Ophelic-The Ophelic on the surface seem to be cute and helpful creatures. Drawn to malice, self doubt and insecurity, this couldn’t be further from the truth. They feast off these emotional states, which are among the lowest forms of food for emotion eaters. They seek a variety of raw emotions to eat and help to bring them about in others, should their prey not satisfy the Ophelic’s desires it will tend to push them over the edge for a taste of madness and the end before moving on. The Ophelic is such a sturdier creature than seems able to take a near limitless amount of punishment, though lacks few ways to dish it back out. They have a refined control of liquids and their horns are able to penetrate iron but both these tend to tire out the notoriously lazy Ophelic. The Marked bound with an Ophelic will often to gain a very useful helper, subverting the tendencies of wild Ophelic. The magic they impart on their partners tend to make them durable and hearty, seldom being sick and very difficult to injure. They also impart a natural ability to breath underwater and minor water control to their partners.
5 years, 10 months ago
18 Mar 2019 07:20 CET
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