Completely intentional. I definitely had Sutler ranting at the podium during a Norsefire rally in mind when I drew Steel there. There's also a little bit of Greg Stillson from The Dead Zone in there. Meanwhile, the campaign slogan is from the classic Doctor Who serial Inferno. It was the motto of the fascist Republic of Great Britain in an alternate universe.
Completely intentional. I definitely had Sutler ranting at the podium during a Norsefire rally in mi
If Steel’s security men there are named Creedy and Almond, I’ll be laughing. Funnily enough, the original graphic novel gave Norsefire’s leader the name Adam Susan. Obviously the filmmakers didn’t think that name would be taken seriously, so it became Sutler.
If Steel’s security men there are named Creedy and Almond, I’ll be laughing. Funnily enough, the ori