Everyone slept in a little late Saturday morning, February 20th. After all, it was a day off for everyone, and it was late getting back from The Hop last night. After everyone was awake, Al asked Marge, "Anything you'd like to do today?". "Maybe take a trip to the Green Stamp Store in Albuquerque to get Clarence some toy trucks like Jed and Rex have", Marge replied. "But they're predicting snow today". "Yea, it might not be a good idea to make the trip if the roads start getting covered with snow", Al affirmed. "What's the temperature this morning?", Marge asked. "Jed's at the front porch checking that now", Al answered. "Mom! Dad! It's snowing!, Jed proclaimed as he came back inside from the porch. "YEEAAAYYYY!", Rex, Clarence and Donna cheered. "Well, there's that prediction", Al said to Marge as he and Marge smiled to each other. "I say we just enjoy the day here at home", Marge said as the snow continued falling outside. "At this time of morning, breakfast will be late", Al suggested to Marge. "I can help you get breakfast going here at the house, or we can go to the diner on the edge of town" (which Duran wasn't big enough to be considered really a town). "How 'bout the diner", Marge suggested. "The diner it is", Al agreed. Then there was the question...Drive over to the little diner on highway 54 in the small community of Duran, or walk over. Of course, the solution to that question came soon enough as the cubs wanted to enjoy the snow...So it was walk over to the diner. The cubs had fun romping in the snow that was just then beginning to accumulate during the walk to the the diner on Highway 54 on the outskirts of Duran. As the family arrived to the Southern Pacific Railroad crossing on the way over, the cubs got the idea of building snow animals to place in the tracks for the next train to hit. "No big ones, which could do damage to a train", Al told the cubs. "Ones about a foot high would be high enough. Then you can place them on a rail". Thus, near the tracks, the cubs made snow wolves, snow bears, and other various other snow animals, ranging in height from eight inches to a foot". Rex was about to place small stones for eyes, nose and a mouth for the snow small animals he was building. "No stones", Al told Rex. "There's no telling if a stone might get kicked up by a wheel and damage a sand line or an air brake line on the train". So it was decided that indentations made with a stick would do for facial features on the miniature snow animals. Once the cubs had completed the snow animals, Al and Marge checked both ways to make sure no trains were approaching, then gave the 'all clear' to place the snow animals on the track rails...Back then, there was no paranoia about anyone milling around railroad tracks like it is in the Homeland Security era of the 21st Century...Then it was off to the rest of the way to the diner. The family enjoyed a good breakfast at the diner, then socialized with the other patrons they know from the neighborhood. On the way back, just as the family was approaching the railroad crossing, the wig-wag signal began warning of an approaching train...It was the 11:25 northbound passenger train approaching from the south. "Those snow animals are gonna get it now", Rex said as the speeding passenger train began blowing it's horn for the crossing. "Here they go!", Al said as the train was about to speed by. "WOW!", Clarence explained as the train sped by, disintegrating the miniature snow animals that once sat on a track rail. After the train had passed by, there were no traces of the miniature snow animals left. After Al, Marge and the cubs got back to the house, the cubs went to play with the other neighbor cubs in the snow. Ryan Lynx had his go cart out on a snow covered stretch of street and doing doughnuts and other stunts with it. Before long, Ryan was letting the other cubs try out the go cart on the snow. A while thereafter, the cubs decided to tie a wagon back onto the go cart like they did the day before...except this time, it would be in the snow...That worked out peachy until Ryan Lynx took a turn, in which the wagon skidded out in the snow with the weight of two cubs in it, and it slid around ahead of the go cart and tugged the the rear end of the go cart around into a 180 before both wagon and go cart stopped facing the direction they came from...Well, being that didn't work out so well, the cubs then decided to untie the wagon from the go cart. Later, the cubs built snow animals, once there was enough snow to build them of a large size. Then later, they had snowball battles...Al and Marge even later came outside and joined the cubs in a snowball battle, which was later joined by neighbors Frank and Wanda with their teens Jerald and Dotty, and their cub Cheryl. Lunch was late that day being they had breakfast late in the morning...And at the end of the day when nightfall set in, Jed, Rex, Clarence and Donna had fun doing artwork on the drawing tablet and laptop...And it was a blessing that cheater plugs were around so the laptop battery could be charged off the two prong sockets the house was equipped with. Later that night, it was bed time. And even though Al, Marge and the cubs never left Duran that day, it was still a fun and fulfilling day.
______________________________ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st: Like last Sunday, and every Sunday, Al and Marge always attend morning services with the cubs at the Cuurch of Christ in Santa Rosa...Clarence was still use to church being only for Easter Sunday as he had been acustom to in the 21st Century. Highway 54 had been cleared of snow by the state highway department, thus the road was in pretty good shape. At church, there were the usual greetings among the congregation members, after which there were the singing of hymns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCQ4Mnd6xio Of course, Clarence was bored during the sermon that Pastor Warren Brown Bear delivered. At the end of the service was the invitation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi0dIci1zwM Then there was the taking up of the offering. After church had let out, many member of the congregation stayed around in the parking lot for about 30 minutes to socialize before going home. During that time, Al Coyote had lit up one of his Chesterfields, and another congregation member, Louie Badger, had lit up a Camel no filter. "Not a healthy habit", Pastor Warren Bear commented in a friendly way as he came walking up. "Yea, Pastor Bear. I know", Al replied. "They are hard to quit", Louie Badger added. "Well, none of us are perfect. And a pack of cigarettes won't send anyone to Hell", Pastor Bear mentioned. "But you should ask yourself, do you have cigarettes?...or do cigarettes have you?". "I have to say, cigarettes have me", Louie Badger admitted, being a pack a day smoker. "I have cut back on them", Al acknowledged. "Now if you would just quit them all together", Marge added, as Pastor Bear nodded with a smile. Frank and Wanda were also there with offsprings Jerald, Dotty and Cheryl...So were Fred and Charlot Coyote with their offspring Cindy, and 12 year old Scotty...Thus, even though Jerald and his girl friend Cindy go to different high schools (residing in different counties), they with their families do attend the same church...Pastor Warren Brown Bear had at times thought if Jerald and Cindy decided to get married after they graduate high school, he might be the very one to conduct their marriage ceremony. On the way home, Clarence noticed a school building while coming through Vaughn, though it was not the same school he attended in the years from 2015 thru 2018. "Mom. Dad.", Clarence spoke up. "There's a school here in Vaughn. Why do we go all the way out to Estancia to go to school?". The answer from Al was simple and quite obvious..."This is Guadalupe County. We live in Torrence County. Living in Torrence County, you would attend a Torrence County school". Once the family got back home, it was a relaxing afternoon as the cubs went out to play...The temperature that afternoon had gotten up to near 50, and some of much snow from yesterday was melting off. At some point, Clarence asked the neighbor cubs, "Do all of your parents make you go to church every Sunday?". Clarence's question skarked a religious debate with the other neighbor cubs for short while, afterwhich the cubs went back to playing. Later in the day, Rex, Jed and some of the other neighbor cubs got some of their toy trucks out (the sand box size ones) to play with in the snow that was still left. Clarence was still impressed by how the toy trucks that Jed, Rex and the other neighbor cubs were't plastic and made from steel and durable. And the real rubber tires. And that they had a down to Earth look like the real trucks have as compared to the corny looking toy trucks of the 21st Century...Jed and Rex did let Clarence play with some of their toy trucks, which he was grateful for. The rest of that Sunday, although a bit cool out, did turn out to be a lovely day.
______________________________ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd: Monday morning was in the low 20s like yesterday was as the cubs waited on the school bus. That southbound freight train came through Duran right time...You could set your watch by it...Then a short while later, Stimpsom Mink pulled up driving that 1954 Chevy bus, Bus #17. Then the cubs and teens were on their way to school for the day. A while after the school bus had left, Al informed Marge, "They should have that special hardware in today so Sam Weasel and I can complete that project". "What are you working on?", Marge asked. "Oh, I'd like to tell you, Honey", Al replied, "But it's a classified project. I'm sorry to say I'm not allowed to let you or anyone else know". Marge had gotten that answer at times before from Al about projects he's been involved in. However, Marge does realize that her husband does work on projects that those who don't have a security clearance are not allowed to know about. After all, Al, like as it is for the other scientists at the lab, could find himself answering questions for the FBI if he were to leak certain information out...Like the old saying goes, 'Loose lips sink ships'...And in actuality, even the family members of scientists are technically not allowed to have admittance into the lab. However, scientists there don't always adhere to that rule, hence why Marge and the cubs had been allowed admittance into the lab...There were many times Greg Otter's Wife Marie and sons Danny and Jeff had been in the Horizon Innovations Lab where top secret projects were going on...Other scientists as well have allowed their family members admittance into the lab...But then, the senators and Congress animals who would wig out over it are in Washington D. C. half the time anyway, which is a long way from Encino, New Mexico...So who's to know? Shortly before it was time for Al to leave for work, the phone rang...It was Zachary Bobcat Sr. from the W. M. Hindi store informing Al and Marge that the bed they ordered for Clarence through the Sears catalog had arrived. "I still have time for us to pick Clarence's bed up before I have to leave for work", Al assured Marge. "I know Clarence will be happy once he sees it", Marge replied as she and Al headed out to the car to go pick up the bed. Al and Marge picked up the bed frame, boxspring and mattress at W. M. Hindi, got it to the house still unassembled in the box it arrived in, and took it to the bedroom of Jed and Rex. "I should be getting off of work early again today", Al said to Marge. "The project Sam and I are working is almost completed once we have the hardware". "And we can get Clarence's bed assembled before he and the other cubs get home from school?". Marge inquired. "That's what I'm planing on", Al replied just before he and Marge hugged and kissed before Al left for work.
______________________________ At the Horizon Innovations Laboratory, Al Coyote and Samuel Weasel got the satellite cloaking device prototype completed before noon, thus were able to knock off early for the day. Al phoned Marge from the lab to tell her he is getting off from work early, and that he and Marge can make use of some time to assemble Clarence's bed. Marge was delighted to hear what Al had to say, and Al wasted no time getting home to get started on putting Clarence's bed together.
______________________________ Back at the house, Al and Marge worked as a husband and wife team assembling Clarence's bed in the boy's bedroom, and it wasn't long before Clarence's bed was finally set up and ready to sleep in. After the bed project was completed, it was still two hours before the cubs would be getting out of school. Thus, Marge reminded Al that they were wanting to go to the S&H Green Stamp Store in Albuquerque to get Clarence some toy trucks of his own with the green stamps they've been collecting over time with purchases from the W. M. Hindi store. "We've got lots of books of them", Al said to Marge as they collected up the booklets of green stamps from the kitchen counter draw to take out to the car. Al then made a phone call to the school to inform them that he and Marge will be picking them up that afternoon.
______________________________ At the school in Estancia, Mrs. Glenda Otter had her 3rd grade class over in the school library checking out 3rd grade level story books...And...This was the first day Bucky Beaver was back in school since Biff Pitbull had beaten him up...Although, Bucky still had his arm in a sling. And like many elementary school cubs do, Rex Coyote, Bucky Beaver and Rusty Raccoon failed to keep a low volume in the library during a conversation they were having about Bucky's experience at the doctor's office. "Shush...You're in a library", Glenda Otter reminded Rex, Bucky and Rusty. "Can I get this one?", Ginger Fox asked Glenda Otter in a low volume, as she held up a middle school level book for Glenda to see. "That's too advanced for you right now", Glenda replied in a low volume. "Let's go and pick out a book where the other cubs are getting their's". Elementary school principal, Monty Wolverine, came into the library and passed a message onto Glenda Otter...in a low volume of course being they were in a library. "Thank you, Monty. I'll tell them", Glenda replied in a low volume. Glenda Otter then made her way over to Rex, then motioned Clarence to come over, then in a low volume, informed them, "Your parents are going to be picking you up from school today. So don't get on the bus when school lets out, okay". "Okay", Rex and Clarence acknowledged in a low volume, then went back to picking out a book. After Principal Monty Wolverine returned to his office, he contacted 1st grade teacher, Samantha Badger, VIA school intercom; Principal Wolverine: "Mrs. Badger". Samantha Badger: "Yes". Principal Wolverine: "Is Donna Coyote in your class right now?". Samantha Badger: "She's here". Principal Wolverine: "Tell Donna her parents are picking her up after school today, and to not take the bus". Samantha Badger: "Okay. Thank you Mr. Wolverine". "You heard that, Donna?", Samantha Badger asked. "I sure did, Mrs. Badger", Donna answered. And also in Jed Coyote's 5th grade class; Principal Wolverine: "Mr. Aardwolf". Edward Aardwolf: "Yes, go ahead". Principal Wolverine: "Is Jed Coyote in your class right now?". Edward Aardwolf: "Yes, Sir. He is". Principal Wolverine: "Tell him his parents are picking him up after school today, and to not take the bus". Edward Aardwolf: "I sure will. Thank you". "You got that, Jed? Don't take the bus. Your parents are picking you up", Edward Aardwolf said to Jed. "I got it, Mr. Aardwolf", Jed replied. When 3:00 finally came, Al and Marge pulled up at the student pick up point at the school. And as they have been noticing ever since they got that Chrysler 300, other cubs would gather around to admire the car...especially those from 5th and 6th grades. "Wow! That's a 300!", 5th grader, Tony Ferret said. 6th grader, Henry Raccoon asked Al, "How fast will it go, Sir?". "I had it up to almost 145 a few times", Al told the 6th grade raccoon cub. "See? I told ya so", Henry Raccoon told 6th grader, Marvin Fox. "I didn't know they were that fast", Marvin Fox replied. "Oh cooool. Is that a 300?", 3rd grader, Ginger Fox asked, as it seemed like she had the stars of delight twinkling in her eyes. "That it is", Al answered. "Seems like we're celebrities among the cubs with this car", Marge said to Al. "I do believe so", Al laughed. When Jed, Rex, Clarence and Donna came out, the other cubs complimented them on the car. "I wish my dad would get one of those", 3rd grader, Rusty Raccoon said just before he was to leave to catch a school bus. "Heck! I want one of those when I'm old enough to drive", 6th grader, Ralph Wolverine, not realizing how expensive a 300 is, said as Al and Marge got out to let Jed, Rex and Clarence in the back. As Al and Marge swiveled the front seats facing outward, Ralph Wolverine called out, "Moe! Come here and check out these seats!" After Moe Mongoose came running back over, he exclaimed, "Wow! This car's got everything!". After Al, Marge and the cubs were in the car, 7th grader, Kenny Cougar from the middle school, told Al, "Hot Rod Danny at the high school was wondering if his car is any faster than yours". "You're talking about Danny Otter?", Al asked Kenny Cougar. "Yes, Sir", Kenny Cougar answered. "The otter who drives the Golden Hawk". Al Coyote then told Kenny Cougar, "You can tell Danny Otter if he wants to prove something by racing me, it's going to have to be on a race track, and not on a public roadway...And only with permission from his parents". "Okay...Sure thing", Kenny replied. "That's cool". That was a surprise for Clarence to hear, as in 2018, Clarence remembered you wouldn't even come near putting a car on a race track unless you were a professional race car driver in the big league.. "Well, I want to pull out now", Al said to the gathering of cubs. "Clear back out of the way, please". Once the cubs cleared back to let Al drive through, Al cranked up that powerful cross ram engine as a cub exclaimed, "Wow!". Then he pushed the 'Drive' Select-o-matic button for the transmission, and the family was on their way. "As Al navigated along the driveways of the school grounds, Jed asked, "What are doing today?". "We're going to the Green Stamp Store to let Clarence pick out some toy trucks", Al answered. "Like the ones Jed and Rex have?!", Clarence asked. "Just like the ones your brothers have", Al replied, as Clarence was so happy to hear. On their was through the school grounds, they passed by the high school part of the campus complex...And it was there, they saw Biff, Richie and Gaston scrubbing sidewalks after school...And there was also Janitor Rufus opossum ragging on them like he was giving them orders. "I heard that's what Biff and them got for Biff and them stealing lunch money from cubs in our class", Clarence said. "Watch this", Rex said as he let the powered window near him down. "What are you going to do?" Jed asked. "MAKE IT PERRTTY!" Rex shouted out to them. "FUCK YOUUUUUU!" Biff hollered back as Rex put the power window back up. Then they saw Rufus Opossum cracking down on Biff over it. "He's mad now, Rex", Al said. "You better make sure Biff doesn't get you for it". "Just stay close to your teacher, Glenda Otter", Marge told Rex. "If Biff has to go through Glenda to get to you, you'll be safe". The S&H Green Stamp Store was only 45 miles from the school...Eleven miles or so north to Moriarty (Biff, Richie and Gaston's hometown)...Then 35 miles into downtown Albuquerque where the Green Stamp store is. The S&H Green Stamp Store chain would set up arrangements with retail stores and grocery stores to where those stores would offer S&H Green Stamps with the purchase of goods...In turn, enough booklets filled with those green stamps were good for exchange of merchandise at the S&H Green Stamp Store...The participating retail stores would pay a fee to the Green Stamp Store, as the promotion would attract more customers...And the collected fees was how the Green Stamp Store made their money...It was a win win proposition for both the retail stores and the S&H Green Stamp Store.[b/] Once the family arrived to the S&H Green Stamp store, Clarence was amazed at the merchandise offered for in exchange of booklets filled with green stamps. And when the family made their way back to the toy section, Clarence was almost overwhelmed with the selection of real, quality, toy trucks and toy cars. ""Well take you pick, Son", Al said to Clarence. Wow...for a moment, Clarence didn't even know where to begin. Jed and Rex were about to make suggestions, but Al said, "This is for Clarence. Let him choose what he wants". Eventually, Clarence did make decisions on which toys he would like the best. A Structo brand dump truck that has a piston that actually makes the bed dump; https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=625&...: A Nylint brand crane; https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1366&bi...: A toy semi tractor trailer rig; https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1366&bi...: And a toy grader; https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1366&bi...: Once Clarence chose the toys that the booklets would cover the exchange for, the exchange was made, then it was back home to Duran. It was getting late in the evening by the time they arrived back home...Which allowed a little time for Clarence to play with his new toy trucks along with Jed and Rex playing with their trucks, and some of the neighbor cubs who were still out late playing with their toy trucks as well...And the neighbor cubs were really impressed with Clarence's new toy trucks. Once it got dark, it was time for the cubs to come inside to get started on their homework. Once the cubs had completed their homework, and the family had supper, and the cubs got a shower in, Clarence was in for another surprise...Clarence was about to pull out the sofa bed into the bed he had usually slept on. "Come on back to Jed and Rex's room", Marge said to Clarence, Jed and Rex didn't even know until everyone got to the bedroom...and there it was...A real bed in the boy's bedroom for Clarence to sleep on, and no more sleeping in the living room on a pull out sofa. "Oh! Mom! Dad! I like this! Thank you!", Clarence exclaimed. "It came in this morning, and your mom and I put to together", Al said as Clarence hugged Daddy Al and Mama Marge. "Now you are one of the boys", Jed told Clarence. Marge reiterated to Jed, "He always was since the day he was adopted into the family". Clarence finally had a real bed to sleep on in the same bedroom with his foster brothers...That Monday the 22nd has truly been a good day.
Disclaimer: S&H Green Stamp Stores did actually exist at one time. However, the Albuquerque, New Mexico location depicted in this story is either fictitious, or a coincidence if it did exist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26H_Green_Stamps