Caroline (a.k.a. Carol) and Robert Wilkson are the parents of my three mouse siblings: Tanya, Gina, and Thomas Wilkson.
Carol and Robert's story on how they got together is a rather traditional one. You see, they were next-door neighbors ever since they were little. Both of their parents were friends, so it was only natural for them to become friends in the process. Over time, their friendship had evolved into a much more intimate bond and when Carol entered high school, they started dating (Carol was 14 at the time, while Robert was about 16). After Carol graduated from high school, Robert decided to join the police force and help protect his community. Many months worth of training later, he graduated at the top of his class and became a full-fledged officer. It was also around this time when Robert and Carol decided to get married, which they did the following year. Carol and Robert were 20 and 22 years old respectively at the time of the wedding.
Years passed and while Robert worked on advancing his career as a policeman, Carol worked as a cashier at Lucky's Grocery. When they both saved up enough money, they moved to a nice house in the suburbs (they weren't interested in living in their old, run-down apartment anymore). Time passed and shortly after her thirtieth birthday, Carol decided that it was time to have children. She convinced Robert that they should become parents with very little effort, and by the age of 32, Carol gave birth to their first daughter Tanya. Carol would then quit her job so as to become a full-time mom. Two years later, Carol gave birth to their second daughter Gina, and after another two years, she would give birth to their son Tom. After Tom was born, they decided not to have anymore children; as far as they were concerned, three were enough for them. More time passed and as life marched on, the Wilkson family faced a variety of obstacles; two of the bigger ones being Gina's medical condition and Tanya's unexpected pregnancy.
Shortly after her fourteenth birthday, Gina's breasts began to develop (this was also around the time when Gina had just finished middle school and was now on summer vacation). At first, Carol and Robert thought it was only a severe case of puberty, what with Gina's bustline going from an A-cup to a C-cup in only a couple of weeks. After a whole month though, Gina's breasts easily grew to be larger than her own head; thus causing some major concern amongst her parents. Robert and Carol immediately took their daughter to Payton General Hospital and shortly thereafter, found out that she had Stadler Syndrome; a rare genetic disorder that caused the subject to constantly produce and retain milk. While they were relieved to discover that Stadler Syndrome wasn't fatal, Gina's parents were still worried about her overall predicament. After all, her breasts were now bigger than ripe pumpkins, how well was Gina going to be treated when she started high school? Turns out, not very well; the moment Gina stepped into her first class as a high school freshman; she was immediately bombarded with questions, allegations, and even insults. A few students were even so bold as to try and remove her shirt, just to see if her gratuitous bosom was indeed real. If it weren't for her siblings' protection and some administrative action done by the faculty, then Gina probably wouldn't have survived high school. It would take a lot of support from her family (namely Tanya in particular), but eventually, Gina learned to cope with her endowments and to a lesser degree, even enjoy them. Life amongst the Wilkson family became a bit more normal after that and continued to be fairly uneventful for the next few years; up until Tanya's pregnancy anyway.
Robert and Carol found out about Tanya's pregnancy when they popped in for a surprise visit and noticed a rather round protrusion coming from their daughter's abdomen (Tanya was around five months pregnant at this time). They were fairly surprised to see Tanya in her expectant state, so naturally, they started asking her questions. Tanya was never really sure how to tell her parents about the pregnancy, but she tried her best to explain everything in detail. She enlightened them by telling her parents how she met Victor, how he was the father of her children, how he suddenly left her after discovering her pregnancy, and finally, how she was determined to raise all seven of her babies; even though she wasn't exactly sure how she would be able to do so. After she told everything that needed to be told, there followed a long pause. Then, Robert and Carol both hugged Tanya and promised that they'd do whatever they could to help her. Tanya nearly cried after hearing such a statement, for she was more than thankful for their support. Since then, Robert and Carol have been looking forward to meeting their new grandchildren very soon.
Carol could probably be best described as both lively and adventurous. She likes to try new things and she greatly enjoys the idea of traveling to places she's never been to before. Carol is also very motherly and in many cases, very protective of her family. She likes to think of herself as the cool mom, but in reality, she's the polar opposite; she's the "oh my god, I don't want to be seen in public with you" type mom. She's very kind though and she always means well, despite having constantly embarrassed her children and even her own husband.
Robert is a fairly down-to-earth kind-of guy, who likes to read and occasionally watch a good football game. He works hard in everything that he does, and he always tries to provide for his family. He regards himself as a very practical person or at the very least, a lot more practical than his wife Carol. He loves Carol very dearly, even though he sometimes wonders if she was ever this crazy before he married her.
Carol is about 57 years old and is roughly 4'11", making her a fairly short individual. As for Robert, he's about 59 years old and he towers over his wife at a height of 5'10". Carol is slightly paunchy while Robert has a more chunky build.
Misc. Info:
Robert and Carol are currently living on their own, their children having moved away to live their own lives. Tom is attending medical school and thus living at the dorms, while Tanya was able to acquire a house of her own. Gina slummed around town for a bit until ultimately moving in with her sister. All of the Wilkson siblings live about five to six hours away from Robert and Carol.
When Gina started having problems because of her huge bustline, her parents confronted the school's principal and demanded that something be done to help protect their daughter. When the principal figured out just how big a problem the situation could be for both the school and Gina, he quickly approved new laws pertaining to delinquent behavior. One of the major ones being that if a student ever assaulted another student in any way, shape or form, then the offending student would receive punishment ranging from a month's worth of detention and a hefty fine to expulsion from school. The new rules prevented any further attacks against Gina (i.e. attempts to rip off her shirt); however, Gina was still mocked and catcalled all throughout her high school years; which did not make for very fond memories in the long run.
Robert has three brothers; Theodore, Hubert, and Ronald Wilkson. He and his brothers are quadruplets, so they're all about the same age and look fairly similar. As for Carol, she has a sister by the name of Sheila Hartsfield, who's about fifteen years younger than her and is also much more pear-shaped. Sheila is currently spending most of her time just traveling the world, and Carol is kind-of jealous of her because of that.
Robert still works as a police officer, although now he's spending most of his time dealing with paperwork rather than actively patrolling the city. He also works as an instructor at the police academy; he mostly teaches the new recruits how to use firearms as well as how to properly investigate crime scenes.
While Carol worked as a stay-at-home mom, she also ran a babysitting service out of her own home. Carol's clientele were predominately just her neighbors from down the street. They would drop off their children at Carol's house in the morning and then pick them up later in the evening. She usually took care of about eight children every day, while also raising her own offspring in the meantime; making it a total of eleven children that she would look after. Carol doesn't take care of that many children anymore, although nowadays, she'll still watch over her neighbor's grandkids from time to time.
characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord
carol wilkson
robert wilkson
6 years, 2 months ago
26 Dec 2018 23:44 CET
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