Stands 5 feet tall runt of the litter she has crazy wild sholder length hair that refuses to change style other then color no matter what version of
Super Saiyan she is in (tho she sticks to staying in SSGP mode so her hair is a dark cosmic purple and if you look closly at it you can almost see all the stars
of a galaxy within it), she has a star shaped marking covering her right eye and a black heart shape on her right butt cheek she has Red eyes in normal mode and plain black hair and tailsbut in SSGP her eyes and both her tail change to purple to match her hair
spunky, honorable, friend to the end, Fights for whats right, jokster
hitting things
beating chumps up
eating food
fruit pulp
smart asses
She was born a pure blood saiyan with out a power level or so that is what her mother and father believed how ever in reality she was born with the SSG (super Saiyan God) ability already unlocked due the complications during her mothers pregnancy fearing they would lose both the mother and the baby five family member joined together and gave their power to the mother so she could give birth and give birth she did to a baby girl with bright red hair and no power level how ever SSG can not be senced by any normal folk hence why she had no power level but she quickly proved them otherwise because as she grew she showed much ability and strength
School Uniform its mostly black with a pink ascot, black boots with pink laceing and black arm bands