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REVIEW: The Hero of Porker County


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REVIEW: The Bellflower Bunnies ('Carnival')
QUICKIE: Vandagyre
Though the temperature outdoors was just above freezing, I had to endure a walk to Target. Once I set out, I regretted having been remiss in bringing my gloves. :P
My hands were soon quite cold. My coat pockets alone were, for my hands, an insufficient shield from the cold. Thankfully, I live near a McDonald's, so I went in and bought two McChicken sandwiches, placing one in each of my pockets---the hot sandwiches saved my hands!


Remember those two live-action, costumed-character series that aired during the early years of The Disney Channel?
Those around my age may recall 'Welcome to Pooh Corner' (WtPC): a spin-off of Disney's animated take on the stories of A. A. Milne.
Though not without its shortcomings, WtPC was a serviceable production, boasting bright costumes, imaginative sets, cheerful songs and (of course) *facsimiles of characters already well-beloved.

*these incarnations lacked the 'wit' of the original Pooh cast

...Then there was 'Dumbo's Circus' (DC). Though produced by some of the same who worked on WtPC, DC clearly didn't receive as much love.

The difference may be one of budget, ambition or both. For example, WtPC had much better practical sets and relied less on blue-screen effects than DC. Even so, WtPC never ventured outside its setting of the Hundred-Acre Wood, whereas DC hadn't a set location (save for the circus tent), hence production required a greater array of props/set pieces (which, consequently, weren't as lavish as those of WtPC).

*The characters of DC were also more 'original'---the only character from the source material being Dumbo himself. What this means is DC's cast was more 'improvised'---overall, it was less appealing and endearing than that of WtPC.

*well, technically Lionel the Lion is a substitute for Timothy the Mouse... but had DC kept the character as a mouse, he'd need to a puppet character as opposed to a person in a fursuit (I mean, even Patty Maloney wasn't short enough to play a convincing mouse)! *shot*

Yeah, so, consequently, DC never received any home-video releases, whereas WtPC did (WtPC also enjoyed several specials, including the infamous 'Too Smart for Strangers').
As of this review, the only accessible episodes of DC are they which are uploaded to sites such as YT (whereat they are prone to copyright strike).

This entails no great loss, I suppose: DC isn't culturally significant or even that good (if we're to be honest), and in sixty years or so, no one who remembers it today will be alive ...but that fact qualifies DC as obscure enough for a MartenFerret review, so let's get to it!


Link (tested 01/23/2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLqqVQoiMeA

Alas, this upload is missing its first minute or two, but it's not difficult to tell what's happened.

EDIT (03/04/2019): ...and now the upload doesn't exist at all! Way to go, Disney! :P


On his way to town, *Fair Dinkum (the cowardly ringmaster) came upon a human couple (Jimbo and Mary-Lou), pushing a pet pig in a stroller (no judging!). The couple lost hold of the stroller, which subsequently rolled down a steep hill. At the bottom of the hill was a river (isn't that always the case?).
Fair Dinkum happened to be in just the right place to halt the stroller's descent, saving the pork from a dreadful bath!

*'fair dinkum' is Australian slang describing that which is honest or in line with social conformity.
The character Fair Dinkum is a koala. Actually, he's among three of DC's koalas ...a fact that (coupled with the series production date, circa 1985) had me wondering whether DC had any ties with either Australia or Japan (which was experiencing a koala craze around this time). ...Yet, per my (scant) research, DC is completely American (strange).

...Anyway, Jimbo and Mary-Lou proclaimed Fair Dinkum a hero, and proceeded to fawn over him.

And with good reason, for the pig was none other than Clara: "the smartest, prettiest pig in Porker County: Hog Capital of the World!"

A ridiculous song followed, to emphasize this fact (Clara is 'some pig')!

Of course, Fair Dinkum was too modest to let his new title of 'Hero' go to his head. Even so, both Jimbo and Mary-lou were gossipmongers who wasted no time in their spreading of the news of Clara's rescue to everyone in town ...as well, their neighbors told their neighbors, who exaggerated the story as they, too, went forth in turn (...what could go wrong?)!

At the circus, Rinkum Dinkum (Dink's twin brother, who performs as a daredevil) was working on his bi-plane as some towns folk approached.
Said folk mistook Rinkum for his brother. upon correction, the folks explained their version of Clara's rescue to Rinkum.
Curious, Rinkum took the folks to meet Fair Dinkum who, at the time, was assisting Lilli (cat; acrobat) in baking a turkey ...outdoors ...via an antique, cast-iron cookstove ...again, no judging. :3

Fair Dinkum soon found himself surrounded by Clara worshippers, who tried to ingratiate themselves with him for his deed.
Additionally, Clara herself was present: having supposedly broken free from her pen for to bask in the presence of her savior.

What disturbs me most about this scene is the turkey was ruined, having been dropped to the ground in all the excitement. Albeit, methinks a round of pig sandwiches might compensate for the loss (I've never wanted a pig sandwich more in my life!).

Anyway, as Fair Dinkum was assailed by the masses, Lilli and Rinkum mused over the event,

LILLI (to Rinkum): "So Fair Dinkum is a hero? Ah, I always knew he had it in him!"

RINKUM: "Yes. You know what---this gives me a terrific idea!"

...This is going to be stupid, isn't it?

Rinkum (somehow) made a stack of ad posters, decorated with an illustration of Fair Dinkum dacing on the wings of Rinkum's bi-plane. The posters read,

"Announcing the one, the only, 'HERO OF PORKER COUNTY' dancing in air!"

...Yes. Yes it is. Q.T. (the orangutan strongman) and Barnaby (dog; clown/magician) were there to admire Rinkum's work.

Q.T. (to Rinkum; referring to the posters): "You mean Dink is gonna dance on the wings while you're flying the plane?"

RINKUM: "That's right, mate!"

BARNABY: "But Rink, isn't Fair Dinkum afraid of being way up high?"

RINKUM: "Oh, not anymore: he's a hero now; he rescued Clara!"

...Either Rinkum is sincere or he wants to punish Dink for his unasked-for celebrity. Or, maybe, Rinkum has been converted to Clara-ism, and wants to offer Fair Dinkum as a sacrifice. Either way, I can't see this ending well...

RINKUM: "You know, I've always wanted to do a daredevil act with Dink---and now we can!"

True story: I once rescued a kitten from a drain pipe ...but that doesn't mean I want to (say) run with the bulls! Koala logic is baffling to me.

Anyway, Rinkum volunteered *Q.T. and Barnaby to place the posters throughout the town.

*My guess is 'Q.T.' is less an abbreviation and more a homophone for 'Cutie'.
I've not seen every episode, so if Q.T. has a proper name, I'm unaware of it.

It wasn't long before Fair Dinkum learned of the posters. Understanding but less than amused (and much, much less than willing to go through with the act), Fair Dinkum called for the posters to be taken down before the town could see them ...but it was already too late.
The town folk were dazzled by the posters and, as before, further spread the word through gossip replete with hyperbole.

Fair Dinkum's misgivings about the act, as well his vain attempts to get over his fear of heights, pads the episode a bit (it's fun stuff though).
Finally, Fair Dinkum (true to his namesake) decided it best to be honest about his fears.

FAIR DINKUM (to Rinkum): "I'm afraid there isn't going to be an act ...What's wrong is I've tried and tried and tried, but I just can't get over my fear of heights"

Before Rinkum could respond, the Clara worshippers return to offer further exultations to their hero.
The koala brothers hide, but Clara sniffs them out,

MARY-LOU (to Fair Dinkum): "We just wanted to come by to tell you that you're going to have biggest crowd ever at today's show!"

JIMBO: "Only every single solitary soul in Porker County's gonna be there, that's all---just to see your act!"

Natheless, Fair Dinkum remain firm in his resolve,

FAIR DINKUM: "Well, I'm afraid I'm not going to be dancing on the plane ...*stammers* I'm going to be shot out of a cannon instead!"


JIMBO: "Well that's even better, boy! Just think, Fair Dinkum: the Koala Kannonball!"

MARY-LOU: "Well, if you're gonna be shot out of a cannon, we'll just have to get our neighbors in Hog Haven to come, too!"

More excited gossip!

Fair Dinkum was determined to follow through. Alas, the circus cannon was a bit ...rusty.
Dismayed, Fair Dinkum sat down to contemplate his fate. Lilli came along and sat down beside,

LILLI: "...real heroes don't have to be daredevils: real heroes are people who do things for others"

FAIR DINKUM: "...Bt the people of Porker County expect me to fly out of the cannon. What am I going to do?"

LILLI: "Well, Dink, you're going to tell them the truth!"

...As he'd planned to do sooner, but the episode needed more material to fulfill its runtime.


Fair Dinkum (somewhy not garbed in his ringmaster attire) took the stand before all of Porker County and (presumably) Hog Haven (minus one or two anti-Clarains),

FAIR DINKUM: "...you see, I'm just a scared little koala. I could never go up on the plane, and I certainly couldn't be shot out of a cannon. I'm sorry to disappoint you"

LADY BLUE (in audience; to Jimbo): "You mean, he's not gonna do anything?"

JIMBO: "Nope! But it still took a whole lotta courage for that ol' boy to get on up there and tell the truth!"

How conveniently understanding of you, Jimbo! Personally, I think the crowd was about to destroy the circus in protest, but we'll never know. Outside, Clara is heard squealing---the parking brake of the circus wagon gave way, allowing the wagon to roll in Clara's direction (why wasn't she in the tent ...or why doesn't she just step to the side?)!

Fair Dinkum could somehow see what was happening outside. He dashed forth, pushing Clara out of the way before the wagon could grant my wish for BBQ!

JIMBO: "Well I'll be hog-tied!"

MARY-LOU: "Oh my, he saved our Clara again!"

The crowed roared in cheer for Fair Dinkum's feat. Later that day, Fair Dinkum was visited by the mayor, who bestowed a medal to Fair Dinkum,

MAYOR: "Mister Fair Dinkum: it is my honor as representative of this fair county, to give you the Henrietta P. Porker Medal of Valor as a token of thanks for your heroic actions!"

Fair Dinkum gave an awkward if not concise acceptance speech, which was met with much cheering, applause and other ululations of joy from the town. :3

DUMBO (to viewer): "The time's flown like a bird (or an elephant). But we'll be back really soon with another big show! You'll be there, too (OK?)! Bye-bye!"

...That was Dumbo's only line in this episode. :P

The episode ends here, albeit the episodes usually end with a kind of aftershow, consisting mostly of a song or two (the 'circus') and/or some jokes/puzzles (the 'sideshow'). This episode had more padding (musical numbers) than most, hence no circus at the end.

DC's songs tend to be catchy little earworms one may catch oneself humming in the shower ...which can be either fun or irksome, withstanding personality.
One song that sticks out for me is 'You're an Elephant Too'... it's not the words (per se), but it's the music and tone that's ...a bit creepy. It's impossible to explain and, alas, I have no upload of it to link to.

My favorite song from DC is 'I Love the Circus'. It goes in part,

"I love the circus,
I love the circus crowd
I love the big parade,
The day the circus comes to town
I love the colors,
They set the circus mood
I love the music,
And I even love the circus food"
-Dan Crow

...Well, of course---it's all yummy junk! XD

The most memorable act of the side show would have to be the jokes between Flip (rabbit) and Flap (bat?).
Their jokes were awful, but I enjoyed them as a child. However, I did wonder why these two were never seen elsewhere o the show---surely they're traveling with Dumbo and co. in the wagon---don't they ever come out or do any work? :P

...Anyway, that's 'The Hero of Porker County'.

I have to say this is among the more 'fun' episodes of DC---it's just so ridiculous! It's never explained why Clara is so revered.
I mean, per my perspective, Clara's just some pig---nothing terrific. Again, I'd just as soon subject her to some radiant energy and serve her for a humble, yet satisfying dinner ...and, yes, I think I'm much cleverer than I really am. :P

Apart from (poking fun at) Clara, I also enjoy Porker County itself: its population of bumpkins gives it personality (cliche as it is).

Overall, episodes of DC were hit or miss---the better episodes tended to be those which were more about the towns than the goings-on of the circus itself (with few exceptions).
The best episode of DC is one I (at the time of this review) have no link to: the episode about the disappearing town (it was locked in some Victorian era, and was accessible for only one day every hundred years, if memory serves).

PS: In my attempt to uncover what 'Q.T.' could stand for, I discovered this (twas no help, but it's safe ...and amazing!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGvFpbaXoSw


male 1,158,892, female 1,047,026, m 28,348, love 23,806, f 23,768, text 20,209, pig 8,598, koala 1,872, circus 583, review 328, dumbo 79
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 5 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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