I don't know if the boy next to Island is related to him, like a half-brother or a cousin (because he shares some physical similarities with your Daddy) or if he is just a friend, but in any case, that only makes this picture more interesting.
From experience, I know that spanking is a painful and rather humiliating punishment, but a caning/whiping is even worse. And I can't imagine suffer through this with someone I know and care about next to me. I think that you are very courageous to beg your Daddy to stop the punishment, like if you wanted to prevent you and your buddy from any more lashes. In my case, if I had dare to spoke a word or to resist during a punishment, this would just earned me even more spanks !
That's why I learn to behave properly very quickly, even if I needed some "corrections" time to time to get me back on the right track.