I wasn't sure what to do, So thinking about what makes furret furret, its naturally the fact that it's about 99% pure floof.
So I ended up with a silly idea using my usual PMD setting.
Jaze and Pyre were exploring Mt. Traveil, and as they neared the peak they found a monster house. A monster house full of only Furrets!
Jaze was immediantly swamped in the floof before Pyre scared them all away. He was high enough level to get out with little damage, not that a slam from a slinky floofball would do mcuh damage anyway...
But uhh it may take a while for him to get over the experience.
If you haven't noticed already, this little comic is actually reference to a clip from rick and morty of when he experienced 'true level'. a stupid idea that came into my head when I imagined Furret as the 'true floof' pokemon and I just went with it.