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by minum
In our hearts you will be always black.

male 1,193,968, sjw 17, chuchel 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 6 years, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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6 years, 2 months ago
Looks like a soot Sprite, where's he from?
6 years, 2 months ago
From the game "Chuchel" x3
6 years, 2 months ago
Oh xD thank ya, I kinda do prefer him like this because of the color contrast but it's understandable
6 years, 2 months ago
From  now on every time I see this picture ill always imagine Mr. Popo from team fours star
6 years, 2 months ago
Soon he will be white too. Do not show it to SJWs=C
6 years, 2 months ago
Fuck SJW'S the best things are racist🐵 funny as hell
6 years, 2 months ago
It, wasn't "skeletons" even. Someone pointed something out to the devs, no arguments or campaing. The devs just said "oh, we didn't know that. And you make a good point."
6 years, 2 months ago
He was already turned blue.
6 years, 2 months ago
Is that from some game like Botanicula? :3
6 years, 2 months ago
They created by same company x3
6 years, 2 months ago
Holy sh, I gotta check that out! I loved Botanicula. I see even the musicians are the same. This gotta be good! :3
6 years, 2 months ago
I hope x3
6 years, 2 months ago
I'm so upset people don't retort with "the character is an animated scribble ball and has no relation to any race or nation. The fact that you identify this character with people of a specific race says more about you than it does of us."

BOOM, would shut those people down REAL fast.
6 years, 2 months ago
The devs didn’t want their character to look like a mammy get over it.
6 years, 2 months ago
They didnt even know about it until someone pointed it out. They changed their artistic vision because someone whined about it.
6 years, 2 months ago
Yeah, it's almost like artists are free to change their work as they see fit when they're informed of an interpretation they hadn't considered which they don't wish to be associated with their artistic vision.
6 years, 2 months ago
Sounds more like they were socially pressured to change it so they won't look like a racist to the vocal minority more than being free to do so to me
6 years, 2 months ago
So there's no possible way someone could have said "heyyy, that's kinda racist lookin there..." with the response "oh. OH. oh shit, we hadn't even considered that. you're right, that's bad." It's gotta be a vocal minority tearing down the vision of the noble artists, withering under social pressure to appease the horrible complainers.
6 years, 2 months ago
" neitsuke wrote:
Sounds more like they were socially pressured to change it so they won't look like a racist to the vocal minority more than being free to do so to me
   Socially it’s cool to have empathy, yes.
6 years, 2 months ago
No idea where the empathy was here, I just saw some people whining about a detail only themselves see as racist . These kinds of people see racisms/whatever on absolutely everything and nowadays people have to listen to that loud minority from that fear to look like an asshole to others. Can't wait I'll wait until they whine about refined flour because it apparently promotes white supremacy or something then companies will be forced to dye it green
6 years, 2 months ago
Not wanting to upset fellow humans = empathy.

This is how black people were depicted, they understandably don’t really like that right? You see how the design is similar? They obviously didn’t do it on purpose and just having the design isn’t inherently racist per se but wouldn’t you not want to upset black people by having a character that looks like an old racist stereotype of black people? Wouldn’t you think “oh, now that you pointed that out that may make people feel bad” and want to change it?

If I thought you were racist it wouldnt be because you like the design it would be because it’s the conclusion that’s easy to come to when you get angry at people for thinking things are “racist” and play the white victim card.
6 years, 2 months ago
" Not wanting to upset fellow humans = empathy.

You aready upset me by your opinion and action, is that means what you do not have empathy?

" understandably don’t really like that right?

Chuchel design doesn't  have any relation with it. Before SJW, everyone (even black people) played this game and did not think about it.

" you not want to upset black people

Did you ask black people about it? No? Then why you think what they will be support you? I think even they can say what you are lost your mind, because of that foughts.

" that’s easy to come to when you get angry at people for thinking things are “racist” and play the white victim card.

We already have laws and constitution, which clearly shows rights and equality = empathy. To call everything “racist” is not empathy it's censorship, contempt to others work and inverted fascism, which can be used by black people, because they are humas too actually (they can be bad and they can be good), for their reasons (Serena Williams for example). What's why laws and constitution should be in the first place. Your thoughts killing equality of your country and all.
6 years, 2 months ago
Ya'll are all being autistic fuckmonkeys. Sit yo' asses down and cool it.

From what I gather, It really does come down to "that looks like ____" and the game devs replied like "Oh. O h. OH. Oh, yeah, That's a porblem right dere."

Now everyone settle your beans and get back to yiffing.
6 years, 2 months ago
I find the point by point method of arguing on the internet exhausting and honestly unhelpful. It’s pedantic and time consuming, often it leads to a hundred different side arguments and nobody gets anywhere.

1. This “gotcha” of reverse logic doesn’t work, I don’t care. I know you have empathy and I know you know I do.

2. I pointed out Chuchels unfortunate relation to “The Golliwog”. They look similar, that’s it.

3. It’s true that I hadn’t consulted any POC. Instead I tried to put myself in their shoes. If I were black, I’m not sure i’d care about the design because it’s obvious they didn’t design him after a Golliwog stereotype or mean anything malicious. Someone may not like to be reminded of the Golliwog though and I’d think it sweet that the devs would change their game for those people. I also reflected on what I thought that the POC and other progressives in my life and/or on social media (that I follow) would think.

4. This is what really irks me, the notion that there is already true equality because of laws and that there is no systematic oppression. That thought process is narrow minded. I’m not gunna create charts and PowerPoint presentations for you since it’s not my job but it’s just not true. Comparing progressives to fascists is fucked up. You may think this is “useless” since I didn’t create a comprehensive course for you to learn from but i’m challenging your ideas and maybe you’ll remember my perspective next time you think about politics. Seems like most POC can tell you about how they experience inequality, you just don’t believe them? They’re just wrong? I started really listening to women, POC, and all kinds of LGBTQ people a couple of years ago and since then I’ve become much more progressive. Before, I was kind of an edgy atheist type kid.
6 years, 2 months ago
You find it "unhelpful", but I need to know what you are really uderstand what you talking about. This is the reason why I need it.
1."reverse logic doesn’t work" - I need reasons why. I told my reasons you still didn't. This is the first problem.
2."They look similar, that’s it." - no, they are not, because every character was drawn in this style. I didn't see what only "black" characters have it, so where is no any relation to it. It's only in your head, because you cant think about fun style, you only can think about bad things.
3."It’s true that I hadn’t consulted any POC." - then why you trying to dictate your rules to others? First you MUST ask them about it and ONLY AFTER you can "put yourself in their shoes". This is the second your problem.
4."that there is no systematic oppression" - Sorry, but real world is NOT fairy tale and never will be. You can think about "good" black and "bad" white as long as you wish, but people are different no matter which color of skin they have. Maybe in your city black people are good, but in other they can rape you and kill, same as white. And you can't fix it with your "empathy", because problem is in mental and genetic problems. You can't do anything with it. This is third and last problem which you cant fix. So you will fail.
"Comparing progressives to fascists" - because you are. Hitler wanted to do the same - build true perfect white race. He did not care about the details and problems of this. You want to build perfect society and, as he you not care about the details and problems of this. You just believe what somehow it can work AS Hitler. In the end was chaos and war.
"but i’m challenging your ideas" - first of all you should give me FACTS what your ideas is working. Right now you even cant expalin your thoughts.
"Seems like most POC can tell you" - you are forgot, what you didn't asked them =)
"I started really listening to women, POC, and all kinds of LGBTQ people" - since you said: "I hadn’t consulted any POC" - I think what this is bullshit again. Plus you do not have real researches about how to fix this social problems. This is fail again.
As you can see, you have nothig right now, but somehow you think what you can dictate your rules.This means what you even can't understand what you talking about and do not have real methods to fix it, except Hitler's methods. This is not "progressive", this is stupidity.
"atheist type kid" - I do not care about your problems with religion =_=
6 years, 2 months ago
6 years, 2 months ago
I am glad what you show your maniac side. Now you should find a doctor.
6 years, 2 months ago
They don't identify it with a specific race, they identify it with aspects of a racist caricature.
6 years, 2 months ago
I think people should stop compare everything with shit, or every part of the world will be associated with this shit. Do you want to live in the world where everything associated with hate, racism and etc? I do not hink so. I think we should find the real meaming of every thing. For example, Chuchel is just a disign, swastika - symbol of Sun and etc. We should understand what problem not in sybmbols, problem in PEOPLE. After it our world will be not so stupid.
6 years, 2 months ago
You're wrong. Symbols are language and convey meaning. You don't get to decide that other people aren't allowed to see the meaning that a symbol has been used for in the past, especially when it's been used in an oppressive way. We live in the real world, and you don't get to dictate how and when someone decides that a symbol they used was taken the wrong way and needs to be changed to avoid that interpretation.

This character was unintentionally designed with aspects that have a clear tie to racial oppression for a large number of people. Racism is not predicated on intentions. (And for the record, Akira Toriyama's use of racist caricature tropes is, in fact, hella racist, but fanboys get their dicks in a knot over it because they refuse to understand that racist acts can occur without clear intent and that their silly cartoon isn't ideologically pure and untouchable. It's possible to like Dragon Ball AND think there are racist character designs in it that shouldn't have been used.)
6 years, 2 months ago
True, but in the beginning they do not mean anything at all.
" you don't get to dictate

Hitler can, SJW can too, why I can't? You see, we should forget about bad meanings, to make them good or all the world will be full of hate. For example, what if black color will be mean racism? What next? Pictures without black color? Do you understend how ridiculous it is? What's why all SJW are wrong. They just use turned inside out type of racism (since they do not care about white people) to censor everything and dictate their rules, even if it's do not mean anything bad. This is a new fascism actually.
6 years, 2 months ago
Nice cherry picking and ignoring the context of my words! Really, A+ intellectual dishonesty. So since you're not arguing in good faith, I'm ending this interaction before I say any of the things I'm thinking of to insult your intelligence.
6 years, 2 months ago
" context of my words

Are you sure? When how about "they do not mean anything at all"? They just cratches and painting - this is ALL. Real "context" in people behavior and thoughts - this is first and last context. If you want to change something, then you should change people thought in the first, but you like fight with symbols. Do you think what you can change something after it? NO, because will be another wave with opposite force. Plus you ignored my example with black color without any correction where I am wrong. Looks like you just like world of hate or think what your opinion is ultimate. This is sad.
6 years, 2 months ago
You established the rules, shitlord, you don't get to complain when I follow them. Bye.
6 years, 2 months ago
Real rules in your constitutional law. This is first and last rules for you and for me. This is all.
6 years, 2 months ago
And this is sad, because it's not. Their mids is horribly dirty.
6 years, 2 months ago
Is it really not ok to think “I don’t want to upset people because this character looks like a racial stereotype”?
6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, because of this:
1. Racial problems only in US maybe UK (because of their history) and not in other countries. Why I and others should respond for it? Plus we already have laws, which saying what eveone should have protection and opinion - this is first and last equality for me and everyone. Rules of SJW is not my problem, since they are useless and can't solve the problems, because they only can censor everything - this is NOT solving problems, this is bullshit.
2. If you will be think like that, then everything in the world will be upset someone. Someone dislike black color, someone hate red hats, someone upset because he can't blow up people with bombs. Let's censor everything, right? And specially we should say "yes" to the bombs, to make people happy. In this world do you want to live? I am not.
6 years, 2 months ago
I’m sorry that you think that way.
6 years, 2 months ago
Do not say "sorry", since it's usless and do not solve the problem. If I am wrong, then you should write explanation why I am wrong with real facts. "upset people" and emotional stories - isn't explanation, since they do not shows roots of problems to solve them.
6 years, 2 months ago
I can't imagine ever being you. Perhaps look up the definition of the word sociopath, or maybe psychopath. Might make you learn something about yourself.
6 years, 2 months ago
Do you understand what your comment is useless? If you want to change my mind, you should give me proofs what I am wrong. I am already wrote mine, where I said why SJW are wrong. So I am waiting. Right now, I upset you, you upset me - this is real life, because we live not in MLP world. Accept it.
Also you can hate me as long as you wish, but without proofs you are still wrong. This is how real life works.
6 years, 2 months ago
Im sorry you were abused to the point where you lack basic empathy and literally are incapable of seeing whats wrong with the situation here.

Debating with you wont change anything. Y'all were brainwashed and I pity you.
6 years, 2 months ago
"basic empathy"? Which empathy can be form someone, who hate and trying to censor everything, just because he or she associate it with something bad? Those people have a problems with their mind, because they can think only about bad things, as result they hate everything and trying to dictate their rules to everyone. They do not feel empathy to a time and love, which designer put to a game or character. They just want to kill it. Do you know who did the same things? Adolf Hitler! So, which empathy are we talking about? I do not feel empathy to a killers. If we talk about people who suffered from racism, then we already have constitution, where we can see all rights for everyone. So if you REALLY want to show your empathy, then you should do everything, which wrote there. Easy, right? Why I should listen SWJ after it I can't understand.
"Y'all were brainwashed" - then why I can explain my opinion and you are not? Sorry, but "brainwashed" only you here.
6 years, 2 months ago
I've been studying psychopathy for a decade now, and wanted to add, you show zero signs of it.
6 years, 2 months ago
Thank you x3
6 years, 2 months ago
I will always have to laugh when I see a character of make-believe cause so much unrest or what not. It's a character a creation of someone's idea for whatever unless blatantly made to cause issues against something, it is just a character.
6 years, 2 months ago
There is the possibility of modding.
6 years, 2 months ago
And this is good x3
6 years, 2 months ago
There sure are a lot of people in here getting upset about something that's not even relevant to the Creator of this character
6 years, 2 months ago
People are so stupid :/
6 years ago
wait why rip what happened to this character?? i rmemeber markiplier or maybe jacksepticeye playing thsi game and it beign weird
6 years ago
Well this character is not black anymore =_=
6 years ago
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