Following the winding trail out to the dig site, Jessamine and Liane were astounded to find that not a single trace was left of the massive excavation that had been necessary to uncover the Queen's tomb. The area appeared as if it had never been touched! Not even footprints remained! 'This is nearly inconceivable!', Jessie exclaimed. 'I know she didn't want her tomb to be further disturbed, but how could all traces of our work be erased overnight?', she whispered to her equally amazed partner. 'I haven't a clue', Liane replied, starting to shiver, 'but obviously she wielded.....or wields ......some pretty impressive magic to be able to achieve this! And something is making me feel really creeped out. Even more than the changes! Do you feel it too?' 'I!', her quivering wife stuttered out, tightening her tail around Liane's leg and pulling her closer . 'It's almost like she, or something, is aware of us being here. I think maybe we should leave, and try to forget even where this place is!' 'I'm with you, my love', the nervous rabbit agreed, 'and moreover I'm thinking we'd better destroy our maps.....anything that could lead someone to this particular spot. I'll sleep much better knowing that we couldn't be responsible for another expedition finding her! Next time we decide to try out our archaeological skills, I think we should look for something far away from Egypt. Like in Central or South America. Both the Mayans and the Incans are pretty fascinating, don't you agree?' 'Absolutely, my darling, absolutely!', Jessamine nuzzled Liane's neck and kissed her cheek. 'Let's go break camp and head for Cairo to catch a flight home. A trip to a nice tropical jungle sounds like a wonderful idea for our next adventure, and we can start researching once we've had a good rest and recovered from this one. And, you know, I'm very glad Jessa left me her dagger. I believe she was right about it coming in handy in the future, though definitely NOT as protection from you! More like protection for both of us from the Goddess only knows what. With your love and the dagger protecting me, I feel darn near bulletproof.'
The pair turned and began the trek back to camp, hugging each other, walking in lock step, and never having been aware of the scrutiny of the ruby eyed spirit that had been perched on a rock nearly at their feet, reading their thoughts and perhaps even inserting an idea or two into their heads while they talked. It disappeared with a little poof as soon as they were out of sight, but never for a moment from then forward lost track of Jessamine and her wife, prepared to make the prophecy of the dagger's protection a reality whenever it might be necessary.