drew some super cute and hot pics of himself as some variety of big-sword wielding, RPG adventurer type (with barely any clothes, because of course) and it made me think of doing something similar with Grae, so. Here he is, with some heavy Dark Souls influence (and an overwhelming desire to stab things) l3
I really like making silly diagrams with text highlighting the 'features', in case you couldn't tell by now l3
That is true. However, wearing some kind of chest/abdomen protection would probably be advised, in this world of consistent stabbing.
One of my favorites is the Warrior artifact armor from Final Fantasy XI: https://nasomi.com/wiki/images/0/0c/Hume_WAR_%28FFXI%29... Hey close-range melee guy, you know what would be good? Armor that completely exposes your whole midriff, that sounds like a good idea.
That is true. However, wearing some kind of chest/abdomen protection would probably be advised, in