After a generous helping of birthday cake each, it seems that the girls are full of excess energy, and Poly is full of ideas for exciting adventures to follow. There's nothing like an excursion through ancient crypts crammed full of mummies and mystery, or a ride on a rocket to distant worlds to really get a girl's heart thumping. Will Grace join? Will she risk life and limb on her friend's whim?
After such a good helping of cake, I think doing a bout of space travel would be the best option. No need to feel guilty about all the cake, because you're weightless anyways! >^_^<
*chuckles* And it's such a cute picture too, hee! Gotta love that effervescent energy!
After such a good helping of cake, I think doing a bout of space travel would be the best option. No
Perhaps, though I don't know if such a bumpy ride is quite a good idea after so many sweets. Still, it's tempting. I've always wanted to go to space someday.
I know! It's absolutely adorable, and I love how excited Poly looks. Those little waggy tails are the cutest, too!
Perhaps, though I don't know if such a bumpy ride is quite a good idea after so many sweets. Still,
Ooo, yes, good point... the weightlessness is fun, but you wouldn't want to throw up in zero gravity! Hee! That would be... well, let's not even think about that, hee! Let's instead think of hovering about in your spaceship with such a wonderful and fun companion and look out at all the stars and planets and whatever else you can see up there >^_^<
*chuckles* And you're absolutely right, the waggy tails are adorable! And very tempting to bat a paw at, but I will remain a gentleman kitty and don't do that, hee!
Ooo, yes, good point... the weightlessness is fun, but you wouldn't want to throw up in zero gravity
Yes, much better to think of hovering around in a spaceship and all the cool things to see up there! And how much fun it would be to be weightless and just float around. I've always thought that looked like such fun, if perhaps a little awkward until you get used to it.
*Grins* Aw, you're a sweetheart. But how could anyone blame a kitty for doing what kitty's do? As long as you promise to keep the claws sheathed, I'm sure it'll be okay.
Yes, much better to think of hovering around in a spaceship and all the cool things to see up there!
Hee! Ah yes, I can most absolutely assure you that I never use my claws, I keep them hidden all the time up to the point one might even forget I have them, hee! I don't like those pointy ends, a soft soft paw is so much better to give a little touch or boop or bat with after all! >^_^<
And indeed, the floating around can be fun, but it does take some getting used to. Even the slightest of unexpected motions can have you suddenly hovering upside down or in other weird or compromising positions, hee! Not that I think a lovely and bubbly companion such as Poly here would mind about that - heck, she might even gladly seize any opportunities that might present, but still, it'd be better to not tempt fate! Or not too much anyway >~_^<
Hee! Ah yes, I can most absolutely assure you that I never use my claws, I keep them hidden all the
Sounds to me like we've got a deal! You felines are pretty lucky in being able to keep your claws hidden, too. There are times when I'd like to be able to have a softer touch myself. Then again, I suppose they came in handy for my foxy ancestors who had to actually dig their dens out of the ground instead of living in soft, cushy houses, so I can't complain.
*Grins* I don't think Poly would mind, aha, compromising positions too much. We have shared a bit of intimacy with each other in the past, after all. Still, it's probably best to at least try to learn how to get around and stay in control, if only to make life easier all around.
Sounds to me like we've got a deal! You felines are pretty lucky in being able to keep your claws hi
It certainly is a very handy ability indeed, it allows one to be that much more soft and gentle when spending time with a lovely companion, while there is still the option to dig up things or deal out a smack here and there to those who deserve it. And well, being the lovely queen you are, I'm sure you have plenty of servants in your awesome cushy castle who can give you awesome manicures/pedicures to keep your touch soft for those occasions where soft touches are preferred, hee >^_^<
*chuckles* And I'm sure she wouldn't! And I can even give you a quite handy tip on learning how to get around in zero gravity; that's where those cutely wagging tails come in very handy! A little waggle and you go soaring off majestically through the room. Or headfirst into the wall... but well, I'm sure you're clever enough to remember to use your hands or feet to catch the shock and push yourself back off in a different direction, hee! *looks left and right quickly, then leans over and drops voice* Plus you could use it as an excuse to go muzzle-first into someone's cleavage... just say you're trying to learn to move around in zero gravity and it's harder than you thought >~_^<
It certainly is a very handy ability indeed, it allows one to be that much more soft and gentle when
Space, ancient ruins, or eldric doorways to realities on the verge of existence you can’t go wrong. Just avoid blue eyed tentacle beasts. If they ask about someone named Bill, you’ve never heard of me.
Space, ancient ruins, or eldric doorways to realities on the verge of existence you can’t go wrong.
It all sounds like fun. And just imagine all the weird and wonderful things you might find out there!
Heh, no promises on avoiding the tentacle monsters. They are attracted to vixens like iron to magnets. But I can promise to keep quiet. Er. At least, not say any names!
It all sounds like fun. And just imagine all the weird and wonderful things you might find out there
I'm not sure that giving a couple of pre-teens firearms is the greatest idea in the world. But I suppose they need something other than their wits and charm to protect them!
I'm not sure that giving a couple of pre-teens firearms is the greatest idea in the world. But I sup
C'mon, it'll be fun, Grace~! It'll be an adventure! What's the worst that could happen? It's not like we can be captured and have unspeakably naughty things done to us again. What're the chances of that?
C'mon, it'll be fun, Grace~! It'll be an adventure! What's the worst that could happen? It's not