Threw out the old title because, as I often do, I came up with a story behind this as I was drawing it.
"Are you sure this place is safe? I don't think we're supposed to be here," the canine stammered.
Ri replied with an annoyed sigh. Alex was new to her coven. She had selected him for the same reason she found herself annoyed with him; he was weak-willed and easily influenced. A perfect candidate for the more tedious work that the stronger of heart would question. All she had to do was instill a sense of loyalty in him which was the exact purpose of this "ritual." It would show him just how powerful she was.
"This place is long abandoned and my power protects it. My coven practices in the shadows at the dead of night where none can interfere." Ri slipped in the window of the old building and motioned for Alex to follow which he did reluctantly. Inside, their footsteps echoed through the building and the only light came from the moonlight through the windows. Alex was practically shaking with fear while Ri continued on unafraid. He was vulnerable and although he was twice her size, she knew he was relying on her. His insecurities would play right into her paws. All of a sudden, Ri stopped and whirled around to meet Alex's eyes.
"Beyond here is ground purified by my coven. No unnatural thing can enter."
"W-what does that mean?" Alex stammered back.
"Your clothes," Ri hissed. "They are of the world. Leave them here."
Alex's heart leaped into his throat. He had no idea that was part of the ritual. He fidgeted nervously. He didn't want Ri to see him nude already, especially with the crush he had been harboring over the girl. But then she invited him to her coven and everything was happening so fast.
"Ri, I didn't-" he started and then his mouth snapped shut. Ri had stripped herself of her jacket and was already tugging up her shirt. She stopped just beneath her breasts, brazenly revealing that she wore no bra underneath. "What are you doing?" he gulped.
"I told you, no unclean thing may enter. Even I must shed my clothes. If you don't do the same, you'll never be allowed into my coven," she said with a sly grin, holding her shirt just where it was as if waiting for Alex to begin disrobing.
His heart was pounding in his chest and his lips were quivering. Just the thought of seeing the rest of her body had his head swimming. Like a dog taking a command, Alex shed the rest of his clothing in seconds. It wasn't until after he was nude that he noticed his canine shaft beginning to peek out from his sheath. He blushed underneath his fur but was much too distracted by watching Ri to do anything else. Her shirt slipped over her head, weaving her pigtails through it and dropping it to the floor. Even with her slender frame, her breasts were large and perky. He caught the glint of metal in the dim light, blood rushing to his groin as he realized both of her nipples were pierced. He then heard the clinking of her belt and moments later, she was bending over like a stripper, pulling down her jeans. When she straightened her back, they were both as naked as the day they were born and Alex's red cock was bobbing like he had been presented with a bitch in heat. But Ri knew that tonight he would not experience true satisfaction. Tonight she would tease him, lure him in. On the other side of the door, her coven waited for them. He would be awestruck by her followers, reverenced by the dim candlelight and meticulous ceremony and driven wild as Ri engaged in vivid, carnal pleasures before his very eyes. He would want more. He would need more and in a month's time, he will call her mistress and pleasure her in their rituals, enticing more to enter her grasp.
voodoo doll
13 years, 3 months ago
05 Dec 2011 08:44 CET
Initial: 99e5cb97d1a12b1963c58bbc9a099824
Full Size: 7d5bdc5d1ee32c2e5c4abf6ae91e0033
Large: 1cce5d946ad193d01778cb704db2c670
Small: ad511fe68d24b859632d07640d5c335a
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