My entry shows pride through the pansexual and homosexual flags in the background united as one. I combined them to show the unity between this beautiful community.
It also shows the unity between Lithium and Serafina. They may have their differences, but it is said differences that makes them work.
"Today, my friend told me that her granddad is a homophobe and that he's currently teaching her oldest nephew to be the same way as him.
She doesn't like it. She has friends in the pride community and doesn't like when people judge them just for who they identify as or only for their orientation.
On Saturday the nephew asked her if I was a lesbian. She responded saying; "No, she'll date anyone regardless if they're a boy or girl. She falls for the soul not the appearance."
He said that it's disgusting and wrong. She told him that his hostility is disgusting and wrong.
If it is disgusting and wrong for me to love who I love then so be it.