This was an idea I had in my head for the longest time. The original concept was to have an homage to the original product icon of Coppertone sunscreen. Initially, the idea was to have a young Taylor and her tail, Ahya, being the one to pull off her bikini. However, it didn't seem to make sense and we already had a picture with a more mature Taylor with Ahya doing basically the same thing. So, instead, we needed a new element to the image. That came in the form of a small dragon character named Vorry. His owner was happy to provide this little guy as a 'snack' for Ahya and he would be the one that would be pulling Taylor's bikini down, more of as a way to get her attention to help stop the snacking! The emphasis here was to pay tribute to the original Coppertone girl while still being cute and it's own unique thing.