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3 we had 3, and honestly it's not a bad typing, I agree I hope it's not, but if it is, I'll be okay with that, least it'll be more honest than Incineroar.. who I hate with a burning passion.
3 we had 3, and honestly it's not a bad typing, I agree I hope it's not, but if it is, I'll be okay
i dont like incineroar to but if it is a fire and fighting type i know the pokemon community would be in a shit storm. even i will be extremely angry. scorbunny is super cute but i really hope they dont fuck up the evolution designs...
i dont like incineroar to but if it is a fire and fighting type i know the pokemon community would b
That is fine, you can like who you like, and honestly of the three that gen visually loved the oshawatt line the most... that final evolution was not something I liked though... specially as it felt like it came outta left field, bipedal, bipedal... wtf... but honestly that gens starters are the ones I like least out of Pokemon so that could just be me.
That is fine, you can like who you like, and honestly of the three that gen visually loved the oshaw
I find this hilarious because before I saw this , My canon story for my scorbunny oc scorch , is that he is allways covered in bandages from getting into fights with my shiny litten Oc copycat XD need to get art of copycat , but heres my scorbunny <3 Deffinetly my favorite choice so far! Tho grookey could be promising too.
I absolutely love your grumpy Litten(it's become my default head canon whenever i pick one), but its nice to see him put in his place once in a while XD
I absolutely love your grumpy Litten(it's become my default head canon whenever i pick one), but its