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Pent and Samaliel trick or treat
Keywords male 1198210, cub 278310, canine 191219, dog 172786, male/male 124870, boy 81099, shota 34356, halloween 22584, puppy 17439, brothers 6887, horror 5473, scary 2021, beagle 1692, trick or treat 1169, nelson88 493, haunted house 176
Haunted House by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains underaged content. You have been warned.

“Everyone is entitled to one good scare.”
-Leigh Brackett

Everyone person no matter how old or how young and regardless of their place in society finds some level of solace in all Hallow's Eve. For both the young at heart and those who are physically young, it might be for the love of sweets. For others, it could be for the love of dressing up. But for many, there is a sheer bliss that comes with the causing another to flee in terror or otherwise tremble in fear. But at what point the line is crossed is very much in the eyes of the beholder.

Nelson and Sammy were twins who lived in the suburbs of a big city. Their parents had settled on Whitefish Bay which was just a few miles outside of the urban crush of Milwaukee. Both of the adults in the house had cush jobs as they had been in the business of real estate for some time. The father worked for a big firm in the city and his wife served as an agent for the Bureau of housing in the local government. It was rather a strange marriage of convenience, but the two deeply loved each other regardless of the conflict of interest.

The boys were now 10-years-old which meant that they were getting closer to the age when trick or treating would slowly be unpopular among their peers. Their parents figured it to be the case since their colleagues at work had older kids who had informed them of this trend, which typically occurred around middle school.  Both the mother and father loved Halloween more than any other holiday and they legitimately wanted their sons to enjoy every little bit of it they could.

This particular holiday the boys were given the liberty to choose their costume for once. Both of the puppies were keen on video games and particularly fond of the Legend of Zelda games. However, neither boy was able to settle on who would be Link and who would be Ganondorf. It was up to the parents to settle the issue, as always. In order to solve it without favoritism, they had to resort to a simple flipping of coins.

It was decided that the easiest way to settle the dispute was to flip a coin. Sammy chose heads since he was the older cub, if only by a few minutes. The mother was to be in charge as she took a coin in her paw and threw it up into the air. It didn't take long before it landed on the floor with tails up which meant Remi was the winner and would get his choice of costume.   The cub was the only differential in the fact he wore glasses.

The cub was ecstatic that he got the choice. He thought about it for a  moment and the entire time he did so, Sammy stared at him with whiny puppy eyes. The smaller boy knew exactly what his brother wanted.

“I'll let Sammy be Link since he wants it so badly. I will be Ganondorf.” The smaller cub usually gave in to what the other wanted anyways.

“Really? Thank you so much!” Sammy leaned over to hug his brother who hugged him back tightly.

“Good boys. I knew you could figure it out on your own.” The mother left the room leaving the cubs to their own devices.

“Alright, well I guess we should get ready then to go out tonight?” Remi suggested it as he knew his brother wanted to get an early start on trick or treating.

“Yeah, totally!” The larger cub wasted no time in getting around to changing into his costume.

Sammy was the first one to go to the closet to get the two costumes so the two of them could change into them. The costumes weren't exactly professional but the boy's mother had spent a good deal of time sewing them and buying the pieces she couldn't make to complete them.

Regardless it was the thought that matter and neither cub was about to complain. Frankly, she had done a fine job for an amateur. The woman had grown up with her own mother teaching her the basics of knitting and sewing. As such, she was adept at it and able to fix minor things and create little projects here and there. The mother even occasionally made clothing for the boy and this was one of the occasions where it called for her skills.

It took Sammy all of about 2 minutes to get into his costume. The Link costume was a simple green tunic and white tights, along with a brown belt and boots. His accessories included a wooden shield and a toy sword to complete the outfit. Remi, on the other hand, had a much more ornate costume and of the two it was the more involved to make. He had a full dark cloak which was draped over his head, complete with long flowing robes that were a mixture of pitch black, maroon, and pine green.

The two were supposed to be the protagonist and antagonist from the Wind Waker game which both of them had played several times over. Like his brother, Remi was given a sword but instead of having one he had two. He was not forced to wear boots since the robe was long enough to cover his feet. Once he was ready, all that was left was collecting a bucket so that they had something to store the candy in after they went out.

The beagle twins were now ready, complete with two jack-o-lanterns to accompany their outfits. It matched the majority of their fur color along with spritzes of white along their belly underside and their tails. Now both of the cubs were ready for a long night of trick or treating and perhaps even pigging out on candy afterward, depending on when they returned from their outing. Both of the boys made their way to the door as they were prepared to leave.

“Look at you two. The little hero and his villain counterpart. Get by the wall and I will take a picture of you guys to show our relatives.”

Remi and Sammy stood over near the wall as the larger one adjusted his glasses.

“Say pumpkins!” The mother made up a corny replacement for cheese as she took a quick photo on her phone.

The two boys weren't about to wait to be told that they could be free. Each was equally jubilant that it was finally time to go trick or treating. It wasn't completely dark out but the cubs had already had dinner and knew they only had a few hours before they had a curfew and needed to go back home.

Sammy was the first one out as he was always the more rambunctious of the two.

“Let's have a sword battle!” The smaller boy unsheathed his sword and held it aloft indicating that he was ready for a skirmish.

Remi did the same, trying with all of his dexterity to manage to wield both swords but he had never trained with both paws before, so it was quite difficult. The smaller cub struck first and the second he did, great Ganondorf dropped the sword from his left hand.

“En garde” Sammy had seen enough swashbuckling scenes to know the official phrase to begin a fencing match.

Remi put up his sword and began whacking at the other boy who managed to defend each swing that was swiped at him. Eventually, Sammy grew tired of defending and lunged forward after a single swift strike. It seemed he had been practicing. The smaller boy knocked the sword out of his brother's hands.

 “And so the hero is victorious yet again. Now give up Zelda, you foul demon!” Sammy poked his sword into his brother's chest.

“Okay, okay. You win...now let's go trick or treating.” Remi was already tired of the game, though mostly because he was sour that he had lost.

“Fine...But we shall meet again in battle!” The smaller cub was trying much too hard to fit the role of his character, even know Link never actually spoke.

The smaller brother helped the bigger one pick his stuff up and finally, they were on their way. They began in their own neighborhood. It wasn't quite dark out though it was late enough that the street lights already illuminated the streets. Both boys could make out that children of various ages were already long into the process of trick or treating. Sammy couldn't help but feel a bit sour that they hadn't gotten an earlier start on the night.

The first house was literally next store. The neighbors knew both the beagle twins. Like the boys family, they too were canine. However, they had recently immigrated in from Scotland and had yet to be cleared longterm by Immigration. Regardless, they knew of the celebration from their own home country which celebrated the holiday much the same way as it was in the states. Sammy raced up the stairs and rung the bell once he reached the doorstep.

The Mc Dougal's home wasn't quite decorated since they had just recently moved in. However, the Spaniel couple within had bought chocolates for the occasion. They opened up the door together and couldn't help but smile as the two video game characters cheerfully chimed off the usual rhetoric that went with trick or treating. They were rewarded with Lion bars, which were a chocolate brand that was fairly popular over in the United Kingdom.

“Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Dougal.” Remi wagged his tail in appreciation as the pair of cubs left the well-lit porch.

The Scottish couple showed themselves back indoor as the brothers went back towards the street. Over the course of the next hour, they managed to cover the entire block and even managed to almost fill their buckets. The cubs decided they would have to make a stop at the tree house in order to store some candy so they could get more. Sammy led the way back to their house, making sure to stop in with their parents in order to check in on time. It seemed they had two hours left before they had to retire for the night.

Once they were in the backyard, they stored their stuff in a small container, making sure to leave the perishables inside a small fridge which the boy's father had set up as a make-shift snack machine for the cubs. Even after one trip, the two storage spaces were almost full. Both boys knew that they had to make this trip count because they didn't really want to put candy inside. After all neither really wanted to share with their parents.

“Want to go to Connor's house? I hear he his parents set up a haunted house.” Remi made the suggestion but didn't expect his brother to buy into it.

“Why? What makes you think it's any better than last year.” Sammy briefly recalled the paltry parlor tricks their friend's parents had employed last year.

“Well, didn't Connor want us to go? Isn't that reason enough?” The larger cub was more keen on keeping his friend happy more than being scared.

“Isn't Connor trick or treating?” The smaller brother figured a boy of similar age would be partaking in the opportunity for free candy.

“I don't know. I remember he said he was going to help his parents though. Come on, it will be fun.” Remi got up from sitting cross-legged.

“Fine, but if it stinks then it's your fault.” Sammy stuck out his tongue at his brother playfully.

“Whatever. Don't be such a Debby Downer.” The larger cub often jested at his brother's expense.

Remi led out of the tree house and back through their home. Their parents paid them no mind as they made their way back through the front door. The two brothers had to break through a group of trick or treaters that were making their way to the families porch.  Once they were back in the street, the cubs followed the street lights making their way down the block. Connor's house was two streets over so it was a short walk from the boy's house.

It was getting later at night so many of the younger kids had already turned in for the night. As such the population of cubs and kids alike had thinned out significantly. The boys could make Collin's house which was at the end of 29th street. His house was at the very center of a roundabout where not many cars were since it was a dead end. The twins could make out their friends yard which was overdecorated with a large variety of Halloween ornaments.

Once they arrived, they could see that the family had gone overboard. The fence was basically destroyed or otherwise replaced with shattered pieces of wood and pickets. There was fake cobwebs all over it and some spiders that were crossing over the top of it, but in the same pattern and at the same speed each time. Clearly, it was mechanical, but the effort to pull off the stunt as real was very apparent. It was obvious there was a great deal of craftsmanship, or money, involved.

As the twins arrived onto the lawn there was a screen and a flash of light followed by a faux sound of thunder. Remi smiled because he knew that Connor's family had gone the extra mile after receiving all sorts of grief last year, for basically not trying at all. What was even more surprising is that the house no longer looked anything like it did previously. Just the other day it was a perfect manner of home but now it's windows were shattered and it's structure deteriorating.

Of course, it was all for show but anyone who was just visiting or had never been to the place before, might not have known that. As they made their way onto the porch, the door swung in. Even the entrance was dark and neither could see very far inside. Already Sammy was feeling a bit scared as he was never good with coping with his fear. He couldn't help but lunge over and cling onto his brother who looked over at him with a smirk on his face.

“Scared?”  Remi knew this to be the case after all he knew his brother better than anyone else.

“Uh-huh.” The smaller cub confirmed the obvious as his body trembled and shaked.

“Just come on! It won't be that bad.” The larger brother dragged the other one inside the door with him.

The entrance was saturated in fog. Even with the outside lights from the street it was almost pitch black. Remi led further in as he tried to feel his way, his brother clinging onto him for dear life. The taller boy was keeping to the wall to make sure there was at least a little light and it was leading him to the right. Inside the unknown room, there was a dim red light which illuminated a portion in the room. In the center was an operating table with a sheet draped over the top of it.

The bigger brother knew there had to be something underneath and the sheer curiosity of the prospect of what it was, made him insane. He needed to know and began to creep up slowly, and the second he got close enough to touch it, Sammy backed away in fear. The beagle took hold of the sheet and began to slowly pull it off. Bit by bit the figure underneath was revealed until half of the figure was showing.

The red light deepened and pivoted over the top as the figure vaulted forward from the table. Grabbing onto Remi as Sammy watched in sheer terror and screamed.

“Hahahahah!” Connor laughed as he knew he had tricked the smaller cub.

“Connor? Very funny.” Sammy was none too pleased as their friend laid theirs in fake blood and torn sheets.

“I got you good...What do you think of the place? Have you seen the rest?” The faux patient had given up the ruse and tried to make amends with his friends.

“It's pretty nifty...but can you let go of me?” Remi complained as his friend was still grabbing onto him.

“Oh, sorry. Check out the rest of the place and I'll join you guys after?”  Connor broke off away as he said this.

“Sure. You can join us for a little bit we have a bit of time left.” The taller brother responded as the smaller one was still cowering in the corner.

“Cool. Sorry, Sammy. I didn't mean to scare you.” Connor got off from the table and placed the torn bed sheet back on top of it.

“Don't worry about him. He'll be fine. Come on, scaredy cat.” Remi tugged at his brother and pulled him off the wall.

Remi was much harder to scare than his brother and so he pressed on towards the next part of the house. It was a two-story home, but he wasn't sure that the second floor was accessible. So instead he continued treading the right side of the room until he reached the kitchen.

The kitchen too was lightly lit up, though not from the presence of the red incandescent but from a scattering of candles which were spread around the room. The windows were boarded up with wood, although they did not appear to be broken. Again the smaller cub latched onto his brother like a security blanket as they made their way through. As they made their way past the refrigerator and by a pantry closer, the swinging door burst open. From within emerged yet another figure, this time draped in bandages.

The body was kept erect by a loop tied around its neck. To Remi, it looked like a doll but with the lack of lighting, he couldn't be certain. Sammy immediately crept behind him as the lifeless body hit the floor and behind it collapsed a tower of plastic rats and insects. The bigger cub kicked at it as he still wasn't phased by the attempt. However, he could hear a thumping noise that was resonating within the house.

Looking up it seemed there was a system of speakers that was replicating the noise every few moments. He was surprised that he had not picked up on it before. The only place that was left was upstairs. The taller cub trudged onward with his brother trying to hold him back but at this point, Remi was intent on seeing the entire inside from start to finish. Surprisingly the stairs were not barred from entry as he thought they might have been.

Some streamers slipped down the stairs with some slithering noises as the twins made their way up the stairs slowly. Each time they took a step, the wood beneath their paws creaked as if their size caused the foundations to weaken. Regardless it did not give way. Remi could see the top as they came near the end of the staircase. But before they could complete their ascension, their climb was cut off. At the top of a stair, yet another shadowy figure stood before them.

This time the shade definitely had moved there, meaning it was no doll. No arms could be seen as apparently, the shape was hiding something. The taller cub stopped as the silhouette moved ever so slightly and adjusted its form. Just then a sound of grinding and the roar of an engine could be heard. A single beam of line shone onto metal as the profile revealed it's ace of spades. A chainsaw to be sure and it very much looked and sounded to be real and threatening.

This was enough for Sammy to straight up jet towards the door as he bounded back downstairs, not waiting for his brother to catch up. While Remi didn't exactly buy the facade, he couldn't let the smaller cub go out on his own, so he followed in the others wake. The counter continuing to lurch towards his position as he looked over his shoulder to make sure the coast was clear. Seeing that it was following him, now he was becoming concerned.

Sammy was at the door, which was no longer open. Instead, it was jammed shut and the knob was no longer working. Remi was no longer as nonchalant as he once was, now clearly afraid though he still put up the tough guy persona and stood in front of his brother. The contour of blackness careened forward a stair at a time and within a minute it was at the base. It seemed they had nowhere to run as the door behind them swung open.

Another scream bellowed from behind them as the street lights from the outside invaded inward. Both boys now tumbled backward onto the porch, with their buts firmly on the top of the stairs. Behind them, a siren shrouded in flowing robes and in front of them the demonic gloom with murderous intent. Eventually, both of them loomed over them, seeming like they were in cohorts to end the cub's lives. Both brothers firmly believing that life was over as they clung to each other and closed their eyes.

“Gotcha!” A masculine voice sounded out as the boys hesitated to break their safety precaution.

“Come on boys, we promise the gig is up.” A feminine voice coaxed them to relax from behind them.

Remi was the first one to come around and as he opened his eyes, he found both of Connor's parents peering over him with a smile. His brother was still trembling as the taller boy tried to soothe him by rubbing on his back to ease his fear.

“It's alright, it's just Connor's mom and dad.” The bigger Beagle eased his brother out of his shell of shock.

“We'll help you guys up.” The mother leaned down to help the still fear stricken boy while Remi helped himself.

“You guys definitely outdid yourself this year.” Remi stuttered through his words as even he was afraid by their attempt at a thrill.

“Glad you think so. We didn't want to be the laughing stalk again.” The father handed the two cubs a bag of skittles which he knew was their favorite.

“Well, you boys enjoy the rest of your night and have a good Halloween. We're going to go back inside and set up for the next set of victims.” The mother chuckled after she said that.

Connor eventually showed up in his own costume. The husky had selected to be a mummy since it was the easiest transition from his patient gig.

“Ready you guys?” Connor asked as he exited from the house.

“Yeah, let's get some more candy!” Sammy was excited to go about a normal night of candy hoarding once again.

The rest of the night went like normal. The three boys spent what time they had left going from house to house collecting as many sweets as possible. They even lost track of time and didn't even return until 30 minutes after curfew. Connor was even permitted to stay at the twins house as his parents wanted to begin clean-up to re-normalize their own lives. However, the talk of the night was not how much candy they had gotten but rather the experience at their friend's house. Boy, what a thrill that was...a story for the future to be told for sure.
by pentrep
Training Day
Mechanical Miracle
A Halloween themed trade which I did for

It's about two cubs who go out trick or treating and get more than just candy.

male 1,198,210, cub 278,310, canine 191,219, dog 172,786, male/male 124,870, boy 81,099, shota 34,356, halloween 22,584, puppy 17,439, brothers 6,887, horror 5,473, scary 2,021, beagle 1,692, trick or treat 1,169, nelson88 493, haunted house 176
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 6 years, 5 months ago
Rating: General

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6 years, 5 months ago
I love it!Absolutely fantastic!
This one will be in my gallery today!Yay!Thanx!^^
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