This originally was an entry for leon's Art of the Story contest. Unfortunately it has been called off by now because most contestants (like me) couldn't submit anything in time due to ... well... real life. University started again for me right when the contest was announced open so I didn't have enough time to finish this quickly. On top of that I'm a really slow (and lazy) artist. I get there eventually.... I'm sorry for your contest, Leon. It was thought out well and I really liked the possibility to choose scenes from different stories. I hope you still like how this turned out.
I chose the MEPI showcase reaction scene from Young Heroes because I really like the story and its characters. After reading a few lines from chapter 2 I realized that's the one I'm gonna take and had to read the whole thing first to get the 'bigger picture'. I hope you continue this story someday, Leon.
These are Zeo (Deer, 6) and Zachary (Coyote, 10) in the 'shelter's' cafeteria. Zack is just receiving some very much unwanted news.