, Ari, and I've spent a long time putting this together!
Yosh-E-O has had this story in the works for years, and it's finally available for print! "Welcome to Saurral Manor" is his series of stories with his cute little dinos - and this stand alone tale, "City of Solitude" is a big adventure all the Haposaurs go on together! It's all Yosh-e-o's writing, featuring a bunch of art inside drawn by Ari. I did all the editing, set up, and drew one of the covers. We have two covers because there are two books!
Both books are the same inside! One is self-published (Ari's cover, lower price), the other has an ISBN registered (Nishi's cover, regular price) to sell all over the internet - having an ISBN makes it a little more expensive, so we made two versions. We don't actually make any money off these books (for now!) since we'd rather as many people be able to get them as possible. So pick whichever book you'd like!